So I apologize in advance for how this thread is going to end up being Jow Forums...

So I apologize in advance for how this thread is going to end up being Jow Forums, but is there any way for the Arab states to band together and destroy Israel? How could this even be achieved? What (politically and militarily) would need to be achieved?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also yes I do understand how modern Arab militaries are shit.

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They tried a couple times.

Israel shit all over them because Arabs are bad at war.

Okay, but let's say there was one wealthy group with connections to the governments of Isreal's Arab neighbors. What would they do to achieve Isreal's destruction?


I already told you. They tried a couple of times and got shit on. They even had Soviet support.


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Bump what. You asked a fucking question. It got answered. It clearly wasnt the answer you were looking for. You're obviously a poor troll from pol.

Neck yourself.

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OP Here. That wasn't me.


This place really needs poster IDs and flags.

For this to occur, the governments would have to be reworked first and have the resulting effect of less paranoia among the higher ups. Knowledge is seen as power in the Arab nations and they covet and secret it it ways which hurts their own government and military. They purposely train the troops as little as possible so that the troops need the higher ups to facilitate everyday routines. This paranoia also extends to a lack of independence, both of thought and action. Units and whole armies can only do the things which they are ordered, often including menial tasks or permissions, and often going up to the very top of the government structure. This lack of independent operation keeps units from reacting to changes during military operations and keeps the whole military unable to properly conduct wartime operations. Finally, the paranoia extends to actual paranoia where the higher ups do these things and more to protect themselves from coups, from being removed through others' promotions, and just generally attempting to protect their own positions within the military apparatus.

So, unless this persistent paranoia is removed from Arab society as a whole, then there is almost no way that they can take on the nation of Israel.

And yes, I did read that article some guy posted the other week. Very good read and I've basically regurgitated it here.

No it doesn't, kill yourself redditor.

Yes it does. Boards like biz already have them (no flags just fags) and they help immensely with shitposting in threads.

Poster IDs like what biz has or flags like int should be in every section of Jow Forums.

No, fuck off. Anonymous posting is one of the only reasons this website is still worth visting. How about you start using a tripcode so I can filter you?

Hey retard. The poster IDs don't stay the same with each thread.

So fuck yourself. This board is filled with garbage content that needs to be filtered. Having those poster IDs would allow one filter that shit.

8 Jow Forums has both flags and id and its generally always on a higher level of public dialogue. I only come here because posts per hour is barely above >>/out/

Arabs suck at war, and also look up the “Samson Option”

Jow Forums is a garbage newfag board.

That's whay opchan claimed about themselves, and they're the geniuses who insisted SOL, or, "Body?!", was framed and totally not guilty.
Go fuck off to your garbage nu7chan if it's so great.

All the boards are full of newfags you wretch.

Jow Forums is the worst followed by int and b. Biz is full of fucking bagholders and shitposters.

No. Centuries of inbreeding and social degeneration have taken their toll.

The modern Arab is little more than a massively inbred genetic homonculus. With a head full of bad wiring and the toxic indoctrination of Islam.

They are simply not capable of the social or hierarchical cohesion required for such a massive effort.

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Well now that you've said that I think that the only option left would be to destroy Israel from the inside, but that's far too Jow Forums for this board.

Have you thought about a hobby? Shooting clays is very fun, and related to the board.

No, theres no reason to destroy them.

Everyone is going to spout "duh joos" memes. But if the us cut their support like they should have after the USS Liberty incident. They would flounder. Now, they don't do much for us aside from assist in intel gathering in the mideast against Iran, and Russia.

>They couldn't do it when they were well-equipped and united
Are you yanking my chain?

Also, nice bullshit meme.

I can think of two basic ways.

>be Saudi Arabia
>convince Pakistan to lend you some nukes
>drop them on Israel


>be Iran
>develop nukes
>drop them on Israel

Israel has nuclear weapons, and they've said that they'll nuke any invading army, so any approach that doesn't involve WMD in some way is probably going not going to work.

The good news (for anyone planning to reclaim the holy land) being that Israel is tiny and it wouldn't take a hell of a lot to wipe it off of the map.

Also, there's a better than 50% chance that the US will nuke whoever did it.

It's a sesame street.jpg, not a fucking documentary.

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>one wealthy group with connections to the government
aka Israel

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