Tries to invade Burger land. Has clash with Burger Militia 20 miles south of the U.S. Cucknadian border. (All along Cucknadia's southern border). What happens to the Burger Militia LARPRs?
Cucknadian Army
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They suffer 10:1 losses while buying enough time for the proper military to respond. What would have been a deep penetrating advance is instead ground to a halt 20 miles past the border as canadian forces are engaged by hunters in real tree using gorilla tactics. The marines shownup. The entire border is napalmed as a "defoliant" measure. Canadian bacon can be smelled for hundreds of miles. The US anexes canada within 2.5 years.
Burger militia is completely decimated, half by wounds suffered, half by heart attacks. It's a good enough reason to finally dust off the B-52s and carpet bomb Quebec.
Volunteer burgers shoot a lot more than Canadian military. We burn down their House of Parliament and liberate Leafistan.
I was thinking about what if Tredow took after his biological dad Castro and wanted to annex the northern parts of the United states?
Would leafland be split up into states or become a vassal government?
I wouldn’t even give them 20 miles. And I sincerely doubt 10:1 loss. Maybe 1:1. Probably 1:2 considering the actual effectiveness of hunting camouflage and the accuracy and stopping power of hunting rifles in the area. A military force will be using 5.56 and 7.62. These hunters will be using calibers designed for moose, elk, and bear. Consider what a 45-90 would do to a maplestani manlet from the rifle of a virtually invisible hunter at 250 yards.
>stoppin powuh!
>untrained, arthritic fudds superior to military trained soldiers in prime physical condition
>conflict is decided by who has the bigger bullet, not who has the greater volume of fire
>invisible at 250 yards
>throwing massive fireballs with a target crown 45-90
Fuck. I know the cucknadians will lose, but your shit is making me rethink that.
Fair enough. Say that the Burgerland Militia are thinking smart in their stalling tactics. Also remember that Private ownership of muzzle loading smoothbore and rifled cannons aren't as strictly controlled as one would think. …
>muzzleloading cannon
>doubles down on S T O P P I N P O W U H
>less than a round a minute
>will imediately swallow HUNDREDS of rounds of returning fire
Stop, cletus. Its time to put the keyboard down.
What? I'm just saying that muzzle loading cannons are perfectly legal to own and would be an option. Plus I wouldn't want to be caught out in the open or even in partial cover if a crew had loaded a double charge of canister shot and had it aimed in my general direction
Again I'm not saying that said cannon crew WOULDN'T take a hell of a lot of return fire and casualties but would anyone really want to be on the wrong side of a well manned cannon even if it's just one shot? ….
>cannon crewed by 4 men takes one shot
>they all die
>everyone supporting them dies
>canadian forces suffer maybe 5 casualties, one of which is killed
10:1 american deaths to canadian
>muzzle loading cannons are perfectly legal to own and would be an option.
>fudd militia wheels out their 1800's repro muzzleloading cannon out into the woods four days in advance on their ATV because they knew they'd need it before the canadian military even began the invasion
>set up along the border with a few dozen other camouflaged hunter militia members
>half the canadian force just flies overhead in choppers, a few .45-70's ring out but nothing lands
>Rumbling of heavy vehicles that follow signal the ground force arrives
>"Shit! Get the cannon!"
>Four guys stand around the cannon to aim it, one man stands with his burning slow match
>IFV pulls up
>Four idiots and their brightly burning match show clear as day on the IR
>Take aim with machine gun
>Canister shot sprays the front of the IFV, denting the armor and cracking equipment, one unfortunate soldier 30 meters behind falls dead
>IFV opens up with full auto MG, sprays the shit out of the cannon crew before they can even duck for cover
Well you're making the assumption that the cannons would be used against armor. Which wouldn't make any sense. Against dismounted infantry beginning an advance and using loads that would make sense for anti-personnel I could see where even an old front stuffer would be of use.
