Has anyone tried clearing a squib with a blank? Would it even work or will it turn your gun AND your hand into confetti?
Cleaering Squibs
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barrel becomes small pipe bomb
You NEVER clear any kind of obstruction in the barrel by attempting to shoot the gun in any way, including with blanks.
If a bullet squibs it's because the bullet is out of spec or the barrel is so fouled that it can't fit through it even at pressure.
If the pressure from firing the squib didn't get it out a blank isn't gonna work either. All you're gonna do is blow your receiver/barrel up and seriously injure yourself.
I'm gonna have to stop you right there m8 and remind you that currently there is no mandatory regulation (in most states) firearm training to own a firearm. anything you do with that firearm is done at your own risk, and at the risk of other potential prosecution of the law if you pose a sufficient danger to others.
If it happened because of an underloaded round then go ahead otherwise you risk losing your gun and even your hand
>or the barrel is so fouled that it can't fit through it even at pressure.
So why was he so careless? At first he allowed a pause to see the bullet clear the barrel but then he starts doing quick taps
use a wooden dowel. push the squib out the barrel in the direction it was traveling, from the chamber. you should have a dowel on hand for your caliber when shooting.
use a squib rod like a normal person, please. ur gunna hurt yourself, or worse, someone else.
No no no, I'm asking if anyone's been retarded enough to try it.