Sinks your power projection

>sinks your power projection

Nothing personal, fatsos.

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The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (六四事件), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, in 1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (八九民运). The protests were forcibly suppressed after Chinese Premier Li Peng declared martial law. In what became known in the West as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with automatic rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square. The number of civilian deaths has been estimated variously from 180 to 10,454.[2][5]

Set against a backdrop of rapid economic development and social changes in post-Mao China, the protests reflected anxieties about the country's future in the popular consciousness and among the political elite. The reforms of the 1980s had led to a nascent market economy which benefitted some people but seriously disaffected others; the one-party political system also faced a challenge of legitimacy. . Common grievances at the time included inflation, limited preparedness of graduates for the new economy, and restrictions on political participation. The students called for democracy, greater accountability, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech, though they were loosely organized and their goals varied.[6][7] At the height of the protests, about 1 million people assembled in the Square
Get blacked and get the fuck out, chink

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Um, no sweetie ;)

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And they can't do anything but watch as carriers burn. I doubt they have the guts to start MAD.

Me Chinese Me so dumb Me stick finger in Daddy's bum Daddy go fart and me go zoom That's how I get home so soon!

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For the english speaking anons, I called OP a faggot and told him to back to jerking me off in his parlor

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based and redpilled

We have missiles too and we actually use them instead of just parading around the streets
Didn't your chingchong soldiers get raped by sudan rebels like everyone else chings fight?

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Guess what, chang? When jews put you in their crosshairs for replacement, you'll go down faster than whites
No one wants asian men not even your own army

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China doesnt have MAD with the US. The US has an overwhelming nuclear superiority over China.

Taku thato dumbu chinku

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Takaru Thisaru
Smerreryaru Chinkaru

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And yet it will only take 1 nuke strike at any American city and watch America implode from within because of riots. Face it, even if America has more nukes, China is more mentally superior than America.

Itu wasu selfu defenco

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China would get fucked over twice as hard if they got nuked by the poos or anyone else

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>destroys missile system platform, AA systems, command posts etc. with a hypersonic weapon that flies at mach 20

Nothing personal, ping pong.

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The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (六四事件), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, in 1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (八九民运). The protests were forcibly suppressed after Chinese Premier Li Peng declared martial law. In what became known in the West as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with automatic rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square. The number of civilian deaths has been estimated variously from 180 to 10,454

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>not even planned to be implimented

no telling if it even works, and you only have 1 mutt

We have hypersonics but we don't brag and parade about it but keep it secret like people with brains
Something you commies wouldn't ever understand

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Hahaha, keep dreaming peasant!

>The Air Force recently awarded Lockheed Martin a $480 million contract to develop the ARRW, with an eye towards operational capability in 2021.

>The second weapon is the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW, or “Hacksaw”). A solid fuel rocket with GPS guidance, HCSW is also designed to be carried by aircraft with a planned in-service date of 2022. Lockheed Martin received $928 million to work on Hacksaw in April 2018.

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This [] was meant for you but I clicked the wrong number

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>The students called for democracy, greater accountability, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech
Oh, yeah, that worked perfectly well in Russia. Chink did nothing wrong here and became biggest economy on the planet.

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The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (六四事件), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, in 1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (八九民运). The protests were forcibly suppressed after Chinese Premier Li Peng declared martial law. In what became known in the West as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with automatic rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square. The number of civilian deaths has been estimated variously from 180 to 10,454
Set against a backdrop of rapid economic development and social changes in post-Mao China, the protests reflected anxieties about the country's future in the popular consciousness and among the political elite. The reforms of the 1980s had led to a nascent market economy which benefitted some people but seriously disaffected others; the one-party political system also faced a challenge of legitimacy. . Common grievances at the time included inflation, limited preparedness of graduates for the new economy, and restrictions on political participation. The students called for democracy, greater accountability, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech, though they were loosely organized and their goals varied.[6][7] At the height of the protests, about 1 million people assembled in the Square

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>Doesn't have useless welfare programs for gibnigs
>Doesn't care about their people
>Only beurocrat chinks thinking for themselves
Was it worth the plastic estrogen and unclean air?

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>They didn't die as we wanted them to! How dare they!
They dared and they are winning now. Unlike one very large and HIV-rich country that did not kill their own version of Tiananmen protesters

Kek, China is already delivering carrier killing missiles to the Navy yet America just recently 'awarded' development contract to the Jews.

