What kinda upside down world do we live in where a rifle that literally destroys optics that are mounted on it is still...

What kinda upside down world do we live in where a rifle that literally destroys optics that are mounted on it is still considered to be worth $3500? Is group think so pervasive in the firearm world that this is just shrugged off as no big deal?

Attached: 84F8B6FC-FBBF-4DAF-B3D0-CA64BC394D50.jpg (275x183, 8K)

Anything to stave off buyer's remorse OP

>dub dubs

Ok, you got my attention. Elaborate more on this "destroys optics" thing. I have never heard of this.

Yeah, no.
How did YOU fuck up?

Most optics after 2005~ have been designed to handle the forward force so this is literally moot.

same shit as air rifles destroying optics. most optics are designed to hold up to reward recoil and the forwards motion fucks them. forwards movement want never taken into concern. a proper optic wont care.



No one actually shoots their guns enough for it matter, basically. The cool guys who do can afford the expensive ass optics and lasers made specifically for the SCAR-H.

I've never seen a ATPIAL Heavy variant in real life but I've heard about em. Better built lasters like the MAWL can handle it, as well as Leupold scopes and optics.

Japanese (Vortex Razor/Nighforce) and Canadian (ELCAN) scopes had issues early on, newer versions may have fixed it

The MK17 specifically had an issue of breaking scopes due to the force of the heavier bolt going forward and some optics didn't account for forward force.

Oh, never knew that. Interesting. You say "had," not "has." Has the issue been resolved or did FN just shrug and say "dont buy it then."?

I have only heard of this with ptrs.

Side note: what I would do for a ptr in 300 win mag, with a 24 inch barrel and a big nasty muzzle brake.