Need advice for equipping a militia

Long story short I own a 2500 hectare farm in Namibia along with my brothers. Recently, communist niggers have been reprising their agitations from when my father owned our farm. I think they're gaining encouragement from our neighbors to the south, and hoping to expropriate white-owned farms here.

I have 62 useful, extended family who live on the farm and 140 permanent farm hands I fully trust.

I'm willing to spend equivalent of $80,000 USD on weapons and gear. I think we are good on vehicles -- the farm has around 30 pick up trucks, ~2 dozen ATVs, 7 motorbikes, and an assortment of farm vehicles.

My useful extended relatives have agreed to creating a militia in case we actually need to defend the farm. I want to equip them in a decent manner. We have a handful (17) of FN Fals, Vektor R4s, and various other rifles amongst us.

I recently spent $12k USD buying 110 AKs, a couple old Russian machine guns, and some old SADF gear for my trusted farm hands.

What should I buy? How much ammo should we stockpile?

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dumb frogposter

Enough ammo to load all magazines and belts, and then 200% more

How hard is it to import stuff from Europe or the US?

Larping this hard


Prove you're not larping. Also, you need a flag, a coat of arms.

I haven’t tried from Europe, but it should be fairly easy. I will talk to a relative with some experience about that today.

It’s easy to acquire weapons (at least, old Commie, NATO, and SADF) and ammo here since the gun laws are basically non existent (they wouldn’t be enforceable if they existed)

One thing I was wondering is whether it would be preferable to buy cheap commie shit (AKs cost about $62, less in bulk) or spend a bit more on NATO/SDF

Sounds like you have a mix of NATO and eastern bloc weapons. I recommend you sell of what every category you have fewer of and invest in some indirect fire weapons. With 65 people four mortars and 1 or 2 howitzers or field guns would be good. Above all else stockpile food/water, ammo, and medical supplies in that order. People underestimate how much supplies a fighting force goes through in a protracted conflict and being out of any of those things would probably get everyone killed. Getting anti-tank weapons would also be smart and RPG-7's are plentiful.
Lastly I'd invest in a skid steer or backhoe for combat engineering such as building tank ditches or laying down telegraph/phone lines (since they can't be jammed).

Every bit of your story is fake as fuck.