What do you think of militias?

What do you think of militias?

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Lame IRL. But way cooler in media and video games, where they end up with evil superweapons and work with mad scientists and rich mercenaries and shit. And somehow manage to amass more troops and super tanks than the actual military in their media.

I wish the hundreds of thousands of militias worldwide magically had access to near infinite resources so we could see true 1st tier private armies waging global or even solar war with thousands of new war machines and unconventional tactics and technology with million strong armies of supersoldiers and stuff. Mostly because squads of ak wielding tribesmen in toyotas gets boring as fuck.

>tl;dr why can't my autistic hypermilitarized robotech/corp dystopia exist?

>large ones that you hear about
Larpers and old men
>small local ones you dont hear about
Some are larpers some actually know what they are doing.

Either way they are a net benefit during events like natural disasters. If they focused more on disaster management and S&R and kept their militancy on the d/l i think they would he a lot more mainstream and well liked.

They're my favorite type of honeypot.

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I'm not talking about PMC's, I mean like the Michigan Militia for example. Guys who are volunteers and survivalist groups, not mercenaries for hire or security and whatnot

You think the FBI uses them to keep checks on people in the wake of Timothy McVeigh?

Of course. I wonder how deep their agents are, have other agents gone so far down the rabbit hole that they've been popped by other agents?

I've seen this exact thread with this exact image before.

shills pls go

You'd honestly just be better off as a lone wolf

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cringy honeypots, but if shit hit the fan in anyway (either natural disaster or legit shtf) it'd be useful to keep the druggies and dindu types away til shit cools off

>battle for the bearclaw

More like battle for the Bearpaw.

>in the wake of Timothy McVeigh?
>like they weren't doing it for many years before

Unironically this.

Keep your shit to yourself, and you keep yourself off of the government doorkickers' shitlist when SHTF.

Lone wolf is best in case of nuclear apocalypse/survivalism

Militia is best in civil war/plotting government overthrow

Different scenarios with different goals

Especially if it's the former, you're goal is simply survival so it's easier to stack up on rations and medicine and gas masks for only one person in your bunker than a whole militia

>Not using your amassed land/agricultural potential as a bartering tool for conscripting armies and unifying your region post-collapse

LARPers who need an excuse to use all the gear they've bought

>Lone wolf is best in case of nuclear apocalypse/survivalism
>Militia is best in civil war/plotting government overthrow
You have that completely reversed. In a post-apocalyptic world you need friends to rely on, people who can take care of you when you're sick and wounded, lend an extra gun in a fight, and make sure no one sneaks up on you while your guard is down or you are sleeping.

But in a civil war you want to make sure that you have as few people as possible who might rat you out to the government, and you want to make sure your operations are as low-key as possible. If you aren't working with anybody else then it becomes damn near impossible for the government to actually find out what your plans are before they happen, and it becomes much easier to hide afterwards as well.

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You're not likely to be able to accomplish much of anything if you intend to fight alone in a civil war but you're plenty more likely to survive it if you're just avoiding everyone.

Going on your own in a civil war scenario is a great way to get capped by literally every side.

>You're not likely to be able to accomplish much of anything if you intend to fight alone in a civil war
You can do a lot by planting a bomb and then going about your day as normal.

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sorry, going to fight on your own*

Excellent and unquestionably neccessary in theory.
Fucking utterly retarded alphabet agency honeypots in practice.

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Lugansk and Donetsk People Militias are pretty good at removing hohol, decently mechanized and, according to most reports, know their shit with artillery, so you have that. But US militias are shit tbqh.

>What do you think of militias?

Law enforcement honeypots of overweight never serveds/REMFs with self given ranks who think they'll save the Republic but will be liquidated without so much as a whimper during The Night of the Long Knives.

You're dead wrong. In a post apocalyptic scenario, rations and supplies are scarce. You need to keep everything you can find to yourself and stay out of sight, don't bring attention to yourself. Your comrades could be the ones to skit your throat at night to seize your rations when supplies run short. Literally the only people you can trust in a post apocalypse are your family; even your friends are suspect.

In a civil war where you aim to overthrow the gov, you need to capture and hold territory. You need men to police areas you've captured and form government. You need a militia with a command structure to fulfill that

Some militias have turned into PMCs and "non-profit" security companies to get around carry and other restrictions like training qualifications and buying government/LEO only though. So you would be surprised what some volunteer and survivalist groups pull in terms of legal shenanigans.

Its kind of ingenious.

In my country they usually circumvent the law by official registering them as literal larping historic groups. No one cares that by "historic" they mean regular army forces of 2016.

>In a post apocalyptic scenario, rations and supplies are scarce
But having multiple people is the best way to obtain rations and supplies. You can't have a farm to grow food when you're by yourself, a group of people will just come and take it from you, but if you have multiple people then it becomes possible to gather and hoard supplies since the division of labor allows you to do so. Otherwise you're just waiting in your house hoping no one robs you and that you don't run out of food.

>In a civil war where you aim to overthrow the gov, you need to capture and hold territory. You need men to police areas you've captured and form government. You need a militia with a command structure to fulfill that
This is true later in the civil war. But at the onset, you can't trust anyone, least of all the militias. When things are heating up, and no one controls territory yet but there are frequent bombings and riots, then you want to make sure you aren't part of a honeypot. Now, later in the war, sure, you can join a militia, but wait until the war really gets going to do that, otherwise you're just begging to get caught up in a sting operation.

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