Find me a better seed bucket
no link? also not very good for rebuilding the neighborhood after the race war
Welcome to Jow Forums - Gardening
you faggots talk about SHTF but always ignore seeds... what kind of forward thinking is that?
sunflower seeds are the ultimate snacking food, and can be used to assuage hunger in times of starvation. also my bucket costs 10% of your bucket so I win.
congrats... you now have sunflower seeds and armageddon is over... im sure you will be able to survive
Id rather eat sunflower seeds than lettuce seeds desu, just admit you're wrong
silly me. Admitted
Blacks and Hispanics don't need seeds to rebuild after winning
>thinks the losers are going to be the winners..
What happens when you plant one of these?
You plant them in a person and take their stuff.
Could someone survive a SHTF scenario by being just too poor to rob? Just wear really shitty looking clothes, make yourself smell like garbage, and live off of small caches of food and supplies that you have hidden in the general area.
Youll probably killed off by some psycho hunting bums for "sport"
listen to the user... Also i rarely see anons go over tools in SHTF... can some autist make a super legit SHTF thread that covers the less talked about stuff? Generation should be the focus and not just stores
>seed bucket
>$229 for 40 varieties
>literally $5.73 per variety
>regular seed packets are like $2-5 each
I'd suggest you just order your own seeds separately, grow them and save the seeds to build up your collection. Also, if you really care about SHTF, you should consider getting varieties that grow well in your climate. I live in a place with a shorter growing season, so early varieties, like Siberian tomatoes and Early Wonder beets (although beets generally have short seasons) would be ideal in an emergency situation, especially if I can stagger my plantings and get multiple harvests. The canteloupe and watermelon seeds included in this bucket, however, would be worthless for life-and-death survival gardening in my area.
It's a rip off, but if you have money to burn and are too lazy to grow your own seed collection, then go for it.
t. non-Jow Forumsommando linked from another board who grows several heirloom vegetables and saves the seeds
tl;dr start saving seeds from your own garden and build your own survival seed bucket
Any infographics on farms or homesteading? I've got all these diagrams of how to make improvised firearms and explosives but none of how to grow or manage crops.
I do have pic related though if it's useful for anyone
lmao everyone always thinks they will be the suvivor
Should we plan to die then?
Here's mine from last year. Also see:
I plan to raid and scavenge
I've bought a bunch of these.
thats why i said find me a better bucket. It wasnt a sarcastic post.
its 4250 seeds of each variety thats way more than you get in those little packets
Gardening is for Mexicans dumbshit I'm white.
like pumpkins huh?
you are going to die a painful death
>I'm white, therefore I like to starve
Show me a recent photo of a white person starving?
It's not just one little seed packet of each, it's 170,000 seeds, and they're prepared for long-term storage. This is a bucket filled with seeds. Plus they've gone to the effort of thoughtfully selecting a good variety, all of fertile, non-hybrid seeds, so you can harvest the seeds and plant more.
For instance, they've got 6000 cabbage seeds. You might pay $50 ordering those in individual small packs. ($2.50 each for packets of 300)
Roasted pumpkin seeds are amazing as are pumpkin pie and pumpkin breads.
is this one better?
The one in the OP is super bulk for being the savior of the community you live in...
Ill grow em next year for roasted seeds. I live in Ocean County NJ
Good luck!
Holy shit I made this recipe last fall and it was the best soup ever. Never cooked with pumpkins before this but was inspired by the JAS Townsend and sons who also did a video on pumpkin soup made in the pumpkin.
>show me a recent white country whete shtf
and yet here we are talking about just that
Why exactly would you need 6,000 cabbage seeds? Also seeds are pretty easy to store long term. That's literally what seeds are for. Just keep them cool, dry, and out of direct sunlight. If you really want to give those people your money, go ahead; but you'd be better served buying a few small packets and learning how to garden and save seed ahead of time.
there's powerful niggatry at work here.
In case the soil is awful or harsh weather conditions occur that would cause you to lose the crop
Even then, unless you're trying to start a commercial farm six thousand is a bit much. You're also probably going to have a larger rate of non-viable seeds buying from a no-name bulk shit hole like that. You do you, though. Your larp is not my problem.
Boy I wish anyone would join my discord. I’m a homesteader focused on sustainability and long term survival.
I'm not OP, I was just giving a plausible reason. But congrats on being a Jow Forumsunt
You grow freedom.
Find me a better sneed bucket
And the whites are starving