>more maneuverable than Spitfires
>faster than Mustangs and Thunderbolts
>more heavily armed than Fw-190s
You may not like it but this is the ideal single engine fighter, this is what peak performance looks like.
>more maneuverable than Spitfires
>faster than Mustangs and Thunderbolts
>more heavily armed than Fw-190s
You may not like it but this is the ideal single engine fighter, this is what peak performance looks like.
Other urls found in this thread:
So much this!
At what speeds, at what altitudes and against what models? Checkmate, nerd.
Japs got BTFO that two generations later they're still cucked.
6000m, a common altitude for B-29 raids
Read the book 'Zero' by Masatake Okumiya and you'll see that the Japs were doomed from the start. They admit it themselves. You can make the world's best plane but that doesn't mean shit if you can't make 1000 a month.
Japan makes the strongest and fastest tanks and planes.
If japanese people are so smart why cant they speak English properly? Or in this case should i say propelly? youtube.com
But Japanese people speak Japanese which is faster and cuter!
>Literally a smaller Leopard2A6
lmao Spain makes better tanks than Japan
>be 2a6
>be bigger target
>lack autoloader
>lack hydropneumatic suspension
>lack full speed reverse
japan fast
>Be 2E
>Be better armored than 2A6
>Spanish loading doctrine is nuts
>Have undocumented (for lulz) 2 more degrees of gun elevation and depression
>have a different transmission with better reverse than 2A6
Yup, Spain makes better tanks than Japan.
Also hydropneumatic is overrated
Japan strong
>t. Real Engineering subscriber
>lack autoloader
autoloader a shit
Leopard 2s throw their turrets like T-72s you dumb naziboos
Hey man read this book written by a japanese 103 year old guy and edited and translated by 45 different american editors, he himself says that his country was shit and not as cool as america, oh and that when japn admirals saw american dive bombers they commented saying "they fight like samurai" oh btw support the troops for the war on "tehr" stolen valer
The fuselage shape is perfect, top tier aesthetics.
You forgot
>made out of paper
>getting hit
[spoiler]wasn't it the one of the few nipp planes with armored glass and seat?[/spoiler]
it had armor and self sealing tanks
didn't know the army used Zeroes
OP’s plane is a Ki-84
>more maneuverable than spitfires
Which Mk? And the zero was theoretically more maneuverable than a Corsair but the latter’s higher speed meant it was on the winning end of an 11:1 KDR.
>faster than Thunderbolt or Mustang
Ki-84 had a top speed widely accepted as 384 mph, roughly 60 mph slower than latewar P-47s and P-51s
>more heavily armed than FW-190
Again, which variant? And the FW-190 wasn’t necessarily the most heavily armed plane of the war.
Yeah, it was so good they told their pilots to fly them into aircraft carriers instead of using them as intended
>literally had skin 0.5mm thick in places
>you had to be careful when getting in otherwise you might put your foot through a wing
>no self-sealing fuel tanks that practically all other fighters of the era had
>therefore tend to burst into flame
>no hydraulic assistance for control surfaces, meaning that high speeds would kill the aircraft's maneuverability
It's like you guys aren't even subscribed to Real Engineering on YouTube.
European fighter planes were bad, this isn't a revelation
Any source for your claims?
This, you giant faggots.
Inb4 pictures of Leo2 that got hit by a Maverick, (V)IEBed or detonated after capture.
>but i got this single one here that..
Leo2 still dont throw turrets like T-72s. Yes, the ammorack in the hull is a weak point, but it still aint as bad as what you are complaining about.
Japanese people, like this gun, are smaller and cuter.
what plane do you think that is in OP's image?
>And the zero was theoretically more maneuverable than a Corsair but the latter’s higher speed meant it was on the winning end of an 11:1 KDR.