>Muh carrier sinkers
I thought you zipperheads were supposed to be living calculators... Torpedoes and normal missiles can take out a carrier but its not like they're helpful against ragtag afrcian bumpkins with soviet shit

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Fun fact: China has more obese people than any other country.


China doesn’t have the throw weight to play in the MAD arena. They fall more into the nuclear nuisance category, like Pakistan.

>it will only take 1 nuke strike at any American city

Which China still doesn’t have the capability to deliver.

>Unlike one very large and HIV-rich country

Russia? Oh, speaking of HIV, if you Chinks keep dicking around in Africa you’re going to wind up with African HIV rates. Just sayin.

I do wonder if a SM-2 would be enough to get such a flying omnibus out of the sky

>carrier killing missiles

What’s their combat record? How many carriers killed?

Fun fact: the M-1 Garand killed more Chinks in Korea than Krauts in Africa and Europe. It can legit be called the Chink killing rifle.

Oh, I get it. You just don't know what MAD is. I guess to a chink "Mutually Assured Destruction" is what you call all those times you run yourselves over.

>China is already delivering carrier killing missiles to the Navy
Now if only they could deliver a carrier...

Pretty aesthetic desu.

>implying China doesn't have boomers themselves

But per capita the US still takes the cake (or eats it)

>most populous country
>having most people of some sort
gee who'd have thunk

>China can't MAD
China has CHAD. China Assured Destruction. All Chinese nukes are guaranteed to malfunction and detonate on Chinese soil.

is this a real photo? two nukes wasn't enough

You dumb fucking yellow nigger. America tard-raged across two whole countries for the better part of a decade because a couple dunecoons knocked over two building. A nuke on American soil is a great eay to make sure your country is completely and utterly knocked off the face of the Earth.

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I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill it with a terrible resolve.

Vely Implessive!
China Numba One!

>China has CHAD. China Assured Destruction.
Someone NEEDS to make a Virgin MAD vs Chad CHAD comic.

America responds to all threats with extremely asymmetrical force. Bomb Pearl Harbor? Two nukes. Planes into WTC? 17 years of massacre against Muslims. China fires one bullet at US? 1 billion Chinese dead.

Its chink commie propaganda
Its as real as star wars

>>sinks your power projection
That's a funny way to say "sets in motion a series of events that will lead to US forces busting open the largest dam on earth and turning a large part of china into something much wetter but really only marginally shittier than normal china"

>The U.S. Department of Defense in 2008 estimated that China had 60-80 missiles and 60 launchers;[8] approximately 10-11 missiles can be built annually.[9]
>Though the launcher itself is mobile to reduce vulnerability, an actual launch unit requires support vehicles that can cover a 300×300-meter area, making it hard to move quickly and easier to detect. Also, the launcher is not made to travel off-road and requires solid ground when firing to prevent backblast and debris damage due to the hard launch, restricting its firing locations to roads and pre-made launch pads.[10]
mfw china would lose almost 60 years of effort within the first hour

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I hope some nigger stabs you in the gut with a rusty rebar and take a picture. I’ll have it printed on canvas and hang it at your funeral.


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Yeah sure, unfortunately no one believes you and they are correct to do so.


USA manufactures *four times faster* hypersonic weapons than the chinese without even making these top priority - this is the level of technology USA can do easily, imagine if they actually used a lot of money and the chinese did.

Meanwhile in China they continue to make slow missiles that crawl like turtles...

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No, you’re wrong. And you’re dumb.

How are you going to get here with your single aircraft carrier?

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>Implying Chinese boomers aren't radiation leaching clunkers that can't into quieting

>Implying you know anything except how to suck a mean dick.

Rebuttal of the century right there folks.

>Implying the Hoover dam bursting would effect more than 100,000 people
Meanwhile in China...

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Yeah, he probably is a navy man: that's how he knows your subs are noisier than Soviet boats from 50 years ago

>USA manufactures *four times faster* hypersonic weapons
There is literally not a single piece of evidence for those existing beyond some very obscure claims.

So just like all the Chink quantum monocrystal impressive weapons then.

"Dumb" must be a very familiar term for you, peasant, you hear it every day?

Sounds like you have a serious case of psychosis with very serious delusions, I think you should get help if it is available to peasants.

Meanwhile, rest of us can talk about the western hypersonic projects that are several times more advanced than what the chinese can come up with.

Hahaha Americans are becoming delusional. Too much watching Ancient Aliens. China has time and again showed impressive technology and yet Americans can only repeat hearsays from echo chamber web sites.

Pro players don't jump up and down and show all the other players their hand immediately after the cards are dealt.

