Why is it illegal to own a machine gun or fully automatic rifle...

Why is it illegal to own a machine gun or fully automatic rifle, and how is this justified as not being a violation of the second ammendment?

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its not justified, and you would be the biggest fucking retard to not have the means to make or convert yours should you need to

Because the government and its agencies are not restricted by the laws they create.

>muh politics
>muh feels
>muh staged mass shootings

Take your pick, everyone knows its bullshit, but no ones has the capital to take it to the courts

It's not illegal, just involves a lot of money and paperwork (which essentially makes it illegal).

And yes this is totally a violation of the second amendment. FUCK REGAN.

In the United States:


It's not illegal, it just requires a time machine to go back before 1986.

Get out of here with you facts and you logic. The pre 68 partis the only immoral bit.

Also the courts rule against gun rights all the time "because guns".

and this one


But isn't that illegal

If you're gonna break the law and convert you might as well just straight up buy a machine gun

There are lots of things that seemingly should be allowed under the second amendment that aren't. like explosives and chemical/biological weapons, radiological weapons, artillery.
Even certain technologies like EM jammers

I think his point is, have the means available and ready, but don't actually make the machine gun until it's needed.

>NFA (1934, FDR)
>GCA (1968, LBJ)
>FOPA (1986, amended by William Hughes NJ-D)

In short, Democrats are the reason why you can't own full-auto funs without jumping through extraordinary hoops.

Because the NRA were (and still are) Fudd cuckolds who let the hippies bully them.

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>Why is it illegal to own a machine gun or fully automatic rifle
Because the government does not respect constitutional rights.
>and how is this justified as not being a violation of the second ammendment?
It's not.

And how exactly do we do that, go to walmart and ask to be taken to the felony aisle? Retard.

>need to
I never understood this. You should be able to own machine guns and fully automatic weapons because you can, not because you might need to. Much to the contrary if I had a machine gun and hit hit the fan I would keep it in semi auto to make the dakka last as long as humanly possible.

“Living document”

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Boomers. That is why.

Alright big shoots, I'll bite. Since you're not a "Big retard", besides sourcing / fucking with you BCG to work with a lightning link, what's your go-to?

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>Because the NRA were (and still are) Fudd cuckolds who let the hippies bully them.
.02 has been deposited in your account by the Soros Organization.

>Alright big shoots, I'll bite. Since you're not a "Big retard", besides sourcing / fucking with you BCG to work with a lightning link, what's your go-to?


1934 Dumbass!

>Buy a fucking drill press, the thread

1934 is when machineguns started requiring a $200 tax stamp.

1986 is when new machineguns were banned entirely.

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited.
It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any
manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed
weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment
or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast
doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by
felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms
in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or
laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of
arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those
“in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition
of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons."

Scalia's exact words in the majority opinion of the Heller decision.

Way to avoid responsibility you worthless piece of shit.

Shut the fuck up Charlton.

Sorry for sounding like a dumbass... what else would one need to hypothetically do convert my ar to m16 beside the fire control group and the jig??? or is that it?

Which was pulled completely out of his fat ass without any constitutional basis, historic or otherwise. Scalia was a confirmed fudd that had a much-deserved heart attack on a rich old man hunting trip. Fuck him, is what I'm trying to say.

Hey you illiterate fucking nigger, *ALL* of the other conservative justices agreed with him. That's why they signed onto his opinion.

A full-auto bolt, if your rifle didn't already come with one.

A lower with the pocket for the full auto parts already milled out, some semi lower manufacturers don't bother.

do you have a link to the manufactures that include the extra space or a pic for reference so i can see if mine have it? Ive already swapped to an auto bcg...

You're also going to need an H heavy buffer to prevent bolt carrier bounce

Found the ever shifting blame boomer.

They are without a doubt the worst generation in American history.

Hi ATF! Having a fun labor day?

Agreed. However, the generation now 20ish-35ish is trying pretty hard to top them

Information isn't illegal douche bag... And Ilove dogs more then people so im not aloud in the ATF!

Why is it illegal to own a nuclear bomb or thermonuclear device, and how is this justified as not being a violation of the second ammendment?

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We're at least fighting our own in the 20-35ish

sorry bud gonna have not to trust on that
given your brain capacity you'd fit right in with your ATF buddies

>Everyone in This thread Unironically following gun laws and not just converting to full auto
Nu-Jow Forums sucks you fuckers can’t have fun

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And here's the finishing touch for the 2 SOT / FFL 7 guys

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