>speed is more important
>have better records because more speed
>durr it was more maneuverable
>Ki-84 had a top speed widely accepted as 384 mph, roughly 60 mph slower than latewar P-47s and P-51s
IIRC the early mustangs with allison engines were slower so it's technically half true
>Again, which variant? And the FW-190 wasn’t necessarily the most heavily armed plane of the war.
hei had 2 20mms and 2 30mms, which is probably as high as wartime single engine props go without gunpods
>5 made
oh okay so it's not then
Not peak durability though
3,514 made sweetie
the Ki-84 incorporated the latest armor and fuel tank protection technology because the pilots of the previous army mainstay fighter requested more protection
This guy thinks the pic in the OP is a Zero!
Japanese planes are perfection!
They are the best!
this is true
>top speed doesn’t heavily vary with altitude
isn't top line speed measured at ideal altitude
Yes, and those vary by aircraft.
An extreme example of this would be the F8F, which was faster than a P-51 or P-47 on the deck but can barely stay in the air at the altitudes those planes hit their top speeds.
But that isnt a F6F Hellcat
Oh, the Allison engined variants that were only made in small numbers 2 years prior to the ki-84 ever flying and would have never encountered it in combat? Fail.
was this the one with or without armor?
I know there's about as much merit in it as dickwaving about the thickest part of a tank's armor, I just followed the comparison he insisted on making
it's almost as if I wrote technically for a reason
boats had no armor either but the one famous for not having it is the G4M
The Zero had very little armor, and no self sealing tanks, because they weighed too much for the design requirements set out for the plane.
Also, it was fucking terrible at high speeds, as the control surfaces were rather large, giving them more mobility, but rendering them harder to manuever at high speed.
Also, their carbs were an older design, and couldn't handle zero g manuevers, just like the early spitfires. Unoike the spitfires, though, they were never updated to fix that quirk.
In short, it started as a damn good single engine fighter. At the end of the war, they were basically just used for suicide runs.
are you blind or just shitposting
never understood why they didn't armor up yamamotos plane, or did they?
>weeb so mad he got btfo when he posted it in /wtg/ that he tries again in Jow Forums
What fuel would they use to fill these planes up fast enough to intercept a raid of b29s... they'd get maybe 3 up.
How else would he follow the divine way, aka dying uselessly for the Emperor?
in a slightly more armored coffin?
lol have you read it?
He went through the production information and the social and political climate of the times and gave a fairly wholesome picture of why the empire couldn't fight. He did say that he admired B-17 pilots but he also killed Americans so he wasn't exactly sucking their dicks. Why u so mad when facts start showing up famalam
it was just a standard flightline bomber, they didn't cart him around in a special airplane. he was a very down to earth guy so maybe he didn't want special treatment but he did fly with escorts. The problem is the Americans had cracked the Japanese encryption. So they were waitng for Yamamoto and and armored plane wouldn't have saved him since there was a cloud of p-38s waiting for him.
...do they though?
The Shinden had production issues still and was still not quite an answer to heavy fighters who could attack when and where they pleased
>The zero
Stopped reading right there
>poopydude weeb is a nigger
That would indicate less willingness to die for him, leading to less honor
>PROVEN right
Yeah he was down to earth allright. In a flaming, spiralling kinda way
No love for the shiden kai?
>tfw /wtg/ colony is more lively than mainland /wtg/
>hei had 2 20mms and 2 30mms, which is probably as high as wartime single engine props go without gunpods
Fw 190 had 4 cannons and 2 MGs as pretty much the standard through the war. The most produced variant, the A-8, had 2 13 mm MG131 and 4 20 mm MG151/20. The outer wing cannons were regularly swapped for 30 mm MK108s, and that was the standard in Sturmjäger units.
Baste weeb thredd of redpills!
most aesthetic plane of the war
smooth silky and streamlined, too bad it's fucking green
With so many of these super fighters you would expect more b-29s to have been shot down.
they did force the B-29s to bomb at night
Absolute trash compared to Japanese equivalents onions basedboy basedbeans cuck baka desu senpai
To be honest that's not a difficult decision to make, the B-29's are equipped with ground mapping radar and their goal is incendiary bombing. That's a move they were pretty comfortable making.
