92fs is still pure sex though. Would you prefer a P7 over the USP?
Gavin Nelson
I got to shoot a suppressed HK mk23 (or 24? I forget) in Las Vegas and fuck I want one. But honestly the USP looks blocky just like a glock. Both look good to my eyes but damn I want a big giant MK23
All of /k can fuck off with their infatuation with it
Jace Clark
How about arex? Im almost foreign to handguns and im yuropean. Btw i also heard somewhere that the sig was designed in estonia but the concept and all was bought by some huge company bc estonians lacked the production capability. Someone pls confirm if false/true. Image not related
>polymer guns win in reliability, longevity, accuracy >are clearly objectively better in every single way >b-but muh metal though, stupid tupperware might break
user, you're a fucking retard. You know why all those polymer handguns are better than metal ones? Because polymer is better than metal.
If you're insistent on being retarded, buy a goddamn Arex or a Lionheart LH9.
Ryan King
agreed aesthetic, no cool, yes
Jack Nelson
Never even heard of it. And sorry i dont take gun advice from euros.
>Makes retarded bogus claims >cant even back up with evidence
Literally fuck off, you polytwats are insufferable
You, are the epitome of stupidity. Dude I prefer autos, but even a fucking idiot can recognize Benefits of a revolver. >handles recoil well >in .357, a powerful cartridge >impossible to muck up >custom loads > aesthetic >single action triggers are beautiful >triggers retards like you
Man, I should pick up a revolver
Jackson Howard
Honestly I like revolvers too, but they are ancient technology. Time to move on old Man.
357 is great, but 12+ 9mm or 45 is better
Anthony Wilson
>cant even back up with evidence Do I even have to? You know I'm right. But I'll indulge you.
Name a single metal handgun that can endure the retarded shit they put the MK23 through. Tens of thousands of rounds of .45+p suppressed.
A Sig would blow its rails apart long, long before it made it close to that.
>Literally fuck off, you polytwats are insufferable That's the cognitive dissonance in your mind acting up. You want a metal framed gun, but you can't find an actual reason.
Luke Jenkins
What ive seen from polenars reviews its decent but idk if its better than a sig
Gavin Nguyen
I can agree with that statement
Luis Cruz
>a sig wouldnt last long
Well gee fucking howdy doo captian obvious? Gonna tell me that the skys blue next? Compare anything to sig and its going to be better. Jesus.
And sure, maybe that polymer gun can put up with abuse, but in 50 years that shits going to be brittle. Its poly nature.
I dont want that inferior shit. And you still havent given any real evidence or sources.
But honestly, as far as handguns go, revolvers really are the coolest.
My favorite calibers are both 44 mag and 357 mag.
I just feel at a disadvantage if d'quan and his 4 ape friends roll up on me and all I have is a 5 shot revolver. Scary.me
Leo Wilson
Call me crazy, but aside from accidentally engaging it when racking, i prefer it to the 1911 style safety
Julian Jenkins
>Name a single metal handgun that can endure the retarded shit they put the MK23 through. Tens of thousands of rounds of .45+p suppressed.
Name single handgun you need to be able to do that to go to the range every so often and carry around in case jamal wants your boipucci.
You're not a tier zero operator. You'd be fine with a 5 shot J-frame .38. Stop larping.
Zachary Jackson
Nope. I havent. Again, wheel guns are sweet, but higher rate of fire, less moving parts, and higher ammo capacity is even cooler
Oliver Campbell
>I just feel at a disadvantage if d'quan and his 4 ape friends roll up on me and all I have is a 5 shot revolver. Scary.me
Why do you hang out in negro zones?
Noah Powell
>why do you need this
I hate you faggots even more than I hate these polymer retards.
Is it such a crime to want a gun that can withstand a bulding being dropped on top of it, even if it just gets shot a few times a year? Apparently fucking so.
