First off, fuck my state. If Kim nuked SF, LA, and Sacramento we'd be better off for it all together
Got an idea for some fun here. Say in some fucking crazy universe, i almost wish it were so, CA was to secede peacefully via vote but obviously the United States gov didn't recognize it.
This pisses off the fags and young left niggers in my state, people like the young white affluent sons and daughters who move to SF and Oakland on daddy and mommies dime. They and the misguided niggers and Spics who think the liberals are the their best chance for a free handout and prosperous future violently storm and openly attack police, federal police, and nationalistic institutions and known right wing/Republican citizens. Basically anyone and anywhete that's patritocially American or "no step on snek" is public enemy number 1.
People are killed, businesses and police stations burn, groups like antifa take to the street and basically start policing the streets their way, police either too few to do anything or ran mostly out of town.
People in CA government like the dems and left wing business owners and politicians see an opportunity to actually be independent and support the cause either directly or indirectly, not all but many.
Antifa and radical left wing arm themselves and up the violence and parapolicing to the next level, similar to how parts of Iraq fell when isis came through, authority figures killed and people who don't abide by their world views. A new society set up.
Gun owners throughout the state at this point band together making militias, not really taking anything back but defending certain parts of the state, some militias are in active battle and fighting with antifa and left wing groups hunting down these traitors. The rule of normal law no longer exists in most of CA and much of the coast.
Obviously in this scenario we'd see both left wing and right wing flocking to the state to fight the good fight for their policies. CA would be (at least the US military jumps in and literally fucking rapes these faggots) the Flashpoint of extreme politics in the United States. Hate liberals? Come to CA with your own weapons and cleanse the county. Hate conservatives? Fags would do the same flocking to SF and Oakland to join up and be apart of their new socialist or radical modern left society.
>So now I'm to where this ties into Jow Forums. What does militant antifa arm itself with?
What equipment do they use? Chest rigs, trousers, boots
Small arms like rifles and pistols chambered in what rounds?
What type of armored vehicles do we see?
What kind of heavy weapons do we see?
What kind of battles do we see vs conservative/libertarian/right wing/patriotic militias
>tldr: antifa and fag politicians take over CA, leave US, they hunt down conservatives and make own society while hunting and fighting right wingers. Battles between libs and conservatives. All this before the US military comes in to bring CA back into the fold
American here. Came to say, if there was ever a civil war I’d shoot califags whether they were on my side or not. Fuck your kind and stay in your containment state.
Joseph Lopez
why don't you shoot us to prevent us from coming to your state, cuck?
Jeremiah Morris
Op here
Says the faggot from Texas with his basic bitch AR who can't shoot for shit
Eat shit faggot, come by and get fucking rekt nigger
Grayson Cooper
you over estimate Antifa and leftists as a whole. Antifa represents a tiny fraction of Leftists and 90% of the leftists who hate gun owners would never make themselves a gun owner. Even to fight for their "cause".
You also underestimate just how quickly the rest of the US gun owners/right wing people would be running to California to help out. Any sort of Communist/Socialist/Leftists uprising would be stopped short so quick it's not even funny.
Thomas Thomas
Former califag here, glad my family left when I was 3.
Yea I understand that there's no way antifa in CA is anywhere near the amount of numbers needed. I was saying people from places like Portland and generally liberals and edgy fags throughout the country if not the world would make their way to CA to fight for their radical leftists shit lord views, like we see in the middle east for or against ISIS or in Ukraine
>never pickup a gun to fight for their cause Really you don't think so? In their mind they're literally fighting against racism and all that bullshit incarnate, plus their all hyped on themselves doing what they've done to that point. I could see them justifying it, even tho the irony as to what they are doing using weapons to fight the government would be painfully obvious
>right wingers to CA to help OH i agree, i think i said that, im not underestimating it. It would be everyone here's dream, most young gun owners in CA's dream, and probably most right wing gun owners in the counties dream. To have a chance to actually cleanse this state fuck man.
>stopped quick I think your right for the most part, im saying hypothetically if it wasn't right away and gained traction
Cameron Myers
Op here, hold up in Orange county, basically the last bastion of non faggotry along the coast
Gabriel Perry
well if you're talking entirely hypothetical, it'd still fall flat. Leftists have a tendency to do shit based on emotions. Where as most of the conservatives and people who matter (i.e. not retarded rednecks) do things based on what gets done. For instance if it came down to dirty Leftists arming up and coming to "fight the good fight" or going to California to be armed there and then fight, the gun owners and right wing residents in CA would be locking down the borders. No one in or out unless they're the National guard and/or military. Hell even fellow gun owners looking to help might find it hard to get in.
That aside, say they managed to gain traction and raided the gun shops/police stations/etc. They would only be armed with guns and shit that California Law enforcement can use. Meanwhile most people who are in any way even a minor prepper will have we'll say "less than legal magazines and stashes" that will come out to play. So you'd be seeing 30+ Round magazines and non CA Compliant AR-15's.
Brody Harris
>Texas Only steers and queers come from Texas. And I put more time into range trips than your state allows you. You can’t even have basic shit on your rifle, you can’t even have plastic straws.
When the antifa-wank comic calexit admits that most of california would either be occupied by federal forces or straight up break off into right wing enclaves, its a bad sign for any left wing rebellion.