>he thinks canadians are going to march across the border on foot
Calm your tits user and stop trying to put words in my mouth. Keeping in mind Guerrilla warfare tactics with such a piece if on hand would dictate what to inflict the most casualties on an opposing force while offering minimal losses of your own troops?
It would be only a liability you ignorant fuck. How do you get it there? How do you get it back? Why are you wasting precious resources on a ficking BLACK POWDER CANNON instead of arming your men with modern semiautomatic rifles? Use your fucking brain.
Again user calm your tits and stop saying something I haven't stated. They would be armed with what they have in their possession (most often semi-auto rifles) the cannon would be an aid to the force. Think through what is being talked about and avoid being a sperg for 2.1 seconds.
>under cover of darkness ghillie-suit clad burgers paint nike swooshes on leaf vehicles
>leafs perplexed and terrified as wave after human wave of basketball americans swarm them any time they get near a city like the zombies in World War Z
>leafs give up after half their number are sodomized by black cock and all their vehicles are left jacked up on cinder blocks, tires stolen
>useless hunk of steel weighing hundreds of pounds
In what way, dipshit? You keep saying it would be useful, you have mentioned HOW it would be useful zero times.
Please tell me that your parents at the least fed you Crayola crayons. It would be useful as a means of a surprise swarm of large caliber round ball going down range toward the enemy infantry. Causing serious wounds to personnel if not out killing a large number of them. Add to that the sudden confusion and the rest of the enemy force caught in the kill zone being whittled away by rifle fire.
Okay dude, if you're doing asymmetrical warfare guerilla tactics, you are going to be going through every possible option to not be going toe to toe with enemy forces. You are going to ditch your giant lump of fuck because it has no tactical nor strategic value in a doctrine centered around harrying, ambushing, and retreating from an opposing force.
All asymmetric warfare is based on logistical warfare. You are banking on your ability to make their invasion uneconomical to continue waging, not standing up in front of them and getting mowed down. You are exploiting the fact that a conventional military is obvious, is comparatively slow to react, is tied to logistic chains, is weighed down both in gear and in regulation of many kinds. You need to exploit to your best your light carry, your fast mobility, your lack of political ties. You are exploiting the fact that you have locally sourced weapons and ammo while they have to spend valuable fuel by the gallon to get theirs where it needs to be.
If you don't do that to its utmost extent. you're going to get fucking raped you stupid chucklefuck. War is about economy and logistics, not about how big a hole you can put in a man at 600 yards with a .45-70.
I said nothing about using a .45-70 but I wouldn't discount it if that was all I had. I'm talking about making use of as many dirty tricks and all means possible to buy time and inflict casualties to stall the enemy force and buy time for conventional forces.
Meanwhile, you and your idiot hunter forces are going to be caught in the sudden confusion of getting 360 .223's sprayed at you in under a minute while having a 25mm autocannon from an LAVIII blasts holes in your position 60 times faster than your cannon could at best (assuming the totally unprotected crew don't all get shot in the first ten seconds), with HE rounds to boot.
The fact you think a muzzleloading cannon is going to cause more chaos to one modern mechanized infantry squad than what they can cause to you is astoundingly retarded.
And what is a 19th century cannon going to do that is superior to something like laying a minefield?
Well if all you have for a heavy artillery piece IS a 19th century cannon and not much else to make use of. Well you either make use of it or go without and risk more casualties.
>Modern Mechanized Infantry
Also notice I made a clear distinction of targeting dismounted enemy infantry and not wasting time with launching a single solid shot on a hardened moving target.
>maplestani manlet
>not listening the second time
>thread absolutely derailed by some fucking retard who thinks a muzzled loading cannon has ANY practical use against a modern army, on foot or otherwise
All I'm getting from what you are saying is that if you had to make a fire to keep from freezing to death your idiotic ass would rather freeze to death than make use of the tools at hand. Which means you're either a manchild with no actual understanding of "Do or die" or you're one of those kids that gets on the short bus to go to school.
You'd be better off with bump saws and tannerite claymores
Go drink bleach and remove yourself from the genepool for everyone's sake you moronic little faggot.