Since Cody Wilson is now selling the CAD files, and YT changed its content policies in April regarding promotion of the sales of firearms, they decided to pour a little water on Wilson's channel (of course, that implies the files are firearms... which they aren't.)
Can't let him get away with too many victories, can they?
>There are other options, after everything why would anyone still support youtube with content? Because nobody gives a fuck about some dude distributing weapons blueprints literally for the sake of it
>people don't care about preservation of the 2nd Amendment Speak for yourself lad
Lucas Bennett
If you want to preserve the 2nd amendment focus less on fringe libertarian mongos and more on making gun ownership look resposible and fun for the new generation
You gain nothing by giving a shit about Cody, who by his own admission is simply doing it to get a reaction. Like a cunt.
Angel White
Because so far Youtube still has the best or at least most content creators on it. Seriously, if you don’t get good and known content creators on your site it’s dead in the water before it even sailed.
Evan Mitchell
RIP Nasim. You fought the good fight.
Anthony Jackson
Fuck. You.
William Garcia
This. What we really need is people out in the open designing and building their own guns because they enjoy doing so, rather than people just doing so as a political statement and not caring about it beyond that. There's so much untapped potential out there with 3D printers for decent home gun design especially when it comes to lost PLA casting for making receivers and even bolts for pistol caliber straight blowback designs, but no one is taking advantage of it because things that require more work don't make as good of political statements.
Juan Howard
The thing that boggles my mind is that you can easily make your own gun out of shit you can get at Home Depot or literally any other hardware store for a much, much lower cost, and on top of that be infinitely more reliable and effective than 3D printed guns which are lucky to fire even one bullet. Yet no one gives a shit about those guides.
Ian Reed
Responsible, fun, with common sense regulation to help new shooters and suburban soccer mom's feel good about it.
How about you go fuck yourself.
Joseph Edwards
I'm not even sure what your stroke-addled brain is trying to say, that firearms ownership and usage shouldn't be fun and responsible?
Anthony Jenkins
The people who are afraid of 3d printed guns legitimately don't believe normal people can go to the hardware store, buy raw materials, and make something useful. The concept of the everyman being able to download a file and press a button to make something "dangerous" is therefore terrifying, and generates more ad revenue for media outlets. 3d printed guns as a whole also tend to look more professional, and therefore more dangerous than the average gun made of some pipes.
The actual truth that a modest home shop with access to an internet of knowledge is probably better suited to prototyping firearms than state run arsenals of 100+ years ago is irrelevant, because those types of people don't exist in their worldview.
Harping about the danger of homemade zip guns would simultaneously reduce the concept of gun control to ash, and undermine the effort to turn us all into mindless consumers who buy garbage and throw it away at the first hint of a problem, because who could possibly make or fix something?
Brayden Sullivan
Keep reading, you'll get it eventually.
Wyatt Evans
Yeah so even you aren't sure what the fuck you're talking about anymore, got it. Keep shouting at pidgeons
Zachary Fisher
I'm not that user, but I feel the need to tell you that you're a fucking retard if you don't understand his point.
Joshua Nelson
It’s still crazy to me though, I’m not some sort of god tier crafter but you don’t have to be one at all to make your own gun, with instructions that can be found anywhere on the internet clear as day, both videos and text. For some time out of your day and around $20-50 depending on what you do you can make a crude but effective gun and it’s completely legal to do so as long as you don’t try to sell it or sell copies. Regardless I’d trust the fancy pipe guns far more than any 3D printed gun. Costs a hell of a lot less too. I suppose you can say you can fuck it up if you’re completely oblivious to measuring and using tools, but that’s what trial and error is for, alongside a detailed guide/instructions.
Robert Taylor
Its my dream to design and produce a weapon outside of the AR AK paradigm that is relevant. The swiss had their gucci straight pulls in a world full of mosins mausers and enfields. Later on when there were garands m1as fals and sks and ak they had the amt. Gahhh
Cameron Williams
People have been out in the open building guns simply for their own amusement, but there are constantly attempts to shut it down because it's an inherently political issue. The grabbers don't give a shit if you're trying to stay out of the political arena. Cody's case is about more than the 2A too. He's trying to set legal precedent so that this becomes established as natural right and fuckers like you shit on him because you can't understand why anyone would get off the fence and fight in the mud. Fuck you. You're a fifth columnist.
Juan Miller
I am that user, and I'm also old enough to see that the pussies crying over 3D printed guns and how "that looks" to gun grabbers are simply this decade's fudds. In the late 90s fudds cried over "assault weapons" and begged gun grabbers to let them keep their bolties and O/U, throwing scary looking guns under the bus.
Now, we've got these faggots doing the same thing to homebuilders. They don't see that Cody Wilson just took on the United States government and won, and that he's either going to keep winning, because like Bill Ruger was, they're cowardly. They'd rather surrender their birthright than get called names by basedboys and first generation fake Americans. Fuck them all.
Jace Bell
Fuck off. We don't want your kind, move to Europe.
