LEO General

Why dont we have this more often? K hates minorites and loves service weapons so why not?

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>implying we dont also hate the enforcers of the grabbers

Because Jow Forums is full of larping children, antifa and red dawn wannabes, who have an irrational hate for the men who keep them safe at night.

Yeah but theres plenty of other people who like this shit I remember there being police and counter terror aesthetic threads consistently awhile ago. I actually want to talk about the field itself and shed light on how you might get into that lone of work


Law enforcement above city police seems a lot more restrictive than military. Probably why there are many more veterans than cops on Jow Forums.

Jow Forums leans hard on libertarianism and police are the enforcers of the state. I personally dont mind talking about cops, and i wish we had more threads on homeland/counter-terror related topics. Like why is NYPD the only big city police force to have a counter-terror unit? You would think the other big 3 would have one too but they seem to be content with just SWAT.


>Like why is NYPD the only big city police force to have a counter-terror unit?
Because only new Yorkers have the hubris to think that a municipal counter-terror unit is going to have the network to do actual counter terror things
In reality it's just another money sink.

Because the SWAT team will be enough 99% of the time.