Jow Forums movie night

Jack Ryan season 1

Followed by selected Burt Reynolds Films

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I watched the forest episode of this and thought it was okay. The attack on the base was pretty unrealistic in terms of the capabilities they presented for a bunch of ragheads

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>pretty unrealistic in terms of the capabilities they presented for a bunch of ragheads
So is most cia analysis. From Saddam massive underground bunker complex to the training camps in afghanistan.

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So far the start of Jack Ryan series is better than I thought it would be.

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I thought it was really good, I just finished the whole season last night, but i wont spoil it, I mean some minor gripes with it, like the French swat team helmets looking like they had fucking flimsy ballistic glass (pic Related) but over all the story and everything is pretty good in my opinion.

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Why didnt they look like this? I dont get it

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Yay more CIA propaganda where they aren't portrayed as lowsy fuck ups like they are in real life? Why the hell do these fags get jerked off by hollywood non stop?

1) Because they pay hollywood substantial amounts of money
2) The jews love the cia because the cia works in their interests

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dat ass

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I have this reoccurring fantasy where I get super fucking rich and produce a movie where a guy paints himself in blackface and shoots up the CIA building and leaks all their CP and secret documents to the internet. Then I'd market it as something completely different and have it shown at a film festival.

I cant even tell if its satire or not anymore

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Fuggin missed a couple of episodes

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Only part I didn't like was treating the French officer like he was in the wrong for being upset over muzzies ruining his country.

Yeah that was lame. They have to have the PC guilt in there or they would not allow it on amazon.

daww we doing battle bunny thread. Look like swamp rabbits, you in the south east?

Hey you guys want some mobies

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Some of those are from FL I think

>"nice shot, bitch"
>tfw no sociopathic gf to brutally fight in bed before sex

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Nice, my Florida Man bunny bros.

Episode 5 of Jack Ryan, Burt will be up soon.

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Is this from the Jack Ryan show?

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sounds like it

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>selected Burt Reynolds Films
Fucking better be the best one or I will quit the internet

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I believe all 3 are on the playlist

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>I believe all 3 are on the playlist

>Implying Reynolds is in the 3rd one
I like Jackie Gleason but he alone doesn't make the movie.

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Stellar bun there, user.

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