You should get a cheap wheelie if you can and give it a go. I'm not saying you have to carry it but I feel like anyone that masters the double action trigger will find every other trigger much easier to control.
Long story short, you dont know when niggers will appear, and ever since these stupid faggots legalized my state, niggers, retards, and californians have been flocking to my fucking homeland
Tyler Garcia
>real evidence or sources What do you want a source on? Saying SOURCE isn't an excuse to waste the other person's time.
>Compare anything to sig and its going to be better Why did you even start this thread. >I want a metal gun >but they're all shit, the only kinda good one is shit too >btw polymer sucks, metal rules How dumb can you be to come to the realization that polymer guns work better, but refuse to accept it? Are you a woman or something? >And sure, maybe that polymer gun can put up with abuse, but in 50 years that shits going to be brittle What do you want user, a gun that works now, or an heirloom you won't use because it's shit, but hey little Timmy will be able to pawn it in 50 years.
So, if you're not a badass operator you should carry the worst gun you can just because you probably won't die. Great advice, everyone should drive a Prius too.
Fuck that.
Michael James
Brandon Reyes
>I like the 92, but seriously man fuck those slide safteys >What in god green earth possessed those fucking retards to put it on the slide It's just a double stack P38 with a beefier slide, so they left the safety where they found it.
>So, if you're not a badass operator you should carry the worst gun you can just because you probably won't die. Great advice, everyone should drive a Prius too. >Fuck that.
You should carry:
1) a gun that is unobtrusive enough/comfortable enough that you will actually carry it as often as possible
2) a gun that is fun enough to practice with that you practice often.
Hits count. Carry what you can hit with. unless you get paid to carry a gun you will likely never need more than 3 rounds to end a fight so don't get bogged down by muh capacity.
Nathan Lee
>if you master the wheelie you will have a much better time with other guns.
This is exactly what ive been trying to tell you. As I said before, my two favorite calibers are 357 and 44 mag. I love revolvers. Love them.
But in a real world senario, Or shootout with andre, im going to feel much more comefortable with a modern handgun. They are much smoother, and maybe im just an autist, but revolvers do feel slightly more unweildy in my hands.
>revolvers do feel slightly more unweildy in my hands.
That's a training issue. I EDC a G19 but I will fuck ur shit up with my wheelieboys. I'm not Jerry Miculek but I can dump 6 rounds into a 6" circle at 10yds breddy fucking fast. If all I had was wheelies I wouldn't feel unarmed at all. Goddamn I have had some fun with muh spinbois.
Levi Morales
i dont even have a 1911 faggot, i just know it meets his requirements
James Fisher
Jesus christ. You really are fucking stupid. Do you even know what a fucking source is?
>makes claims that polymer will last eons longer than metal and take a more serious beating. THEN SHOW ME THE FUCKING PROOF YOU FUCKING MORON. You just saying something doesnt make it true. Literally fuck off back to your retard nest if you dont understand what a source/evidence is.
I never said it was superior either. I just said its gotta be metal, reliable, no slide saftey. And in todays day and age, thats like maybe 5 handguns. 1911, berettas, and a couple others.
>heirlooms dont work I want something that wont turn into a grenade in 40 fucking years from some stupid material people are buying into because of retardation and memes. I shoot my 100 year old metal rifles and dont have to worry. And the guy who shot it brand new didnt have to worry either.
Im going to stop replying to you now. Polymer twats just cant get out of their towering poly ego and understand simple terms
also >Be on gun forum >Not know that you can get 1911s in pretty much any caliber
Levi Lee
>you will likely never need more than 3 rounds to end a fight If I wanted to go with statistically likely outcomes, I wouldn't carry a gun in the first place user. You fudd retards can fuck right the fuck off.
It's disgusting that this argument used to combat antiguns is equally applicable to you. Unfuck yourself. I want the highest capacity, smallest, most reliable pistol. I don't want to saddle myself to old technology for warm fuzzy feelings it gives me.
