Why are Russians so obsessed with nuclear weapons...

Why are Russians so obsessed with nuclear weapons? I feel like no country on Earth talks about blowing off nukes as casually as Russians do, maybe North Korea.

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Because it’s the only thing they have left, given the failure that is the rest of their armed forces

It's the only thing stopping the Chinese from annexing all of Russia and turning all Russians into sex slaves.

A few years ago RU nukes were the hot but now, only seven axles? Canisters? Russia must step up its game in mobile ICBM aesthetics. The camoflage paint is an obvious cheap sop.

Attached: HWA_15.jpg (600x400, 202K)

It's all they got. Their conventional army is joke tier.


Russia is a country that is geographically vulnerable and has a history of being invaded. It created a mindset of in which one can either dominate others, or be dominated by others.

you burgers wouldn't understand the Russian mentality because your geostrategic circumstance is extremely blessed.

Russia on the other hand
>surrounded by adversary states
>has a national identity and collective psyche that is steeped in insecurity, paranoia and a perennial sense of foreign persecution
>has always been somewhat of a pariah in European history, and consequently, is always behaving antagonistically... even long before America was a nation.
Take all three of the above and give it nuclear weapons to understand why Russians are like this.

t. Serb with Russian relatives.


>qt russian sex slave that keep showing in the pop up adds on sale for $499 USD


How come nobody has tried to steal one?
How come the us never made meme mobile nukes on wheels?


We did

Attached: Small_ICBM_Hard_Mobile_Launcher_USAF.jpg (1800x1115, 294K)

Yes, yes. This is all well and known.

But will Ivan ever USE them?

Attached: Nuke 6.webm (320x240, 2.09M)

Fatniks should check their geographical privilege.

They've been bucked from the super power saddle. Their economy is at the mercy of oil prices. Their technology is probably being outpaced by the Americans and Chinese. Their demographics are supposedly in a sharp downward spiral. Nukes are the one truly decisive thing they have left that makes them a formidable and untouchable military power. Communism really did a number on that country and repairs are far from complete. In the mean time, they're trying to keep their fists up.

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>Why are Russians so obsessed with nuclear weapons?
Because nukes are the only thing that stopping NATO from invasion to Russia in Yugoslavia style. Or Iraq style. Or Libya style. Or Yemen style. Or Syria style.

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safety mechanism
>perennial sense of foreign persecution
They do and you should know the feeling serb

After death, citizens of the Russian Federation who have sinned in this life go back to Russian Federation again.
We just want it all to end.

Attached: deserved.jpg (650x650, 92K)

>rest of their nation


But at least ours looks cool

Yours looks like a toy. Ours looks like a weapon of mass destruction.

this also applies to mr kim

It would be interesting to see the tsar bomba site today, cant find any photos or if anyone has ever gone there

No western government would ever engage in a conventional conflict with Russia, American generals love war but they know the country wouldn't accept casualties on the scale Russia could inflict on us, even without nukes.

>obsessed with nuclear weapons
>coming from a burger

Attached: map-all-17000-of-the-worlds-nukes.jpg (1190x569, 90K)

Dude, Russians are obsessed with nukes, US nuclear weapon receives laughable findings. IN a same time Russian tactical nukes are faster, better, stealthier, uncounted by international community and come in all kinds of forms, sizes and delivery methods.

I think they should just take Bismarck's advice and be nice to Russia

>the country wouldn't accept casualties on the scale Russia could inflict on us, even without nukes
Country would accept anything that media will tell.

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What does that change about the fact that nukes are probably the only portion where the military spending by the russians has surpassed the usa?
You spend more on military equipment then the following 10 biggest investors combined and you consider russia having 13% more nukes then you do an obsession?

Shit, get yourself a reality check for fucks sake.

Attached: https _blogs-images.forbes.com_niallmccarthy_files_2017_04_20170424_Military_Expenditure.jpg (960x684, 63K)

>You spend more on military equipment then the following 10 biggest investors combined and you consider russia having 13% more nukes then you do an obsession?
Welp, US spends shitload of money on a weapon that US uses. Will nukes help to save Syria? Will they help to protect Russian friend Venezuela from a coup? Tomorrow US takes all that shit and give it to Ukraine. Will nukes save Donbass region?

you're getting furiosuly worked and angry for no reason. I'm not but the claim OP made is still very accurate because compared to the burgers, you people have a vast range of nuclear weapon delivery systems, platforms, and a doctrine that seems to prioritise nukes deployment far more than the yanks do. Not to mention all the bleating about nuclear modernisation that we've been hearing come out of Russia over the past few years, whereas the fats seem almost indifferent to their arsenals.

you're already on a warpath of deflection and whataboutism despite this thread being about nuclear weapons and not military scale.

Nukes are like all military equipment deadweight until you need them, and serve a very specific purpose.
Do you want to attack tanks on horseback? What's that, that's a retarded idea? You'd prefer to use something fit for the task?

>but whatabout military spending
m8 you're embarrassing yourself here.

