/akg/ AK General

AK General /akg/
Swiss Dress-Up Edition
>Thread #688

Old thread here

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>AK Buyer's Guide


Haha holy shit I didn't think I'd see that pic here. That's not a Swiss gun. Not even close.

That gun is so cringe

Thoughts on wolf ammo?


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Just bought a 750 round case and I'm halfway through it and zero issues.

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First time finding a local 5.45 deal in like three years

800 rounds of wolf military classic 5.45 plus all this for $160

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Shit boy nice find

Haha, nope. That’s a FAMAE.

Should I do Duracoat or Appliance Epoxy for my SAR-1?

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wow nice dude

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How many magazines?

I would also like to know the answer to his refinishing question for a different SAR 1

it was cool, I get envious of people finding cool deals at pawn shops and backpage and stuff

Six orange tapcos
Four sanitized Bulgarian
Four brown (21)s
Three Polish steel
One black (10)
Two Bulgarian mag pouches
One krink drop case
800 rounds of 5.45
10 rounds of 7.62x39 that the guy had crammed into one of the steel mags

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I am considering buying canted picatinny rails and am looking for some suggestions.

Yes it is. Unless you're saying it's Chilean, in which case you're autistic.

so you're saying it's possible

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akg has been shit for months, maybe even years. prove me wrong

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Anything is possible if your dreams

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any one used the 5,56 promags? i know theyre polymer all around but all I care about is feeding and function at the range

U wot

Whole lotta East German shit popping up recently


I raise you one

Yea it's not close to Swiss gun.

what is SIG SG 540

Rustoleum farm implement for the first 3 layers, appliance epoxy for the last 3
Twice as strong and easier go apply evenly

>.243 win

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Do I strip the parkerized finish off?

No it serves as great base for the paint


Atlantic mystery meat builds. Sad fate for a kit.

What is Swiss quality. They're not comparable in quality.

Because last winter all of the regular posters moved to the /akg/ Groupme.

What's that cheek riser? I get something between a chin and a neck weld with this thing.

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Shot naw you man all the ammo AND all the gear for 160?

Polish Beryl stock
I made the cheek riser. If you have a 3D printer I can send you the file.

Thinking of doing something like this to my SLR-104. Thoughts?

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Just stay away from promag, man. Just don't.

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ProMags are only good for practicing failure drills, they don't fucking work at all.

I think the long hand guards look like ass on full length rifles.

Is it a 104FR?

How bad is TulSurplus or Wolf ammo gonna be for my AK?

anyone have specs on the front half of that krink?

I don't recognize the handguards, optic mount or brake.

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Is it sacrilege to convert a Saiga with Bulgarian barrel compenents?

Brake looks like jmac, handguard looks like SLR rifle works, idk about optic mount.


Looks like shit. But it’s you’re rifle and do what you like.

104FR yes.
These rifles are done by MG13 the handguards are SLR rifleworks

R8 my shellac job

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Trash, polish beryls are the cheapest good 5.56 AK mags ATM ($35)

Even if it's a .223?

Looks bretty good.

A bit matte, but it looks even.

Thanks, it's glossier in person, just have a shit camera

Congrats user.

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That's downright beautiful.

It’s fine.

Of course. Never half ass anything in life.

i've been scouring armslist in my area for a deal like it with no luck. Lol damn you! What a find.
I suppose we will see more like this as some people panic dump 5.45

anyone have experience with akou cheek riser? my psop rides very high.
I ordered a SVD cheek riser from Russia for $40 before I realized that I'm a fucking dumbass. I'm thinking of jerry-rigging a strap to the SVD riser so it can be used on an AK stock. I am not a smart man.

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oh fuck db concealment stopped making it:
darn it all. time to macgyver the SVD mount

Those are all fucking sexy do it op

Weren't those soft plastic that couldn't be loaded fully?

>soft plastic
thats promag
>can't be loaded fully
thats converted bakes

And now I've already sold it all minus the ammo, two of the Polish steel mags, and the black (10) for just shy of $300

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please dont hurt the bakes

They’re not special. Just orange plastic.

What is that?

baal's plank, or "pointy rail"

>Tfw got a new job that actually pays enough for me to afford some decent weaponry

I want a kalashnikov shotgun. Should i go for a molot vepr12 or something else?

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VEPR-12. Everything else is shit.


What is considered a good price to buy circle 10/21 5.45 mags?

First time I see someone post a SG542 pic on Jow Forums in a long time, and it's this monstrosity. I'm guessing a Leaf is to blame for this sadness.

NOS and Excellent condition: $40

Surplus/Used: ~$30-35

>tfw Tantal should be back from factory this week
Getting excited bois, it's been too long since I've been to the range. Also found a store selling 7n6 for $0.24/round. Probably going to pick up an entire crate and save one tin for emergencies.

>krink'd up

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oh man, don't say something bad about my gun!

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>still calling it a krinkov

>oh man my buddy got a Tula Draco with zenitco parts all over it

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please get a matching stock

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not even mine dawg
same place the krink is in the pic :P

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>fixed stock
>no bayonet lugs
>wrong fsb
>no brake

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>I'm in the middle of converting
>you're not my supervisor
my new friend and I dabbed on a dude sharing our table who had a RAS47.

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>in the middle of converting
then it isnt an ak-103

hello fellas is there a better option for a commercial cheek riser than the following?

>reee show me your russian AK gypsyshit
I've been found out

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nice valmët

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holy chinweld batman

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holy shit. nicely done

Torn between selling my K6-3 to buy more AK stuff or keeping it. It's cool to have, but it's really not doing much besides collecting dust awaiting the habbening.

Wat do /akg/?

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