Git in here guys! Post where you're from and all that other good bullshit. Also info for Jow Forumsommandofest being held this coming year will be posted as well. Keep it civil you bunch of degenerates.
Link for the discord: discord.gg/ajfuZs

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San Antonio here, contributing Jow Forumsfest ad

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DFW user here... saw a Cali plate here. Good lord please tell me we're not next, I don't wanna get AIDS...

Austin is already packed beyond what their infrastructure can comfortably support. You're next.

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Houston. Only own 2 shotguns (maverick 88 and a 1960 870 riot) and a poorfag AR.

Sugar Land here. What part of Houston?

Used to be heights but now gulf bank. Moving out soon back to heights or woodlands.

your highways suck lololol

Better than nothing, though you gotta get a pistol soon my dude