Time for a Jow Forums literature thread, post Jow Forums books you like, ask for recommendations for books.
Jow Forumslit thread
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Culture of Critique
My Awakening
Revolt Against the Modern World
Ride the Tiger
sven hassel.
all of his books
What's a good non-fiction book on operating from the point-of-view of a U.S. soldier, preferably a SOCOM unit and something from the last 15 years. Would appreciate it
Excellent selections, citizen!
Level Zero Heroes.
It’s written by this JTAC guy that was strapped with MARSOC in Afghanistan.
Not the best writing there is but some of the shit he lets out about the command is fucking downright maddening in a bad way
>Jow Forumslit
>read it as klit
oh my fucking sides aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
also, 1984.
Currently reading Foxfire 5. The urge to go off into the mountains and build flintlocks with homebrew’d wrought iron is intensifying
What are some good Jow Forums books about PMCs/mercenaries? Both fiction and non-fiction.
Even though Stephen King is a liberal turd, the Dark Tower is quite Jow Forums
Francis Parker Yockey imperium
Oswald Spengler the decline of the west
War of the flea
Watched the documentary Apache Warrior recently - imdb.com
Can anyone recommend books written by Apache gunship crews in Iraq or Afghanistan?
Have you read the Blackwater book? It's an interesting read.
Thunder Run: the armoured strike into Baghdad is a damn good read.
>This war is horrible and conscription was the toughest thing I’ve gone through
>Chechnya 2.0? Awesome, where do I volunteer?
If you read the book you would have noticed the significant difference between being a conscript and being a volunteer. And he explains why he went back
There was one by a British dude, ed macy. Can't remember the title but it was probably something like hellfire. Low level hell is better, OH6 in vietnam
Anyone got any book recommendations relating to the German general staff?
>conscription is terrible
>literally my feet hurt the book
I want the book writen by his crazy ass commander, that wanted to die.
>im reading through this
Might be more /tg/ related, but is there anything like fantasy WW1? Basically WW1-era guns and stuff but with fantastical elements?
Reading this right now
gaunts ghosts and a few other warhammer 40k books are exactly like that
Maybe not quite what you're looking, for but the Leviathan trilogy is cool stuff in ww1. YA lit, but you requested >genre fiction so your options are limited.