any stolen valor story
>be me 19 200 lb pure muscle
>go to local town
>dress up in some military fatiuges
>get free shit
>get free sex from local whores
>tell the local kids of my heroic battles and bravery
any stolen valor story
>be me 19 200 lb pure muscle
>go to local town
>dress up in some military fatiuges
>get free shit
>get free sex from local whores
>tell the local kids of my heroic battles and bravery
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me 19
>Tell the local kids of my heroic battles and bravery
What is with americans and stolen valour stupidity, feel like if i walked around in my army jacket (russian) i'd have spergs attacking me in grocery store
You'd get the shit kicked outta you in my town and rightfully so. Scum
>be me 200lb 6'5
>dress up like marine
>some fat pice of shit manlet comes to me says how his buddies died for this shit
>just put my hand up at his face this pisses him off even more
>he tries to punch me
>I use my superrior ufc training dodge his punch and throw a hook at his head
>he's flat on his face
>went through his walet turns out he was just a pog.
love putting fat pices of shit in there place
MFW I walked away
Muricans bootlicking the zog bootlickers.
What's new.
I like to meet clients (I'm a photographer) at Denny's. I go in with my ACU pants, a tight fitting green tshirt, and my clipboard and always get my breakfast free cause they think im a recruiter.
A couple years ago I never would have accepted it, but I've seen so many entitled vets get butthurt over their stolen valor that now I just roll with it as a "fuck you".
but all that does is hurt the denny's not get back at the vets?
the entitled vets are just cunts
Here in America, we have something called honoring our servicemen and I know this is a foreign concept to people outside of America, who cannot fathom what it means to risk your life in a noble sacrifice in the name of freedom and liberty. This means that any sign of disrespect (like wearing something you didn't earn) of that is rightfully putdown.