How secure is your castle Jow Forums? I mean most of us own guns. How prepped are you for a breach through...

How secure is your castle Jow Forums? I mean most of us own guns. How prepped are you for a breach through? Do you have an alarmed system? What kind of locks on your doors and windows? Are there weapons hidden around the house? Do you have armor? In the worst case scenario your door gets kicked in and men with murderous intent are filing in, how ready are you? Owning an AR-15 means jack shit if you die on the toilet naked and unarmed.

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A big ass dog

It can take a bullet or two while i get my toilet gun

My security is living in an upscale, white city. Also, I keep a shotgun in the closet, and I always have an underwear gun.

There's only a few niggers around here, so I'm mostly fine.

>being breached by church goin' life togetherin' college seekin' urban yoofs
I'm not talking a simple home invasion. I am talking how prepared are you to prevent and hold out against a coordinated insertion? Your ass is wanted by alphabet soup and you think living in mr. roger's neighborhood will protect you?

Well, in that case, i'd be fucked.

>sleep in basement
>basement is filled with tannerite to a depth of three or four feet
>in the event of a raid, wake up, grab the bedside Mosin, and shoot the floor literally anywhere

Bam, I just repelled the feds


>bought $300 wifi security cameras from bestbuy and send footage to google drive via premium version of program ispy
>little shitty $5 beeper alarms on windows to make loud noises if someone opens it
>fake security alarm system stickers everywhere
>name brand locks on doors like Brinks and not bullshit like kwikset
>door chain
>$15 solar recharged motion lights outside doors
>beware of dog sign
The goal is to make your house look uninviting. When the money gets better I want some roladins in my windows and a gate to put around my house just so I have a barrier. Later this week I am pulling out these fucking shrubs around my house so people cannot hide in them. It is all basic shit. When you own guns you gotta take home security seriously. I keep the eyes peeled when walking outside but cannot live in "condition yellow" forever. The home is the only place I can be distracted and relaxed so it has to be safe

In that case, wife and I shoot while kids reload for us. Also maybe hack drone controls and send a predator to my house to take out alphabits