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whilst they may not save those little things you described, they do fulfill their goal in securing Russia's sovereignty.

Not even russian, but whatever.
All i'm saying: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

As much as i criticise brash yank militarism, Russians spend infinitely more time wanking themselves about their nuclear capabilities.

Remember the cringefest that was the RS-28 announcement? The "autonomous nuclear submarine" shitfest after Putin announced it? The fact that Russians can never stop puking forth praise and self-worship about the Bulava? There is a lot for which US culture vis-a-vis its military can be criticised, but OP is undeniably and completely correct in observing that bizzaro machismo Russians have developed around their nuclear arsenal. In comparison, Americans are oddly silent about their nuclear weapons beyond passing mentions of the minuteman

No one else in this world smiles from ear to ear describing how the Sarmat's warheads could "clear an area the size of France"

>le 56% army stronk


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And I forgot about the most pathetic thing Russians do;
>TEL drivepasts are quite visibly a anticipated part of of their military parades.
The TEL tubes are of course empty, but you don't see in any other countries* a public that elatedly cheers on the sight of weapons of mass destruction being driven around the streets of their capital city.

*China, India, Pakistan, North Korea are exceptions. Not quite a crowd that any nation would want to be associated with.

>a public that elatedly cheers on the sight of only thing that keeps "democracy fuck yeah" away from them

Yes, the 90s never happened.

>oh look a moralfag

i bet you hate russia because john mccain told you to

"now listen hear sonny they don't want gays teaching their kids about buttsex, that's just unamerican"

basically people in the u.s hate russia because 1 the dems need a scapegoat to blame losing on 2 russia is mean to fags 3 their boomer parents told them Russians are communist baby eaters who worship satan

cool democracy is cancer, and fails as soon as people learn they can vote for their own interest and gifts

I'm not American. There is more to /sp/'s userbase than chauvinistic Americans and Vatniks m8.

>that braindamaged line spacing

>Everyone but Russia, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea...
That summarizes approximately 50% of humanity.
You really shouldn't pretend it's some obscure hobby just because it's the people on the other side of the fence.

oh, so your from one of the butthurt belt countries that are slowly being picked apart and raped by the E.U and soon will be used as a dumping ground for migrants. also

>attacking grammar or post structure
>ad hominium
>thats not a argument

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>You really shouldn't pretend it's some obscure hobby
You don't see any first world countries driving TELs down the capital's streets as a matter of ceremony. It's utter subhuman behaviour

Yeah, 90s happened and we had a fuckhuge credit of faith in democracy and western way of life back then. Everyone was thinking that West and US will help us to completely foil communist legacy and westernize, Instead, no one gave a single fuck, and we got a hardest decade since WW2 years. No wonder that corrupt and mostly criminal government raised in this power vacuum, and people lost all faith they had for western values. Bombing our former allies in Yogoslavia, massive western media support for Chechen separatists and full-scale NATO enlargement wasn't exactly helping either.
t. Vatnik

Nice cathegorization you've got there, because you know - they ARE on the other side of the fence, they must be subhuman third worlders.

Attached: India.jpg (700x467, 60K)

le upvote

more please

nukes are the only way to stay relevant if you weren't paying attention to the last 20 years

>Great Pakistan
>actual Pakistan

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You sound like the most reasonable serbian i have heard in a while when it comes to Russia, normaly you cant even understand them since they are busy deep throating two russians dicks at once while they answer.

this 100%, fuck the repurcussions of nuclear skirmishes, I saw red dawn no way thatd become full on apcolyapse

Nukes render the US conventional advantages irrelevant. Under the Soviet Union, the Russians spent big on their military. For at least 75% of the Cold War, the Soviets could've taken Europe by Storm. But the Americans had nukes, which they threatened to use, preventing invasion.

The Soviet Union collapsed because they built thousands of tanks and jets that were never used, since the Americans had nukes. And people wonder why, now, when the Americans have overwhelming superiority in convenrional military power, the Russians talk up their strategic assets? Why make F35s that will never be used against a real adversary? Why spend inordinate amounts funding a huge Russian military when you can have cheap nukes that deter aggression and cheap interventions that achieve their goals?

>accept casualties on the scale Russia could inflict on us, even without nukes.
You can just use drones and stand off missiles to force Russians into submission (not really though, but it would be too much temptation)

>when you can have cheap nukes
Nukes not cheap, and need to be constantly maintained and upgraded against new threats. This is my only remark, otherwise everything is correct.

Bragging about nukes keeps majority of Russians believing in Russian military while the oligarchs and government hide their assets in western banks
t. Russian

Attached: did you just call russ.jpg (960x638, 301K)

>load a clip into a magazine
Jow Forums af



Thats the joke pham

This. Let's play a game.

You've got a huge villa. You can't land a well paying job because the trade you've learned is out of fashion, but your villa has lots of land on which you grow fruits, vegetables, have chickens etc.