If that is correct, it's even worse.
Assuming China's launchers don't get located, tracked and then busted by an alpha strike, they would barely be able to hit 80 targets today and 200 targets in about a decade from now.

That's if none of those missiles get intercepted.
Meanwhile, the USA have 300 ICBM in their submarines alone.

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>Sounds like you have a serious case of psychosis with very serious delusions
Nah, that's you I'm afraid. Again, there is literally not a single piece of evidence for those existing. All we have is some defense officials claiming it exists and reaches the performances claimed....coincidentally after China leaked pics of it testing several HGVs (the pics were posted on Jow Forums).

TL;DR the US is making stuff up to save face.

So Somalia is on to something...

Maybe, but China would basically cease to exist within 45 minutes of that. The burgers will have plenty of time to deal with riots after. 400 warheads is not enough to take out the US.

>400 warheads is not enough to take out the US.
Burger education everyone.

Being absolutely honest user, that shit would be so fucking cool I almost want it to happen.

Could someone post that ‘Impressive’ pasta please, I laugh my ass off every time I read it

>America tard-raged across two whole countries for the better part of a decade because
...because it wanted oil and there was a country who had oil and had no nukes to defend themselves from lardeaters. That's that. You dumb shits pulling pearlharbor and 9-11 cards of nation-wide cocky rage forget your military's balls vanish when nuclear armed nations get involved. Yeah, you heard that right, you fucking loser, you don't even have balls to do norks. Fucking norks. You know what will happen if the US gets randomly nuked once? You shitheads will overthrow your government and plead for peace. Go take a picture with a gaming console and forget about this silly power fantasy of yours.

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>getting this buttmad

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America will launch them from space.

LOL, that's Japs killing Taiwan Aboriginals, they aren't chinese

> Was getting intercepted part of your plan?
Nothing personal, vodka goy.

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Show me a man's weapons, and I'll show you a man's enemies.

As soon as the Chinese produce a target worthy of a hypersonic cruise missile, the Americans will start spamming them.

It's not like burgerland cannot into rocketry and guided missiles, after all.

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now post american and british subs.

>china accusing anyone of making stuff up after their government actually posted Photoshoped pictures of a "steath bomber"

China also has 3 times the population of the US

Calm down Chang.

>it was for oil
>military balls vanish after being attack
>will overthrow the government

LOL We get nuked, just once, And world war 3 will erupt and our WHOLE arsenal will obliterate anyone even remotely related to the attack! You fucks need to realize there is still a HUGE population of Patriots ready to fuck shit up on a moments notice(hence the liberals/socialist just talking and not walking). Think im lying, just fucking test us and we will wipe your pathetic country off the fucking map! Go ahead and give us all a reason to unite and take our power level to previously unseen heights! We are ready and waiting you beta bitches! Nato is our bitch, The Jews are our bitch, Your country is our bitch! They all only exist because of our might! So keep up the lil dicked yelling about nukes and such, we will still be over here just waiting for a reason to end your pathetic asses!

A slant eye is a fucking slant eye!

>You fucks need to realize there is still a HUGE population of Patriots
lol. Retards shouldn't speak. When it comes to strategic weapons deployment, people like you need to shut up and sit back down at the kid's table.

Nope, you need psychiatric help, fast.

You're living in a very deep delusion where chinese photographs make imagination and lies reality.

The projects USA has are better than anything the chinese can come up with, it's a fact that's simple to understand - if you don't need hospitalization like you, that is.

It cant hit moving targets so whatever.

Any maps of what would actually be flooded if that thing collapsed?

Not him, but China is a bad joke. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.

isn't this the japanese version of the burke lol

>america accusing anyone of making stuff up after their government false flagged 9/11

>after their government false flagged 9/11

How would the USA actually react had a carrier been btfo due to operating in China's territorial waters?

100% depends on who the CIC is. Trump would go nuclear i think. Someone like jimmy carter would go full appeasement un sanctions. Obama would probably have gone coalition building before retaliating. It all comes down to who is in charge

George bush 2 would be the best imo. Coalition buildin (basically chinas enemies in SEA) over a ten minute phone call to each president (made by donald rumsfeldt) followed by 3 carrier groups to the south china sea to obliterate their airforce and sead the coast. Us forces across sea would probably consolidate in japan, maybe leaving taiwan high and dry for a shirt while but eventually an invasion would happen through korea (re,oving the kims at the same time). Much fun

Also article 5 would automatically kick in. Ww3 basically