>want a full sized gun
>thinking a single stack 9 for carry
>internet now has me thinking I need to buy a G19 and with 500 reloads for carry
What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Want a full sized gun
buy a G19 and with 500 reloads for carry
>full sized gun for carry
It's easily done but I don't recommend it for your first time carry. Get a G19 or Shield 2.0 and go from there to get accustomed to it. A nice Kydex holster and at least +1 magazine. After you're practiced with carrying a pistol then you can work up from there. I carried a Pocketlite, Airweight, Shield, and now I carry my G17. It just takes time to figure out what works best for you.
Tbh I just picked up a 5 shot for carry. If I can't dispense with a threat in 5 rounds of .357 plus a reload we've got bigger problems
only one who is qualified to know what you should carry is you
yes, if you live in the middle of mogadishu you might need 500 rounds of ammunition, but i doubt you live there
You're going to miss 4 of those shots because you panicked. Now what
S&W Bodyguard 380 pocket carry + a PSA AR15 for home defense or truck gun.
Total cost = less than a Glock
Get a full size for the range and the home and a compact for carry
you hit him with the fifth one?
>buy gun
>practice at range
>carry gun + 1 [insert unit] of ammo
>never use it in your whole life
doesn't actually matter what gun you get.
The fuck boy who attached me will either be blinded or btfo by125 grain jhp
look at this rich motherfucker with two guns!
Just get a SIG P365
Neither is a bad idea, both are equally valid. Most defensive gun uses resolve after 4 rounds expended, so you're not putting yourself in any real danger going with a single stack. Carry a spare mag, regardless of what you choose, because mags are the most/ one of the most common points of failure,not necessarily because you need more ammo.
fuck the internet and buy a M&P shield a bunch of speer for carry and a bunch more tula for practice.
most self defense situations where guns are actually discharged require 3 or less rounds
over half of all legitimate self defense firings are only one round
the 17 round mag dump theory will not make you safer but is likely to land you in jail
most practical is the one in the gun and two extras
most people carry compact or subcompact for SD and they do the job just fine so don't worry about "muh capacity" too much
the Sig Saur p210 is a full size single stack 9mm that works really well
10 rounds in the gun and 20 in your spares is enough for everything except going full on John Wick
Do whatever you fucking want, OP. That's what 2a is really about. Their are choices that are smarter and more tactical than others but damn it OP if you want to CC a fucking flintlock you do it. You don't have to get a G19 unless you really want to.
I didn't mean a full sized for carry.
A fullsized AND a single stack 9 for carry
>30 rounds exactly at the same place
>I swear mister judge I only shot once :DD
user I'm buying a carry gun to protect myself not get illnesses from poo and die because my gun broke
Buy G 26 and a few 'regular' G-19 mags