What gun is Jow Forumss absolute dream gun?
For me it's the Vss Vintorez
>sexy as fuck
>integrated fucking suppressor
>9x39mm goodness
>pure unobtainium in the states
So what is it?
Dream pew pews
Other urls found in this thread:
The gun god uses.
>perfect service rifle
>6.5 cased telescoped
>integral 1-6x power BDC optic
>18" barrel
>electronic activated mechanical hammer trigger
The G11. Nothing screams Jow Forums like sitting in a basement for several hours trying to autistically clean every part after a day on the range.
With a jewelers loop and those finger condoms that watchmakers wear... gotta get every gear clean.
A spanish mauser in good condition. I am but a simple meme farmer.
An XCR (modernized FNC) made out of titanium with a fixed barrel and chambered in with 6mm SAW (far right) or 6.5 IWK.
Far left for 6mm SAW*