Attached: East-Hem_1200ad.jpg (3240x1903, 1.69M)
Jow Forums in the year 1200 A.D
Ayden Torres
Jeremiah Torres
>sure is great being a peasant farmer
>oh cool a pointy stick
James Gutierrez
I miss Rome...
Jeremiah Jones
Good news the arrow shortage is over!
Lucas Ross
ban assault horse archers now
Anthony Taylor
Why is my maille hauberk covered in shit? Oh that's right, I have dysentery.
Jose Brown
Fuck! I have the sniffles. Well I guess I’ll see you guys in the afterlife.
Anthony Phillips
No wonder! You've been drinking from the well we threw the Jew down. Better go see the apothecary.
Logan Jones
Sure is nice living in these kingdoms that have lasted for centuries and hold books and scrolls containing information from ncient times while also making scientific advances our selves
Hope no one fucks this up
Jackson Bennett
blocks your path
Benjamin Baker
I took this sword from a drunktard in my tavern, he looked like an inbred hun with a hun blade. Anybody know what this is? Wood carving related
Cooper Nguyen
Carter Hughes
Anyone know anything about this stuff called gunpowder that the Chinese have made
Michael Taylor
> [Come on, let's try something new, I insist. ]
> [My life is in your hands...]
> [As long as you know what you're doing.]
Robert Phillips
Curse those saracens
Ryan Hughes
I think you mean C.E. you illiterate knuckle dragger
Carson Murphy
The fuck is a gun? Stop speaking oriental, "gun gong win wong", I can't understand you.
Easton Watson
>Not measuring time after the birth of our lord and saviour jesus christ
There's a pyre waiting for you, fucking heretic.
Juan Turner
it's made of brimstone, and probably emits vapours which let Satan enter your body. I asked milord the Bishop Fudd.
Parker Gomez
Constantine was a mistake.
Chase Harris
Singles and I sack Constantinople and seize Byzantium for the Franks
William Thompson
>I think you mean C.E. you illiterate knuckle dragger
Henry Roberts
you belong on a cross profligate
Camden Rodriguez
The Longbow program is a waste of peasant taxes and is a welfare program for the Lockeheed-Marden company of arms merchants
Carter Torres
>TFW your descended from Charlemagne, but so is everyone else.
How come I don't get some comfy fief in France or the Holy Roman empire :(
Dominic Torres
Yeah because "Curvy bit of wood with a flax string" is sooooo expensive compared to a suit of maille for a knight, on a horse, who's also in maille. Christ's wounds these franknik shills get worse every season.
Carter Baker
you fool, it takes ten years to train a longbowman, ten years of peasant work can buy like 2 knights
Xavier Reyes
The villeins, cotters, bordars, and other such rabble as may be given a glorified pointy stick and sent to forage ahead of the army or distract its troops are not the folk from which the longbowman is recruited sir. Rather it is from those free and lawful men who tend their own fields that we draw our archers.
While you are quite right that the serf is only worth so much as his labor, to object to the use of the doughty yeoman in this sceptered isle's wars is folly indeed.
Tyler Sullivan
off to "slice bread" now fellas
Jack Carter
It's still there! Apparently Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa is planning on crossing the bosphorus at constantinople in the coming crusade.
Nothing bad will happen, I'm sure!
Carter Johnson
What went wrong?
Tyler Allen
>tfw your mother and fathers surnames are both french medieval land owning names but you don't have any fucking land cause some dummies moved to the new world and you're colonial stock
Brandon Butler
It's still going faggot
Josiah Anderson
Burn the heretic
Parker Clark
Flaggelate the accursed catamite and purge him of his sodomitic tendencies.
Isaiah Murphy
it's a trick by the devil, nothing good will come out of it.
Matthew Russell
We must recover Outremer from the Saracens!
Juan Watson
Hey guys I know the secret to Greek fir- *convulses*
Zachary Sanders
>Novgorod is a republic
Step aside, plebs, you wish you were as democratic as Novgorod!
Lucas Richardson
I was referencing the Mongols
Gavin Evans
Hunter Gomez
/k is transported into 1200 A.D with nothing but clothes, shoes included.
1 out of 20 of us wake up with a below average local weapon.
We all wake up in the same area, lets say modern day Poland. Everyone is deaged or aged up to 18 and we will live until we are 100. - immune to sickness until we are 90. How much of the world could we conquer before we die or would we all start fighting each other before we make a large impact? Perhaps get crushed by the natives.
Sebastian Lee
I think you mean sizzle powder.. it's flashy, loud and if you and the right minerals to it, it makes neat clours, has no weaponry properties... Well I suppose if you add pitch to it and pitch it in someone's face with a lit fuse it might give them severe burns.
Easton Cruz
Crossbows are too deadly for commoners to be trusted with hand them in to your local constable
Blake Evans
Well... the totality of Jow Forums is 27 million-ish people and Jow Forums is the 14th-ish most popular board. That gives us a population of about 1 or 2 million demi-gods. About 5% of which are real women.
About 1.1% of the US male population are engineers and half of Jow Forums is american (however most foreigners are on pol), so that means we would have about 8-16 thousand engineers, and quite a few thousand engineering assistants from shitholes.
Day one would involve plaeonigger dwellings and finding a major waterway suitable for a population of about a million. Day two would involve a thousand or two weapons being repurposed into tools. Day three would involve the log fort. Day four and five are also spent on the log fort. Day 6 we've built the equivalent of London, minus the houses.
By day 30 we've got fields plowed, arbors set up, and a few hundred autists have recreated the imperial system down to a decimal on the ounce, using nothing but jugs of water, ladders, a funnel, sand, some berries, reeds, river rocks, and a scale. We'd already have a screw lathe, reference plates, blast furnaces, slide rules, etc.
After i was done helping with the unit system effort, I would bring my attention to solar-thermally cracking oils(lipids) into gasoline.
Our biggest limiting factor would be the amount of metal and food we could procure. I propose we strike a deal with the highest power of the region for complete autonomy/sovereignty and unlimited resources/waifus in exchange for military technology. Imagine mechanized magazine fed balistas. Imagine motorcycle cavalry. Imagine self-cocking crossbows.
We could probably conquer the entire world. We would have modern smokeless firearms more than 100 years before firearms even entered the battlefield. Not to mention artillery, non-meme rockets, shaped charges, flame throwers, and tanks.
We would probably have equatorial gps within 20 years.
Jackson Flores
maybe it was the inbreeding
idunno tho.
Nathan Ramirez
Ama geologist and more than willing to find materials.
Joshua Hall
Literal autism, but interesting literal autism. Nice job user, cool read
Jack Wood
Ah yes, the elixir of immortality.
Liam Rodriguez
I swear to my ancestors and lord Buddha, one day I'm going to burn down the Khmer capital.
Camden Turner
why ?
Adam Fisher
nice read, good job user