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Boys have sweg
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is that an original stock,user? Wanted to re finish the stock on mine but I'm not sure.
Taking this to the range tomorrow. Will let you know what shes like.
Very excited. I hear its a great pistol.
I think thats the walnut stock sks Bullseye london was selling.
Yep, I think Tendies have them too sometimes
>buying anything off the those chinks
no thanks.
Unless you have one of the pricier variant, SKS are exactly the sort of cheap thing to experiment with. If you fuck up with the stock, finding a replacement is very easy in whatever style you might think of. Personally had a lot of fun and learned a lot doing mine. I wanted a passable beater in 7.62x39 and for $200 there was little to lose anyway. Even better if you're already decided on switching the stock.
I think it turned out well in my case.
Looks great. I just have a non matching russian one. the coating shellac shit is coming off and just want a nicer stock. I did an old pellet gun awhile ago and it turned out alright.Thanks
Gotendies is good people.