>"Gotta learn to shoot with the iron sights before you get a scope"
"Gotta learn to shoot with the iron sights before you get a scope"
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Can boomer threads be a bannable offense?
But I'm gettin' a durr rifle with no irons
Having a consistent and repeatable mount is important.
The Mini-14? Now THAT was a gun
I mean like you should at least be good with some back up irons so that when your Ncstar red dot shits out you have a solid back up
This actually isn't bad practice, it makes fundamentals way more important. Optics are definitely the way to go for a gun you actually want to use stuff, but if you kame sure to practice with irons occasionally you'll be better of than if you just shot with glass forever.
You can even find reports from when the marines and UK forces standardized on magnified optics the people taught in the old way had a massive jump in hit rate but people trained from the ground up on optics got the same rates as before, they can kind of act like training wheels to hide fundamental skill problems.
You can eat ass, go tranny, listen to Tekashi69, and gaze at red dots all day if you want.
I learned how to shoot irons out of curiosity after o owning a red dot
Dire Straits ? Now THEY were a band
>"Gotta post a thread that sucks cock because I suck cock."
Ill sip to that
*respectfully nods at you*
Learning to shoot with irons is always a good practice.
There's no reason not to learn a skill like that.
also fpbp
t. 22 years old zoomer
Sad frog guy, now THAT'S a meme!
I want to thank you faggots for reinvigorating the butthurtedness around here.
Well that meme didn't last long before it lost any meaning.
Now I tell you, they just don't make guns like they used to. I was browsing that there Walmart and saw that they didn't even have any Remington wingmasters for sale...
Learning to use a tool without additional assistance is always a good idea.
Any traditional longbow archer in the world can shoot compound, the reverse is nowhere near true.
i fucking love this meme lol
>Shotguns for home defense? *Sip* Well the problem is, if you have to engage targets beyond the typical effective range of a shotgun, you're going to run into problems. *Sip* What you really need is a firearm that can reach out and touch someone at 400 yards+ and still maintain lethality.
I mean...
If you want to be able to shoot any gun you really should.
Rather own an AR than the piece of shit you say is a good rifle, aka Mini-14
>shell out more money for an optic that makes your pretty rifle custom and unique instead of learning how to use the more simple and reliable method.
Just why? It'd be like buying a car, never driving it even once, then installing a custom race wheel or one of those gimmicky cash-grab custom stick shift knobs.
>gotta learn to drive a 1960 manual transmission before you can drive a modern dualclutch automatic transmission
>440 magnum, now theres a motor.
some of us shoot long range
My ability to drive an old school manual transmission will not affect my ability to drive, or my understanding of my modern dualclutch transmission. It will literally never be a factor, even in the most dire circumstances where my ability to maneuver my vehicle can determine if I live or die. Your ability to shoot and conceptual understanding of the use of, iron sights can be a factor. Do you get it?
>"Hey /o/, I just bought my 2003 honda odyssey, should I put a super charger in it?"
>"Of course because some of us drive f1 cars, pussy."
>more simple and reliable method.
Iron sights are more complicated though.
>Your ability to shoot and conceptual understanding of the use of, iron sights can be a factor
Nope. Aiming with irons and optics is fundamentally different.
>dualclutch car dies
>its an emergency
>have to drive stick
>your entire squad dies
>you hide ina ditch because your mangina is cramping
T. James "buck angel" yeager.
The imbecility of zoomers never ceases to amaze.
Let's say I'm someone who has more money than time or talent and wants to be a passable shot. Can I get that with an EZ-mode sight?
>Master of bait
>allign crosshair with target
>focus never leaves target
>align front with rear
>aquire target
>focus on front sight
>shift focus to target to ascertain hits
Irons are a more complicated firing process by the very defintion of "complicated" brainlet. Sorry you dont understand words.
>no argument
typical brainlet
>lining 3 things up is less complicated than lining 2 things up
You asked why some people put optics on their guns and I answered. I never recommended anyone else do so. Why are you being so hostile?
Why is that even a thing? Is it too hard for the manufacturer put 3 beads on the barrel?
You're just saying that the older soldiers with more experience were better on the range than new soldiers with no experience.
Now that's a waifu. *sip*
The Zoomer salt in this thread is amazing. I bet they all started out on an AR with an optic, heh. Kids these days.
>if I say the other side is mad, I win
Wait who the fuck owns guns and doesn't know how to shoot with irons is this a real thing I don't believe that
It's okay, son. You'll get better with practice.
There are a lot of teenagers on Jow Forums now who started on an AR with an optic and don't practice enough because of it.
I don't understand why you would teach a kid to shoot on an AR with an optic I thought it was pretty standard practice to give them a shitty .22 short and a bunch of cheap ass rounds to learn to shoot with? Why would you buy all that shit for your 11 year old or whatever?