>I put more time in at the range than your state allows kid heh-he >wouldn't stand a chance against someone like me >your state doesn't even allow you to have this
Nigger you think people follow CA law or shoot at ranges with their good shit? Use your head fuckboi
If this were to happen, I' d personally hunt you down and cave your skull in with a claw hammer and watch you gurgle to death on your own blood, you traitorious cocksucking Nazi motherfucker.
Carter Anderson
Commiefornian here. Can't wait until I see all these anti-police lefty retards crawling to the police and EMTs when I kill their pet niggers and faggots with my 80 percent m-16.
You're 15 and don't own a gu you fucking faggot. Neck yourself.
Lincoln Roberts
Orange county gets less Republican by the day. It was blue in 2016. Read a book.
Hunter Russell
This summerfag garbage doesn't belong on Jow Forums.
Christian Harris
Yea this is definately hypothetical Obiovisly.
Yea I was thinking the same. Radical libs would have next to no real knowledge of guns, thus had they raided police stations then gunshops and stores they'd have and use whateves on the shelf. A few ARs maybe but I would imagine most police officers probably use their own ARs that don't have to follow CA law so strictly.
Other than that, id say more CA compliant ARs mostly, as that's what sold complete here in stores.
Shotguns, ARs, probably some mini 14's, hunting rifles and surplus unfortunately I think but it would hard for those fags to find ammunition for the more obscure stuff
What about gear? Plate carriers? Kevlars? Home made shit?
Dominic Johnson
That's fucking sick, I remember hearing about that comic, I know some fags who would ironically read that hoping for the left wingers to have a better situation
Landon Rodriguez
Op here
1/10 nigger monkey
Too obvious, kike.
Isaiah Moore
Nice Jow Forums-tier troll thread you inbred shitstain.
Zachary Anderson
That's SA, it wasn't this last election, read a book.
>summerfag garbage You niggers never wanna have any fun
Andrew Brown
Can confirm OC went blue. The Santa Ana / Anaheim population is multiplying, no one gives a flying fuck about illegals doing whatever they please, and billionaire pseudoliberal ching chong changs are buying up all the houses.
Doesn't this rather mean the blue north stays north?
Jack Lopez
>Gear? Plate carriers? Kevlars? Home made shit? All of the above. For the conservatives that is. You're forgetting that all of these leftist cock suckers are huge on virtue signaling. So not only do they refuse to own or use guns, they wouldn't have any of the stuff required to go with said gun. At absolute best they will have an AR-15 they swiped from a gun store with a couple 5 round magazines they stuff in their pockets.
Meanwhile a single tear gas/pepper bomb/zip tied pepper spray bottle would incapacitate an entire group of them. None of them would have gas masks. None of them would have Kevlar or carriers other than the few vests they managed to snatch from police stations. I'd say at absolute most, 1 out of every 500 of these enemies would have any sort of armor, and 1 out of every 1000 or more would have any sort of training with weapons. You'd fighting a bunch of over grown children who have lived the epitome of sheltered lives and think that they're cause being "just" will be enough to make the "evil Nazis" throw down their guns and give up.
Meanwhile they'd be greeted with a wall of 5.56 and more.
Joseph Cooper
Enjoy being repeatedly stabbed in the head with a hunting knife you basement-dwelling fuck. Your meaningless husk of a life will be very short.
>Orange County didn't vote Dem >Gets immediately proven that it, in fact, did Good job admitting that your claim is factually wrong. Get fucking murdered motherfucker.
Justin Sanchez
Masshole here
You commie fucking niggers helped ruin my state and helped ruin New England. Fuck you, I'll fucking shoot every last one of your prius driving onions drinking ilk. You're as bad as New Yorkers and New Jersey cunts, they're also shoot on sight.
>t. someone who doesn't know the only gun discussion on Jow Forums is anti-gun satire/troll threads after mass shootings No one's going to a board of actual retards to discuss gun politics when there's a gun board right here, stop being so sensitive about anything political being brought up.
I've always believed that California seceding from the union would basically set off the legit civil war 2.0, and it would almost certainly be bloodier than civil war 1 as it might trigger old feelings of rebellion in the south and spread everywhere. But peacefully or not, the US government would protect its military assets in the state, and it happens to have alot of military assets in the surrounding states as well, this just makes a recipe for martial law and US military containment zones in the state the second the CA congress makes a motion to secede unilaterally. The best case scenario is CA balkanizes and the gibs and niggers and lefty folks get their own containment state on the coast, this would only happen after tens of thousands of people had been killed in the violence preceding it of course.
A basic bitch AR is still better the butchered abominations yall have in California. So how about you go shit on the street and fuck off now.
Gavin Lewis
I literally said the shit areas like SA and anneheim would, you didn't prove anything you fucking faggot. Get fucking destroyed my dude, that ass is fucking slammed lmao
What are you talking about did you even read the thread? >in their pockets Yea I agree, maybe using backpacks or fag bag book satchels for magazines, probably 10 rd mags tho, with possibly a few 30rd mags strewn throughout the group
As far as training i think it would be similar to what your saying, next to none. As far Armour forsure the same. We look at places like the middle east, where untrained extremist sand people have been somewhat effective against trained forces tho.