Daniel Perez
>but in 50 years that shits going to be brittle. Its poly nature HK released the first polymer pistol 48 years ago. Are they brittle yet?
OG 92's actually have frame mounted safeties, the safety was relocated by request from several parties when they started seriously courting military contracts.
It's also not as big a deal as it's made out to be, even if you accidentally trip it the thumb of your strong hand will bump it back off in a good shooting grip. Training issue more than anything.
Sauce: I collect 92's, pic related my first model step slide 92. Less than 2,000 of them iirc
>Comparing precision German plastic to inbred Austrian plastic Hapsburgs please go and stay go.
Leo Gonzalez
>1911 >Reliable Pick one newfag.
No shit dumb fuck. Never said it couldn't be chambered in another caliber.
William Hernandez
>I don't want to saddle myself to old technology for warm fuzzy feelings it gives me.
The probability that I will die because I EDC a revolver is very low. The probability that I will enjoy nerding out daily about EDC'ing a revolver is very high.
I'm living my best life user. I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna let the threat of jigaboos rob me of that small joy. I hope you can find something to love as much as I love shooting revolvers.
you implied that by me saying 1911 that I must have meant 45 AARP so yeah, you did say it couldn't be chambered in another caliber
William Wood
Its so ugly..
>quotes a shitty gun literally nobody carrys, has, or even shoots in todays modern day and age Shit, I wonder the reasonings for this. Probably because they all broke
They fixed Walter's mistake and then undid the fix? Wonder what the justification for that was?
Charles Scott
>hes too retarded to understand what rails are used for
Whatever you say faggot, enjoy the dark
Evan Butler
>thats like maybe 5 handguns. 1911, berettas, and a couple others Right, and every one of those is inferior, and you know it, to modern polymer handguns. >Do you even know what a fucking source is? Do you? Because you can't succinctly explain what you want a source on. You just want to waste my time, because that's the first phase of argument on nu-Jow Forums and Jow Forums. Someone says something, you screech source whether you want it or not because it slows them down. You know there is no metal handgun with equivalent performance to polymer ones. That's literally why this thread is here. I'm not going to waste my time pulling up US Army and NATO data on MRBF on every single handgun in the world just to tell you HK and Glock polymer pistols are have the fewest failures.
>I want something that wont turn into a grenade in 40 fucking years from some stupid material people are buying into because of retardation and memes. in 40 years you'll be able to 3d print an entire new lower for it you goddamn retard. Not just the polymer but the metal too.
Go back to r*ddit, in the unironic way. Or at least change your imgur filenames from your prehistoric memes.
And that is a fine personal choice to make. Saying everyone should just carry a j frame because you like revolvers is retarded. >I hope you can find something to love as much as I love shooting revolvers. It's called a USP .45 Tactical, and I love it.
Easton Hernandez
>double stack 1911 with standard sized grip panels
Eat your heart out MK 23
Isaiah Butler
>not having NVGs as part of your EDC git gud
Christopher Williams
Slide mounted decockers were specifically in the RFP for a a lot of militaries in the era, they just did what their customers were asking for.
After the US type classified the M9 it was set in stone.
Robert Morris
Still has no idea what a source is even though I said i want evidence of a polymer gun "surviving thousands more shots than a metal gun" or whatever stupid shit was mentioned in the first post
Stopped reading there, bye retard
Luke Walker
>Shit, I wonder the reasonings for this. >Probably because they all broke Nah, it didn't sell well on account of having a shitty trigger. But it would still be interesting to see how the frames held up to the decades.
Cooper Gonzalez
If someone actually loved it and shot it, yea. But like many first productions, they are locked away and forgotten.
Polymer is literally nothing more than cost cutting, corner cutting construction because companies are getting too fucking lazy to actually put in good work anymore.
Makes me laugh people are paying 500$+ for something that ks essentially 50% plastic.