>one sentence
How old are you?
Put 3 dots in a row
>put zero dots in a row
>MORE complicated
Post those barn size groups, retard.
what is the gray line under the nose? a poorly drawn mustache? sort of looks like his scalp is wearing a wife beater.
It must be hard being an idiot
i never push it on anyone else but i have an autistic thing where i dont see glass as worth using. either i hit it with ironsights or im cheating. im ok with missing. id rather miss than use glass.
Yeah, you should learn to use the sights before you start throwing optics and shit on your gun.
How is this a meme?
Yeah, you should learn to use an atlatl before even touching a firearm. Why is this a question?
I respect that stance, for target shooting.
It's three sentences missing an obvious period.
To show off their Gucci to their kid.
Apples and oranges.
Why? So anyone serious about shooting it has to deal with removing them?
Well, yeah...you should learn how to operate a firearm without optics...you fucking idiot.
"I can carry anywhere, i registered my gun at the store when i bought it"
Any scope would be high enough to clear the beads.
It wouldn't hurt your aim.
They are thinly veiled Monster advertising so yes
thats... suprisingly true actually
>When you try to make fun of something.
>That something is actually solid advice.
Fuck off with your shit meme, OP.
When your stepdad taught you to drive did he start you on the busiest highway in the largest city nearby or did he have you drive around some suburb or backroad that no one ever goes to? No one says you shouldn't bother learning to use iron sights but fudds never learned to read.
>*crack* the M1? Great gun, don't make them like that anymore *sip* ahhhh...oh you meant the carbine? Gramps always said frozen jackets stopped those bullets in Korea, never trusted em. .30-06, now there's a round.
>he's so fucking shit at shooting that he thinks glass will save him
lmaoing at ur life rn bud
>When your stepdad taught you to drive did he start you on the busiest highway in the largest city nearby
actually yes he did, and when the roads were empy he would constantly shout instead, when i askeded him why he was such an asshole when im drivring he said it was to "build character"... and yes i almost crashed several yimes
Shooting with irons is fun though.
source on that Ran?
He does that because you're a fucking hazard to everyone else on the road as a new driver.
nvm found it
I consider irons to be the back road in this analogy personally
That's a retarded comparison. If you dont line your irons up right, you miss. If you dont signal on a super busy highway, you can get in an accident. Those consequences are completely disproportionate.
>Those consequences are completely disproportionate.
Not to get full fudd about this, but that depends on what you're shooting at, doesn't it? :^)
>TFW there is nothing wrong with anything in this image.
Wow how did this even get replies?
if I was a janitor, any thread with a boomer image would be deleted instantly.
Virtually every kind of sight uses some or all of the skills needed to use irons, and irons are the all-around best as well as the default on most weapons. Learning to use irons is harder, but it's easier to go from any kind of glass to irons than vice versa.
>Father was fucking obsessed with scopes
>All of his rifles had a gigantic scope on it
>Shotgun had a scope on it
>Pistol had the biggest scope of all on it
That, and he was obsessed with the latest and greatest entertainment television systems.
>Just boomer things
what the fuck is that image
>shooting with irons is difficult and something to be proud of
>shooting with irons is someone optimal
>target acquisition is somehow quicker with irons
Why are ironfags so retarded?
Goblin hive in the making. Every hill has one.
Every gun show I've veen to I've heard something like this or similar
>"6.5 Creedmoor" *crack* "know that's a real round" *sip*.
>"6.5 Creedmoor" *crack* "know that's a real round" *sip*.
>Yep, .45 ACP, now that's a round. Good ol manstopper *sip*
>centuries old technology
>more complicated
sounds like a stepdad
>*ass cracks* Awww yeah muh nigga, white pride world wide *braps* knowunsayin muh broo-durr? *mulatto infensifies* gotta, yo, gotta be the whitest mans and sheeeiiit, fuggin librulz
>Irons are a more complicated firing process
Sure, if you leave things like parallax and eye relief out of the equation.
Sadly, a lot of shooting enthusiasts today are self taught. They pick up all manner of African shooting traits, and there’s no real corrective mechanism in place. If you try a little constructive criticism, they call you Boomer and Fudd just before magdumping 90 rounds into an 18 inch pattern on a target 5 yards away.
Let me know when you figure it out.
Yikes, cringe
Shut the fuck up, boomer.
You were taught wrong and then push it.
Like pedos create pedos...
lmao you fags are acting like shooting with irons is a super difficult, technical skill
literally anyone can shoot with irons, in the army everyone learns on irons and I have seen actual, literal sub-70 iq retards shoot well with iron sights
on a scale of shooting difficulty 1-10 shooting with glass is a 1 and irons are like a 1.2