You make a living by selling what grows on your land, most of the money gets to your wife who's buying expensive clothes and to maintaining the villa, so you have to work a lot to earn something barely decent.

Then you look around.

The neighboring house is an apartment block full of small flats with small families, they're rich, but are pissed at you because they think you should sell your stuff cheaper and say you're an asshole to your ex-wife who left you to go live with them. That's Europe.

The neighbors on the other side are a fuckhuge 40 person family living in a small house, you're constantly having disputes with them, and they'd like to get some of your land for them, to have some space and grow their own food. That's China.

Accross the street, there's a rundown shack where people are always fighting, and they often end up stoned on your land, eating fruits from the tree, pissing on your house's walls and leaving trash all over the place. That's the Middle East and Central Asia.

On the other side of the neighborhood, there's the local sheriff, who's pissed at you for the ex wife thing and because you've run against him at the elections several times, and he would like to sell your fruits for his own profit. That's the USA.

Now, tell me you wouldn't buy the biggest, meanest guns you can find and set cameras and traps around your house and field.

I would call the Nugget Security

Attached: 1415642180873.png (967x1000, 51K)

>call Nugget Security

I heard they seriously considered it in 1983 ...

Russia has a more realistic view of nuclear weapons, and they talk about them so much so that their people feel comfortable with the idea. In the west we're taught from an early age that nuclear weapons were a mistake, that they are pure evil, and that using them is morally worse than raping babies. This idea is so ingrained in us that I honestly believe if the US was forced to use nukes, even as a counterattack to a country who nuked us, it would cause rioting and unrest like we haven't seen since the civil war, and might even spark a second civil war. Russia, on the other hand, understands that as long as it doesn't turn into a global shooting match, a few localized nukes here and there would be no different than all the testing we used to do, and it certainly wouldn't kick off a nuclear winter. It would certainly draw condemnation from the UN, but as long as Putin isn't shooting at us, the rest of the world would be too pussyful to respond with force.

Over thirty years ago west german chancellor Helmut Schmidt once fittingly described the USSR as "Upper Volta with nuclear missiles", something even more valid today after most of the formerly soviet industry collapsed in the 90's and Russia is practically run by the remains of the KGB, oligarchs, and oligarchs who once served in the KGB.

>t. Conscript getting raped by his officers

>if the US was forced to use nukes, even as a counterattack to a country who nuked us, it would cause rioting and unrest like we haven't seen since the civil war, and might even spark a second civil war
Nigga if it gets to that point there won't be anyone left TO protest and riot

China, Russia, and the US are the only countries with enough firepower to exterminate whole countries. If best korea landed a nuke on california, for example, the rest of the country would still be very alive and very divided.

China is comparable to England and France except their arsenal is designed more for local conflicts.

Only USA and Russia. China is cuck.

......not that Im yankiboo but arent you people the only ones to have ever used nuclear bombs in wartime? I understand that very unique historical context of its use, but still...........


why do you have an issue with it?

Yes, but those were little baby bombs compared to what we have today. Officially, we didn't know about all the horrible aftereffects because the tech was so new. Unofficially, we probably suspected and didn't care.

>slowly being picked apart and raped by the E.U and soon will be used as a dumping ground for migrants. also
Unironically preferable to you faggots.

>How come nobody has tried to steal one?

Because that nuke on wheels is accompanied by a security force.

That's RDS-37, not Tsar Bomb.
>would be interesting to see the tsar bomba site today
There's about as much interesting there as at the Trinity test site: nothing.

What about them?

Attached: F3BQfVg8vo4.jpg (1280x960, 328K)

But user.
Judging by HIV pandemia, currently swept under the rug by Cremlin, Russians are the undisputed kangs of hot male on male buttsex.

>he doesn’t know a fuckton of germans are also slavs and vice versa
Just look at some of the city names in Germany.
China’s military can’t do a thing past their borders, and it’s not like it has a great track record in modern times.

Nukes are literally just bigger bombs and Russia is awake to that.

The big reason they're so downplayed in the US is because our conventional forces are so overwhelming we don't need them right now, and creating a global cultural stigma against them mitigates the threat of their use against our own forces, which is basically cheating. Smaller countries are at our mercy because the natural weapon to use against our invasions is tactical nukes but because they are nukes everyone would flip their shit even though it's just a bigger bomb.


A classic.

>In the west we're taught from an early age that nuclear weapons were a mistake, that they are pure evil, and that using them is morally worse than raping babies.

Who is responsible for that?

Hollywood, the media, and academia that was subverted by communists

There is literally nothing aesthetically wrong with canisters.

Be Russia

Invaded by Mongols repeatedly

Invaded by Teutons

Invaded by Napoleon

Invaded by the Kaiser

Invaded by entente powers during the civil war

Invaded by the Nazis

One in eight Russians are killed in ww2 and most of the country is destroyed, still hasn't recovered population wise

Allies threaten to invade right after the war and collaborate with their former allies against you

Finally find a way to prevent ground invasions

"But why are Russians so obsessed with nukes"