If you had to pick one manufacturer for which to only ever own their guns again, who would you pick?
Brand Loyalty Thread
Aaron Perez
Jaxson Russell
Samuel Roberts
CZ. That's my EDC.
I'd love to get my hands on either a Bren or Scorpion tho
Bentley Allen
>inb4 poorfag
Hear me out:
>The only thing they haven't made is a bolt-action
>Most guns are wacky and interesting (besides the shitty pistols)
>You'd never be bored and you would be supporting a domestic company
Tyler Martin
Kalashnikov Concern
Landon Morris
If we can get anything they make, HK.
If we can only get what is available on the US civilian market, FN.
Jayden Watson
Kalashnikov Concern followed by HK, Steyr gets an honorable mention.
Easton Turner
FN, huge variety, pretty quality product (even if it is often overpriced)
Dylan Sanders
My mind says Ruger but by heart says Winchester.
Levi Clark