If you had unlimited money

what battle rifle would you build? What chambering? What accessories? Poast ideal raifus

Attached: s2.reutersmedia.jpg (450x245, 20K)

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I would shoot water melons and 2 liters with this.

Forgot the photo

Attached: 1200px-Phalanx_CIWS_test_fire_-_081107-N-5416W-003.jpg (1200x862, 162K)

45-70 glock 43

Attached: 30V8y6xtrl1uqlhPh0j2Wh.jpg (630x300, 31K)

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 219K)

thread is off to a great start as expected

Polymer-framed, double-column, 9x19 version of this. F-you Commiefornia.

Attached: IMG_4182.jpg (2945x2225, 2.11M)

Is...is that a 2-stamp nugget?

Attached: 1518506090647.jpg (406x480, 61K)

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