Alright Jow Forums, so the apocalypse hits. But you expected this...

Alright Jow Forums, so the apocalypse hits. But you expected this. You didn't know what type of apocalypse it would be but you prepared your dream bug-out car, able to withstand any sort of of apocalypse. What car is it and how do you equip it?

>You have to give an overall list of equipment and resources you will carry, modifications to the vehicle, and a picture of the vehicle itself
>You have to consider how much you would actually be able to fit in the car of your choice
>You have to consider the number of people you will take with you in the car
>You have an unlimited budget, but you must stick to the laws of your country regarding what you can carry (If you live outside of the US, unless you have a license, you won't be able to carry a gun in your car)
>Modifications don't apply to the previous rule
>Give your car a cool name

I'll start:
I'll have a Ford Ecoliner called Lambda Chan
-Add shelving unit mounted to the inside of the car, with each compartment able to be locked up, so food cans don't fall out
-Add sleeping compartment up top, might fit two people, with two more on the floor of the bottom, larger compartment
-Stairs from bottom compartment to sleeping compartment
-Detachable solar panels on the roof, connected to a set of car batteries at the "feet" of the sleeping compartment, with an electrical system running from them through the car to power devices.
-TV with consoles hooked up to it on the wall between driving seat and bottom compartment
-Bulletproof'd windows and grill to cover headlights.
-Powerful foglights above the windshield
-Bookshelf for books, movies and games in sleeping compartment.

-hard drives filled with media
-trusty thinkpad
-4 people's worth of clothing, food, water for a week
-wood carving, chopping tools
-basic melee weapons
-a few gas torches
-basic tools
-gas masks
-sleeping bags
-hot stove and gas tanks
-captain's journal
-good knives

Attached: wa.jpg (964x587, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh hey it's another one of these threads

Also it's a good thing they highlighted the cage for the headlights, I almost missed it!

White trash try to talk this up, but, in the end, you're still living in a van down by the river.

>one shit rifle
>Barely any ammunition
>No backup firearm
>Nothing suited for room clearing... you know, for going into buildings where you'll scavenge most supplies.
>May actually be 22lr because normies fear guns they didn't shoot at summer camp

Dumbest fucking pic.

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.u3.jpg (800x561, 264K)

Maximum comfy

my dream is to go on a big adventure/holiday through some jungle on a 4x4 van like that which is also amphibius and can some what fly a little like a blimp

with unlimited water and food on borred with internet and shit

Nothing more than a 2WD camper van w/a push bar, not even a winch!

This, with a bag of dildos and some lube, and i'm set.

Attached: Land-Rover-Defender-110-Predator-By-Island-Defender-00.jpg (1287x858, 393K)

Semi Truck in a Double pup configuration and extra large fuel tank. Cause fuck you your prompt is broad.
Cab has 1 week of food and water for 3 plus 3 rucks set up for hiking, full med kit, 3 18in AR-15 set how i like them. 3 CZ P-07s Cajun'd obviously with IWB holsters. 3 KSGs cause fuck you with Holosuns, slings, flashlights, 1tube with slugs, 1 with bird shot. 10 Full Mags for each AR, 6 for CZs. PVS 14s and Bump helmets to mount them, Dust googles, and ear pro electric. 3 Hatchets, Rat 3s, Zippos plus fuel.

Trailer 1 Has an Overlander van with a pair of Kawi KLRs set to use diesel. Van has food and water for 3 for a week plus wet and cold cloths. Extra batteries. 3 More 18in AR-15s. Another full med kit to include lots of antibiotics and the general medical cab. Gallons of Fuel stabilizer and 4 55 gallon drums of diesel. 8 55 Gallon Drums of Water. 6 500 round 5.56 cans, 2 500 round 9mm can, 10 cases of 12g bird shot plus ear pro. 3 10/22s with suppressors and magnified optics. 10,000 rounds of 22lr. Gun cleaning equipment. Vehicle maintenance equipment, especially oil and filters for the KLRs. 3 Zippos fuel, wicks, flints.

Trailer 2 Set up as a Home. 3 Beds. 8 55 Gallon Drums. Car Batteries to act as power, charged from panels on roof of both trailers. 6 Months of food for 3. An even more in depth Med kit. More drugs to include liquor, tobacco in form of cigs, and coffee. More ammo and 2 Ham radio sets plus antennas. Weapons same as above but 2 more KSGs and 3 Suppressed Rem 700s in 308. Basic construction equipment such as shovels, and other stuff you find in your garage.

I could go on. But I already have a place to go. This would just make it comfier, and allow me to help more people.