He still lurks here right?
He still lurks here right?
If by "here" you mean a "CIA blacksite, naked, beaten, with a bag over his head." Yes. He still lurks "here."
is kill
If by lurk, you mean lurking from the afterlife, maybe. F.
a nigger?
Newfag git
Someone said he posts in /GQG/ every now and then but I havne't seen his trip on here in years
He went full tinfoil after Bundy Ranch
We're just assuming he's MIA.
>He was a man of peace.
>He was a man of action.
>They took his waifu.
>This Summer, prepare your anus
Maybe. He went full PERSEC at one point well after the Bundy ranch stuff. Eventually he moved and developed other interests besides guns and animu.
I mean can you blame him?
Stood up to the feds. Was involved with (not saying he was at the bridge) an armed standoff between militia and federal agents.
I'd be surprised if anyone that was involved in that didn't have a big target on their back.
Also, being interviewed on CNN kinda blew his deep cover. Could you imagine if they found out who he was and the shit he posted under the trip of McNiggerator? McNig was a great dude, and I miss his posting. But I think ducking out back into user-hood was probably for the best.
He will post under McDicks every once in awhile
Just ask for pics of galils next to catgirl pillows, he might magically appear
He went off radar completely due to his fear of what may happen to him if the feds ever decided to go after him.
Dont worry about it. Hes a smart man.
t. McNig
Miss you McNig. You were one of the good ones
There's a high probability he's living in a shoddy apartment under an alias and works for cash. Bundy Ranch has left him on God knows how many watchlists.
he posted once in /gq/ almost a full year ago
He fought for our freedom. A true patriot.
Of course, hiding until the time is right.
Keep your ugly ass niggers off this board.
Whatever happened to erikthered? Last I saw him post he was bragging about sucking his own dick.
I do miss calling mcnig a cock sucking weeb nigra
Times were simpler in 2010 Jow Forums
That ugly ass McNiggerator was a feature of this board when the best part of you was running down your momma’s leg, newfag.
He became *fully aware
Wrong. I was 11 years old.
oh no
If you were 11 during the Bundy times...
I bet he doesn’t even know who poopsock guy is.
So that makes you 15 now. Get your underageb& ass off this board.
I used to have his yahoo email. I should dig it up and ask.
He and I had a couple replies back and forth in the gear queer general a few months back (I think? I'm not good with remembering time). He was talking about the Bible and we chatted a bit about practicing Christianity outside of traditional ecclesiastical structures and direct-line-to-God sort of meditative prayer. He was pretty cool but also came off as a bit tinfoil. I know he had some trouble with weird militia guys after Bundy Ranch and something about people breaking into his house (can't remember exactly what happened), so maybe that has something to do with it. I miss his Galil-posting.
Who is he?
A black weeb tripfag, from a better time.
What was that nigger hoping to accomplish?
I still complained about tripfags back then, but it seems so much better than now. Maybe a case of rose glasses but damn if it wasn't more fun back then.
Far less crossboarding fags bringing their retarded politics into every thread and far fewer dedicated autists spamming threads.
Doesn't help that the mods seem to be intent on crashing this site into the ground.
Shit, when you have people openly posting their facebook profiles and openly admitting to being fucking underage you know there's been a shift in demographics.
>you will never stand side to side with micnig and buck angel against the feds
Wasn't 2014 also the year that gamergate happened? That's gotta count for something.
Thought he dropped off the grid, don’t blame him after the Standoff with the Feds. I remember him giving updates while it was going down.
>other interests besides guns and animu
I cannot imagine a more painful existence.
All you have to do is insult Spice & Wolf and shortstack animu girls and he will eventually be summoned.
I miss you, Nig.
I'm not him but we were in the same circle before all of that happened and before he went off the radar in 2016. Hes fine.
Ask him if he cums on his galil still.
The main three events that changed this site for the worst was the fappening, gamergate, and the 2016 election when Jow Forums crossposted with reddit in order to shill trump far and wide, spreading our memes far, far away to eyes that should never have seen them.
I'm assuming this is in Nevada based on the gambling machines to the left of the desk. The black guy walks past the desk where there is a security guard diddling on his phone, walks right past the receptionist at his little stand, and just starts beating on some random lady with multiple people around? Then some of the people fight back and the guard comes and crossdraws a taser? What was this moron trying to do?
