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AK General /akg/
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>Thread #687

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>AK Buyer's Guide


what's the best ammo brand for 762x39?

Should I trade my FAL for a PSL?

Strong No. Psl will destory themselves if ammo is too heavy. They are also super thin barrels.

If is a cheap ass fucked up Century woth wrong feed ramps then yeah.

Everyone loves Golden Tiger it seems. I've had success with Wolf and Hotshot (discontinued), but Red Army Standard is just disgustingly inaccurate for me.
Nobody really strays into brass territory for AKs

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Nah its one that I built.
I don't know I guess I'm just getting tired of it and want some more AK related stuff. I would also trade it for an SLR-104 with a triangle folder in a heartbeat.

Why does everybody hate our NPAPs?
They're better than the new WASR's, and that's for damn sure

Personally I would.
The psl is really comfortable and they do a great job concentrating the weight near the shooter rather than out at the end of the long barrel. Mine's pretty much as accurate as you are and problem free. The biggest problem the PSL has is the ammo market going to shit in the last decade. Now you are stuck with commercial ammo instead of Psl will destory themselves if ammo is too heavy.
So if you are too dumb to read elementary tier instructions regarding ammo, avoid the psl.
Also, I don't like heavy ball ammo, even though my mosin. I much prefer lighter and flatter shooting bullets.
>They are also super thin barrels.
It's pretty much standard 762 ak barrel thickness past the gas block, and pretty beefy before that. I'm so tired of this argument.

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>using heavy ball in anything
It's terrible for literally any gun we can acquire in the states. The only excuse would be if it's the only thing available and you don't know any better.

I wouldn't say hate.. but the fact that the recoil spring from the factory sucks and the fact that the parts arent interchangeable with standard AKM rifles turns people off.

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Should I sell my kobra for a 1p29?

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I've used Golden Tiger and Brown Bear with no issues.

Im about to put 2k into ammo here this month. I'm juggling between 10 cases of GT or 2 cases of 154 gr soft point tula and 6 cases of 8m3. I'm leaning towards the latter. I thought at first that maybe I should get the GT cause have half a box of 8m3 left.
Wat do /akg/

If long term storage, golden tiger.
It yaws really fast and is very nasty. Taken a few critters with it.

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>shooting into a field
at least there´s plausible deniability when you hit your neighbor´s house

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I respectfully disagree. While Romanian and Yugoslavian guns both look and feel kind of "rough", I always felt like my Yugo guns were just a little bit shittier than my Romanian guns. None of them ever malfunctioned or anything, but it was a feeling I couldn't shake. I eventually ended up selling everything that wasn't Bulgarian or Russian.

I like my rifles thicc

Everything original, even the barrel

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But we get genocide handguards and that's pretty neat.
8m3 is cool but I'm skeptical of its performance. GT is the titties, tho, and the SGAmmo deal is nice. How serious are you about taking game with your AK/SKS?

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My neighbors(if I had any within miles) are safe.
556 is the only thing that zips through this.

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I would get Golden Tiger and 8m3.
Look at vacuum sealing your ammo. I fit 600 8m3, and 120 Golden Tiger in a standard 50 cal can vacuum sealed. Or ~700 (I forget the exact number) Golden Tiger vacuum sealed in a 50 cal can.
I would avoid any soft points with 7.62x39 as the bi metal jacket does not yield the bullet to expand regularly. And 158 grain bullets will give you much different point of impact.
If you really want long term storage sgammo.com/product/wolf-or-wpa/1400-round-wood-crate-762x39-123-grain-fmj-barnaul-mil-spec-ammo-spam-cans-lacqu may be up your alley.

Yes? No?

Put up a backstop dude. You can seriously just make a pile of firewood or something behind your target for fucksake.

I had a 1p29 and ending up selling it. It's not bad though. But are you talking even trade? The kobra for the 1p29? If it's an even trade then yes. 1p29 is worth more.

Too bad it's wasted on California

I'd be selling the kobra and paying about 600$ for the 1p29. I'd like a magnified optic but im iffy about geeting an optic i have zero experience with, plus I read the funky reticle could be difficult to use. Does the height of optic cause any issues? The other magnified optic I'm looking at is a PSU 1-4X but it's 2000$

Steel case would be golden tiger probably. If you want to spend the extra money per round, PPU brass case is good. I've never bother with match grade anything.



I got used to the reticule and, the height didn't cause any issues for me. However the reticule is specifically made for 5.45 rifles. I had it on a fime vepr 74 so that wasn't a problem for me, but keep that in mind. I do believe they make a 7.62 version of it where the reticule markings more accurately project the ballistics of that round but I don't remember exactly. But kobra plus $600? Yeah I'd probably just keep the kobra then. There's a guy on AK files right now who's selling a PK-AS and a PK-01-VS for pretty reasonable prices though if you just wanted to try a different red dot. I replaced my 1p29 with an acog though, so as far as magnified optics go that's all I can really recommend.

No the optic is 600$ total. I'm hinking of selling the kobra to get additional money

How are Russian optics for lefties? Isn't the general alignment to the left problematic?

