Post some gun talk red flags

Post some gun talk red flags
>Shotguns suck for home defense
>Revolvers are useless
>.40 s&w is too small for cc

Attached: 1532286250893.jpg (600x338, 20K)

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>.40 is too small
Is there anyone that actually says this or have you just made it up?

i have met 2 guys with this mentality and they both were babbling retards

>kills your neighbors
>7 niggers
>see above

>kills your neighbors
You do know buckshot sucks dick at penetrating drywall, right?

your ar15 is going to penetrate WAY more than most 12 gauge loads

What sense does this chart make? Is it just some pseudointellectual philosophy tumblr graphic people post to feel smart?

Objectively wrong you double retard, kys.

Attached: barrierpenetrationwound.jpg (800x530, 101K)

Please educate yourself dipass