How shitty are the gun laws where you're from Jow Forums? Dominica here. Here's an example of our laws.
How shitty are the gun laws where you're from Jow Forums? Dominica here. Here's an example of our laws
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Not bad at all.
I can only own double barrel shotguns or blank firing pistols (if I have a yacht). But every conscript who finishes his service had the choice of taking his G3 home or not, tho you never get to shoot it
Also I have to register scopes
> Alabama
> CC permit in my county is only $25
> no laws against OC’ing pistols
> illegal to OC a Bowie knife
> ask local sheriffs deputy why
> 1800’s Bamafolk kept challenging each other to knife fights so BamaGov banned carrying pig stickers
> law never got updated or repealed, PD’s just ignore it anyway
Other than that odd quirk I have no complaints
Liberation and destruction of the t*rks when?
You should have challenged him to a knife fight as it is your custom
>be alabaman
>get arrested for OC big ole knife
>instead of judge deciding guilt, guilt or innocents is determined by defendants ability to defeat arresting officer in knife fight
>fined for illegal firearm and ammunition
Doesn't stop your brothers and sisters from coming to America, straw-purchasing guns, committing robberies, and starting gangs, does it?
As soon as we get modern equipment and not stuck with shit from the 60-70s
I'm in NJ.
I fix guns, anybody have a reccomendation for a new state?