Kill yourself. It’s not (V)IEBed. It’s VBIED.
What the fuck dude.
/wtg/ scum stay in your containment board.
the only thing 131s had going for them was that at least they're better than 8mm guns
but even if we factor it in I'd say the hei's high velocity 30mms beat the kraut chode guns and 131s considering you'd want to stay as far away from a bomber as possible
Blame poopydude who shits in diapers
>/wtg/ moves into /his/
>average IQ skyrockets
If the average denizen of this board can't distinguish an A6M from a Ki-84 there isn't much hope
Aircraft armor isn't like tank armor, it doesn't actually make the plane that much more resistant to being shot down, it just protects the crew in most cases.
Yeh they're long way from M2 and UB, but still much preferred over MG17. They had to make a new caliber and gun they could fit in the cramped space of 109's nose without lengthening the plane
BTW I dont think many Ki-84s had the 30 mm cannons. Most had 2 HMG 2 20 mm cannons and some quad cannons.
Mk108 isnt as high velocity as Ho-115 but it has nearly double the rate of fire. Useful when attacking a bomber formation in a head on attack...
More like based poopydude who shits in diapers
wasn't he arrested for being a pedo
Yeah, that’s why he’s constantly posting from his jail cell.
How long after that pic did it catch fire?
Why didn’t Germany just buy Japanese?
>being bad
>not being good
what plane do you think that is
Then why didn't they simply shoot down all the B-29s instead of allowing them to bomb every strategic target in Japan into rubble and ash?
They can't even distinguish an early P-47 from F6F.
fighter escort, being out numbered, deficiencies in night fighting, lack of trained pilots
So in other words the plane was pretty much irrelevant to the war.
It didn't change the course of the war, but this doesn't mean it was irrelevant to it. The Ki-84 was the most capable Japanese fighter and allowed a good pilot to stand toe to toe with an American fighter
>The Ki-84 was the most capable Japanese fighter
Didn't mean jack shit when B-29s were flying largely uncontested over the Japanese mainland.
>allowed a good pilot to stand toe to toe with an American fighter
I thought the excuse was that there was no good pilots left?
>all the fucking brainlets ITT thinking it's a Zero
Eternal summer, since 2012 or so.
I guess the P-47 is irrelevant to the war because the Mustang was the one that escorted bombers and cleared the skies. I guess the Corsair and Hellcat were irrelevant to the war because the F4F was the plane that broke the back of the Japanese carrier force.
>lack of trained pilots
>I thought the excuse was that there was no good pilots left?
Lack doesn't mean 0 and it's a fact, not an excuse.
Have you seen my Hellcat?
>I guess the P-47 is irrelevant to the war because the Mustang was the one that escorted bombers and cleared the skies.
The P-47 was pretty much irrelevant to the war after it got replaced by the P-51, yes.
>I guess the Corsair and Hellcat were irrelevant to the war because the F4F was the plane that broke the back of the Japanese carrier force.
No, they kept the pressure up to not allow the enemy to recover and were vital in the defense from Japanese cowardly suicide bombers against US ships.
Mustand and F4F are irrelevant too, becuse US only needed B-29s. Could have build more B-29s without wasting time on escorts.
>No, they kept the pressure up to not allow the enemy to recover and were vital in the defense from Japanese cowardly suicide bombers against US ships.
I don't see anything here about firebombing Japanese cities so yeah they were irrelevant to the war also
KI84 is my favourite aircraft
can dive almost like jug, almost as fast as a corsair, almost turns like a spitfire
at least thats what the americans say, the reality is nobody really knows what these aircraft were like, the japs had so many infrastructural problems by the time these were brought into the war, they never really showed their potential
Imagine if they manufactured them in Zero numbers, and had all the zero pilots jump into ki84s, like what the americans did with their wildcat pilots into corsairs and hellcats
there were plans to mount 2 x 20mm + 2 x 30mms, imagine that shit raking a b29