Do I have to mean it when I insult them?
knockout game
Looks more like a premeditated assault than knockout game.
Yes, yes you do
But I love Spice and Wolf.
You're a good person.
The lady stood up and wasn't even bleeding. I guess he did a bad job.
>post vid of person of certain race being violent, degenerate and/or subhuman
>hurr durr hate all people of this race!!!
Why don't you stop getting your snowflake world view of entire groups of people swayed by "muh emotions" and take individual people on there own real life virtues and flaws.
Though I suppose you're some basement dwelling autist who struggles too even deal with people on an individual basis.
That, or a literal child.
Oh gee, guess who got banned in this very thread?
You know what? I'm not even gonna read your post because I think you're a shariablue reddit libtard shill. Enjoy the half-black rape son, soiboy (if you even meet a female).
the amount of buzzword you hammed into your response is directly proportional too the level of butthurt you're putting on show
prolly better than the last jedi, desu.
>posting cp models as a reac pic...
shitty desert "art" doesn't pay so he went back to sucking other people's dicks.
It's THE nigger you newfag
Newfag. I miss mcnig
i miss him bros no homo
I occasionally chat with him, we kept up for a long time after he dropped off the board,
Basically, the US government was prying too hard into the individuals who were associated with the whole Bundy incident, especially after the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Federal agents were on his ass too much so he decided just to erase his public online presence.
he did trip a little bit last year in gear queer threads, he may still browse or even post as user on here from time to time, not sure if he'll start posting publicly again
That's the name of the park? Oddly fitting.
A direct translation is "bad hour". It's roughly equivalent to the English "misfortune", "grief", etc.
The real question is how the fuck have the feds not busted your ass after watching oxide vids and your M53 going full retard.
Hope everything's going well with mugi and the baby!
two reasons
A) FFL 07 and SOT 02 allow you to have fun and
B) BFONGs are a thing
but yeah, we've been doing great, baby is already walking so i guess she's actually a toddler now.
Suuuuuuuuuure ebin :DDD
Glad to hear you guys are doing great, you know that means that it's time to get her a beretta tip up barrel in .22 short right?.
Why dont y'all post on 8? Its pretty slow there but a few oldfags who can increas the posts per hours would probably be welcome.
He posts in gearqueer threads occasionally. It's subtle, but you can tell it's him by the gear sometimes.
If I remember correctly, he got really disappointed and bitter about everything after the Bundy Ranch incident. He would rant at Jow Forums about not joining in the stand off.
I want McNig to delete my colon. With his dick.
back to your containment board white nigger
>Half in the Baaaaaag
Erik and DelRuby were some of my fondest bantz buddies.
They were fuckin' weird, and a lot of y'all are just stupid.
kek, it's kinda hard for the feds to bust you when you're also a fed running an FFL with a SOT on the side.
But yeah actually I got her an AR-7 but she's still too small to use it kek
When you see alot of them do it on a regular basis compared to other races, you start to notice it's a very common thing. Of course, white people do shit like that too, but no where near the rate they do.
It doesnt make you a racist to notice that a certain group of people is ALOT more likely to be violent.
>It doesnt make you a racist to notice that a certain group of people is ALOT more likely to be violent.
You do know what the definition of "racist" is, right? Just own up to it, dude.
Hey big guy
Why haven’t you been posting either? I’ve been taking my time working on the k tripfag fanfiction for a while and want to complete it but all of the tripfags that are in it never post anymore! I’ve added some new characters besides just you and mcnigg as well but they’ve stopped posting too. Shits gays.
I can never tell if he's pooping in this picture or if that's his dick
I started a federal job that sucked up all my time and had a kid kek. It killed all my time
Fugg i miss all the old tripfags, McNig, Boog, BFG and others. Some are probably dead, some grew up and moved on, some still lurk for old times sake. Some like flander or big boss still post, but rarely. I started browsing this place when i was still in hs but now i have a kid on the way. And even if this place gets shut down, ill still remember shitposting about rhodesia and fucking with willis. And maybe someday ill meet one of you fucks out in the wild and we'd share a laugh about the pepe liberator that still has not come out for $999. But now i am drunk and tired k, good night.
boof still pops on sometimes
McNig was a cool dude. He disappeared out west though.