Agreed. It's mostly a battle of principle now but I want the technology to flourish so there's a day when I can 3D print whatever I want with a material that won't break after 10 shots by just downloading a file and pressing a button. When I say whatever I want, I mean whatever I want. Tired that the war for gun rights currently rests in the hands of politicians and gun-lobbys whose modus operandi is to maintain the status quo or give up another small chunk of freedom.
Adrian Harris
This sounds suspiciously like what the boomers have been advocating since the 90s, and look at how well that works.
Mason Thompson
Jason White
Have we or have we not seen the continual degradation of gun rights under their stewardship? It isn't all memes, fucko.
Evan Rogers
>I'm also old enough to see that the pussies crying over 3D printed guns and how "that looks" to gun grabbers Oh, you just totally misunderstood what I meant, then. I don't care how it looks to people who have already made up their minds.
I'm saying this libertardian LARP of "taking on the government" serves nobody but yourselves, its a mastabatory act that doesn't grant you more freedoms, defend your freedoms, or make your rights more secure.
If you ACTUALLY wanted the 2nd amendment to be more secure, you wouldn't give a shit about some dumbass doing things purely to get a rise out of people. What did it accomplish but bring more negative light on the gun community? What did you get from this? Fuck all, thats what.
Caleb Hall
>winning against the Federal government in court doesn't make your rights more secure >introducing technology that makes it impossible to ban guns doesn't make your rights more secure
Are you shilling, or stupid?
Jonathan Young
Uh... not really? >NFA passed before boomers were born >GCA passed when boomers were just getting old enough to vote, but not yet politically dominant >CCW laws I'm sure you've seen that gif with the map showing the evolution of CCW rights by state, going from mostly may-issue or no-issue a century ago to mostly shall-issue with a smattering of constitutional carry today. At no point has there been a "continual degradation" here. >salt weapon bans and mag limits On one hand, those have definitely increased -- they weren't a thing before the boomer era, and today a significant minority of states have them -- but on the other hand, it's hardly a "continual degradation" to see it enacted, nationwide, then allowed to expire 10 years later. That was a real victory, and you can either credit that to the boomers, or declare it the end of the boomer era and the accession of genX, in which case you can't blame the boomers for any of the state-level salt bans since then.
Oh fuck off. The whole "don't rock the boat" strategy DOESN'T WORK. You give an inch and they take a mile. Rights must be defended absolutely or they'll get whittled down to nothing. The Liberator is a purely political act and I completely support it. You're either pro-gun or you aren't I don't give a shit about fudds who just want to keep their precious hunting rifles and want the scary black guns banned.
Same goes for free speech, if you vote for anti-hate speech and anti-blasphemy laws then you don't actually support free speech.
You ought to have the right to continue living your life as you see fit, but feel free to stop shitting on the folks who are willing to take a stand anytime. You're the type who would have turned against our founding fathers and spoke out against them because so sure are you that Britain could not be defeated, we ought to be polite so as to lessen further crushing under their boot. FUCK OFF.
Luke Moore
Levin is not never Trump.
Benjamin Stewart
Yep. Trump's gonna fuck youtube in the ass, isn't he?
Jacob Price
>how do we get the soccermom crowd
Chase Campbell
Best shut down these goyim. (((youtube))) got shooked
Nathaniel Collins
>tfw trump has jewish daughter and grandchildren >tfw succeeded in real estate in jew york >tfw jewish awards You might like his frankness and ideas on border walls, but you're delusional if you think he is a fellow traveler.
Sebastian Ward
Way to cherry pick, ya fuckin grabber boomer shill. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
Brady Act Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 Bush gun laws of 2008
All boomer created laws. Stupid fucking worthless hippies.
Those who don't know.
Brady act fucked us with background checks and mental health screening. Leading to us having to register our personal information and gun to the same tyrannical government we're supposed to be able to protecting ourselves from. Government knowing who could fight back and use information against us to quell any rebellion.
Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986
Makes it harder for anyone to acquire an Automatic Weapon by increasing Stamp Tax, adding more restrictions and requirements to FFL, and outlawed a wide list of importable/exportable firearms.
Bush laws of 2008 Raises the age of those able to purchase a handgun or handgun ammo to 21 from over from 18 nationally. Increases mental health check information, essentially creating a national database of gun owners
Matthew Ross
You say "cherry picking", I say "counter-examples".
Of course gun rights suffered under boomers -- nobody's disputing that. But they were suffering before and after boomers; pretending it's a uniquely boomer problem implies it will automatically get better as boomers continue to die off. And that's a dangerous self-defeating belief -- it takes real work to even keep it from getting worse, let alone to make it better, and pissing on boomers' graves isn't gonna do it.
David Foster
This is the opportunity to make a site called GunTube that hosts gun videos and actually be profitable.
Get on it, retards.
Jeremiah Gomez
Don't forget the Reel Men
Nolan Gutierrez
I'll piss and dance on stupid, lazy boomer hippie graves. I believe the laws will get better once dumb old fudds are dead and we look into real issues. Lazy stupid boomers think they can ban everything they don't like and the problem will just go away.
Forgot the genius decision that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of children.