Oooh. Yeah then that's a good deal.

Russian Optics are shit for lefties. "You're either right handed or wrong handed."

Super neat. Even though both sets I ordered clearly had the stickers removed which pissed me off and made me feel cheated.

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Id like an entry level AK that isnt crap. I know enough to avoid IO, century and anything American. Does it basically come down to WASR vs NPAP or have I overlooked one ?

Consider a WASR, or one of those kit builds that atlantic is selling right now.

You can spend the same amount and get a WBP barrelled receiver, but then you have to add a FCG, safety lever, and furniture.
Other than that, yeah, WASR and NPAP are your only options. Today is not good day to get into AK.

Just buy a SAM7 and then you'll skip wanting a better AK and eventually selling your starter rifles.

>that ultra-rare surplus EG bullet button mag release

top kek epic trolling

Just picked up the Maadi on the top because Red Dawn

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Hell yeah, I'm gonna watch that movie tonight now.

/akg/, please rate my AK

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my gunsmith took too long so I am waiting to do the conversion, but this SeeAll sight is dope as fuck

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>dust cover rail


You know that Red Army Standard & Gold Tiger is the same right?

>not appeasing the Ak mount jews
never gonna make it

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Ppu is brass cased

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Wasn't kidding.

Delete this post.

What's wrong with it?

Except it's not. One Red Army standard offering is Vympel made, the 124gr FMJ. The rest of their stuff is mostly Romy made iirc.

It's too American.

Ew century c39 v2....

problems weren't

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Nice optic, too.

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I should have clarified, I suppose. The Romanian RAS is trash. Century contracts whoever they can to make it and it's grossly inconsistent.
>if FN made an AK

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I thought this was an AR from the thumbnail

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I didn't know the czechs made ak mags...

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Best? Lapua. But you’re paying over a buck per round at that point.

>But you’re paying over a buck per round at that point.
You better be bench shooting it out of a scoped cz527 or better gun at that price.

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thanks for the cover mate, it's coming together now. Pretty hype and half tempted to rape a point rail off a saiga 410 or something

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>gunsmith takes forever
>didnt even weld up the old trigger holes
Get a refund.

>post yfw its been in the shop for 3 weeks and he hasn't even started

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It takes like an hour maybe 2 if your SUPER careful to do the barrel, probably another to do the trigger guard.
And thats WITHOUT welding anything.

Your "gunsmith" is an asshole who at best, has never done it before and is waiting on the same tools youd by to do it, or at worst just some faggot who dosent give a shit.

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he kept trying to bullshit e abut how it takes a whule to heat up the barrel, and i was like "listen retard, I wouldn't be here if you hadn't told me it would be done this week"
and he's fucking bumbling "listen son, we do things propper round here"

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Traded a M70AB2 with Balkan trenchart furniture and a hungarian underfolding stock (for some reason) for a canted as fuck GP WASR-10/63

I think I did breddy gud

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Upper HG rotates a little bit and the safety is oddly easy to actuate but it shoots great and other than that the build quality is excellent.

I'm retarded I mean I traded the shit WASR for the M70AB2

"heat up the barrel" what the fuck?

Get your gun back from that jackass, he obviously dosent know what hes doing AND it sounds like he dosent care.

Yeah if it was like your original post, then you fucked up something awful

Heh, nope. I also got the shit WASR for 350 a month ago... so end to end I got an M70AB2 for 350 which I'd say is pretty fucking good in the AK dark age

I have Saiga-chan back now, I can't believe I almost let that old fuck near my russian princess

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Does that stock lock closed properly?

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Yep. It actually appears to have Romanian/Type 3 hardware in it (I have no idea why) but strangely enough functions normally.

>>if FN made an AK
I don't get it

Do it with the intent on selling it after.

>then decide to keep the .410

>I know how this goes

Anybody use Wolf soft point? I just want to buy in 1k bulks, but all I can find are corrosive Yugo surplus and the soft points for a cheap price.
Wondering about penetration and shit like that.

Why do you ask? Does it look fucked up? Genuinely curious, if there's something that might become a problem in the future I'd rather fix it now. Never had a UF before.

The stock does move up and down about 1 degree in the open position, almost imperceptible. After some googling it does appear to be a Hungarian stock with Romanian locking parts.

>every color is mismatched

Not him, but I was of the understanding that standard AKM underfolder hardware was incompatible with Yugos. Could be that the rear trunion isn't Yugo in origin, either, then.

I'm really not sure then. I don't know who built the kit or what fitting was done afterwards. I also noted that the hammer appears to be chinese (identical to my friend's MAK-90)

But hey it looks good and shoots well (actually my most accurate 7.62x39 AK, almost as good as my best SKS) so I can't really complain about the mutt parts.

SGL meme is back

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As long as it locks closed against the hand guard then it should be fine.

Anything I can do to check if the trunnion is yugoslavian? Just out of curiosity.

what's up with the clips?&

It has the top cover lock, definitely Yugo.

>bulged trunnion yugo
>3/6 rivet stock
>looks good

Adjustable piston solves those issues.