Jordan Evans
honestly Sigs are better than Arexes
There's never been a problem with P22_ pistols. The Arex is a cheap Eastern European knockoff that poorfags buy and claim it's "just as good".
Jackson Perry
>buying any guns made by europe post 1980
Fucking LOL
Camden Perez
They're fine, I've had a couple come through the shop.
They're reliable and accurate pistols, they just feel like you're pulling the lever on a staplegun when you pull the trigger. There's no preload on the striker so you have to charge it's full stroke everytime, it's basically like shooting DAO.
There you go. The only company that was even confident enough to submit a handgun for testing against the MK23 was Colt, with their OHWS. It failed horribly, while the MK23 survived a testing course including 30,000 rounds of +P ammunition. The guns ended up with a MRBF of over 6,000 rounds, the military's requirement was 2,000. The only part replacements required were the rubber o-rings used to seal the pistol for better suppressed use. The guns were tested in temperatures ranging from -25 degrees to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Colt's all steel gun with a supposedly ludicrously strong rotating barrel did not even pass the first phase of testing.
Kevin Ward
There's nothing wrong with Sig made Sigs, I had to RMA more Exeter products than literally any other brand, scuttlebutt from boys I know in that area is that they outsource all the small parts from China and India.
If you have doubts remember that Sig USA nowadays is effectively legally a different company from Sig Sauer and it's managed by the guy who ran kimber into the ground.
I mean, just because ONE variant of handgun made by a god tier production company beats every competetor doesnt mean every polymer handguns is going to be better user.
Literally anything made by HK is going to be borderline indestructible.
Gavin Cruz
>I want something that wont turn into a grenade in 40 fucking years from some stupid material people are buying into because of retardation and memes. Then get a polymer handgun so you don't have to worry about the finish getting ruined, being applied improperly, cracks forming, or any of the other bullshit that can happen to a metal framed gun, and isn't chosen due to ignorance about other materials and other dumb memes perpetuated by blowhards.
Gavin Reed
Definitely fine guns, definitely not enough information about its testing and adoption in English. Be wary of the French, they'd buy a janky retarded French anything over a German version any day.
Also note both the sections you quote require citations on wikipedia, everything I claim about the USP is straight from the US military. I don't doubt the MR73 is great, it is a handfitted boutique revolver, but I can't find much substantiated about it.
Glocks survive being owned by Glock owners. That's probably equally torturous as the SOCOM testing the MK23, when you think about it.
Some of the S&W's hold 7. That's as much as a 1911 and it's .357 not .45.
Cameron Ramirez
>Polymer is literally nothing more than cost cutting, corner cutting construction because companies are getting too fucking lazy to actually put in good work anymore. God forbid companies use a material that requires less babying to manufacture and maintain, and is cheaper for them and the end user
>Makes me laugh people are paying 500$+ for something that ks essentially 50% plastic. That's the worst argument in the books. It's not like steel is actually worth anything either in material costs.
Jason Phillips
>He is comparing material costs >Not total costs lmao, add in manufacturing to the pricing, faggot.
Ok, +$15 for a CNC operator. I doubt it sees a full hour of hands-on attention from an actual human being on the frame, but I'll give you the full amount. So a metal pistol is worth around $15 more than a polymer one. Congrats.
Luis Ramirez
.... plus tooling that gets worn out on a daily basis .... plus more expensive equipment with a higher rate of accumulating depreciation than an imm killselfkthnksbi
Protip, injection moulding, is cheaper than forging or machining.
>plus tooling that gets worn out on a daily basis >.... plus more expensive equipment with a higher rate of accumulating depreciation than an imm killselfkthnksbi
I mean sure, if you think polymer guns are 100% polymer. Protip: they're not. You're adding pennies to dollars per gun to final cost. Big deal for a company moving thousands of guns, tiny difference to the end consumer. It's not like it matters anyway, it's a gun. Either pay for aesthetics or pay for performance, if you pay for materials it better not be to replace plastic with aluminum or you're a retard.