I had to deep clean all the guns I thought I had lubed up for long term storage because this shit turned into gunk after anfrw months and made the actions barely usable. People have also reported ants attacking their guns.
>DO NOT PUT FOOD IN YOUR GUN Enfi-chan is hungry though user, and I can't afford .303.
Andrew Anderson
what is this 2013? nobody uses that shit.
Nicholas Phillips
Dumb frogposter
Ethan Rodriguez
I gave this shit a chance because I wanted something I could use indoors without fumes and it caused nothing but problems. It's a royal pain in the ass to get rid of once it's gummed up the inside of your guns too.
Jayden Brown
I stopped using it when it gummed up one of my guns. It was applied from the factory like that and gummed up, so I reapplied as instructed with the sample provided, and it gummed up again.
Fast forward years later, this past labor day, I was out shooting with friends and one had an 870 that wouldn't fire. Turns out frog lube gummed up his firing pin channel somehow.
The promise of easy clean up is made moot once it fails and you have to detail strip your guns to clean it out anyway.
Jack Thompson
>Thinks we use anything but CLP....
Henry Long
>His bottles of Breakfree look weird, and he’s talking about coconuts.
Luke Hall
CLP is shit too. It attempts to do 3 jobs in 1 but doesn't do any if them decently.
Best cleaner I've found so far is water (preferably warm) and Ajax dish soap. No fucking joke, try this shit. Only downside is you have to get all the soap/water out so don't use it on areas you can't dry easily. Same applies to solvents (including CLP), most people don't realize how much damage they're doing to metal parts by leaving solvents on them (especially inside the barrel).
Best lube/preservative is motor oil. Seriously you can't beat it. Perfect consistency to remain on the parts, designed to stay there long term, and doesn't gunk up in cold weather. Also cheap as hell, a quart will last you your whole life.
Carson Sullivan
>he uses clp >he doesnt squirt white creamy LSA all inside his raifus reciever and down her bore