"It's about the precedent"

>he isn't watching the next supreme court justice telling Senator Feinstein to shove her bullshit gun control where the sun don't shine
Feeling good about this guy

Attached: kavanaugh.png (1920x888, 1.32M)

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I like how he keeps saying Gang Violence, Gun Violence. He gets it, its Gang's who commit all of these issues, not legal gun owners.

She is such a cunt, sitting upon the dead bodies of school children, attempting to say that ALL of these school shootings were committed with "assault weapons".

Goddamn dude you're right. She just keeps repeating the same old talking points like it's 1994 again and she has a fucking chance.

Sorry folks the show's over, we're talking about abortion again.


It's Kavanaugh, the supreme court nominee, under fire from Jow Forums's favorite senator on livestream. Here's my stream


give it time, her party is eating itself at the moment. The establishment DNC shot itself in the dick when they fucked Bernie for Hillary and it became public. Now with superdelegates out the door, the left is going to have a field day up till 2020.
Not to rag on the """""left-leaning"""""" gunowners here, but your side really doesn't know what the fuck it wants and you really should just go right for the foreseeable future for now since the whole fucking spectrum went left waaaaay too much.

This is what I have done. I was a classical liberal before the election but these past 2 years have opened my eyes that liberals have gone so far left that they are anti gun straight out.

It didn't always used to be like this, but I am now voting Republican flat out. I think Trump is a fucking idiot when it comes to his demeanor and he says stupid shit all the time regarding guns, but as long as he doesn't do a 180 and go full anti gun, he has my vote in 2020.

Yeah the Democrats are a shitshow right now. The Establishment Dems are trying to find any scapegoat they can to blame for their loss in 2016 other than themselves, and they've spent so much time going after this Trump probe that they don't really have a face or viable platform to put forward for 2020. On one hand, I'm glad that they've done everything in their power to keep the Socialists from taking over, but they've done so in such a shitty way that it's just built resentment and support for the Socialist cause rather than suppressing them.

They seem to have been betting their entire future on the Trump probe panning out spectacularly well or just betting on not being Trump, and neither of those are viable anymore. The whole hush-money ordeal may be more illegal, but it's too benign and close to what Clinton did for anyone to really give a shit, and Trump's presidency hasn't gone as spectacularly bad as anyone expected, so a 2020 platform of "we're not him" isn't going to work.

>but these past 2 years have opened my eyes that liberals have gone so far left that they are anti gun straight out.
>past 2 years
must be over 18 to post here

I think what he means is that the Left is getting more extreme. The zeitgeist had moved away from gun control, but with everyone getting more extreme on both sides, the Left has become more vocal about gun control again.