Loadout Thread

Things you actually own edition 2: electric boogaloo

Attached: nam chemichal.png (880x980, 594K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Guy, you need a knife too...

what the fuck is that 1911

jesus christ

0 points, if there is not a 2" knife or longer.

Its like a 2ww set

Attached: loadoutact.png (879x980, 229K)

why no lce? you really expect to carry ammo in only a bandolier?

Attached: PicsArt_09-08-03.29.38.png (879x980, 743K)

because I planned on buying it later, also, do I know you?

Wew, gas chamber for u

Whoever said my jungle boots were gay in the last thread is a faggot.

Attached: loadout.png (879x980, 604K)

Attached: Loadout IRA.png (1300x2253, 2.06M)

First world niggaz LARP as operators
Third world niggaz make do

Please donate, I don't even think my family has ammo for the single barrel 12 gauge any more

Attached: image[1].png (880x980, 840K)

how about me desu

Attached: fuk u.png (1236x992, 843K)

Attached: 7CC9BB27-BD78-41D9-AE28-5CBCF6464E20.jpg (726x717, 93K)

You're forgetting the heroin

Pretty cool loadout. Reminds me of Shell Shock 2: Blood Trails.
8/10 would go hunt zombies in the Vietnamese jungle with.

Attached: Nam Loadout.jpg (1653x2338, 470K)

Attached: LoadoutNorfag.jpg (879x980, 391K)

Can't donate without PayPal.

Loadout is just a test. Any suggestion how to improve this loadout template? Attachments for weapons? Vehicle?

Attached: Kek.png (1053x735, 330K)

Please sell your CZ. You are embarrassing the fan club and providing ammo for glokfags.

>embarrassing the fan club
do you know where you are?

Attached: 5D411862-2DFA-4F4A-9BE4-03D5AC121EBC.jpg (1300x2253, 440K)

Welcome to Jow Forums.


Attached: lkajgnkljgfkljamlkhgj.png (743x826, 337K)

By far the best loadout in existence.

Attached: 018F9E9D-5013-4084-BFA6-15ECBE7535BC.jpg (724x1024, 110K)

Attached: rat remover.png (876x968, 204K)

Attached: ISpentWayTooMuchTimeOnThis.png (1929x1199, 2.19M)

Attached: 1536791240098.png (880x980, 919K)

you know you want one on your team

Attached: dps tank.png (879x980, 668K)

looks like a 1911 and a star had a downie kid.

Attached: 1525757265594.gif (380x284, 1.05M)


Based korea

You better use some nair before you put all that on.

Attached: b69c9d4dde11f1b6da801265fdbb4413--happy-halloween-electra-heart.jpg (470x500, 36K)

how to spot absolute shit taste

>His name is Copper Miner, formerly of Spetsnaz. We had been tracking him for years until his trail went cold following the Cobre Las Cruces incident. He has a reputation for extreme violence and unorthodox battle strategy. What he lacks in intelligence he makes-up for in tenacity and strength. Snake, stay alert and out-of-range of his small arms.

Attached: 10238471.jpg (474x812, 23K)

why an E1 instead of a E2? why not go full CAR-15 if you're gonna be a snowflake?

Attached: i gotta pee.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

Why do you have one black arm?

Added aggression

Attached: epic and based.png (877x974, 548K)

Aesthetic as fuck


Attached: 2DDEA9DF-605E-40A0-8FB7-D437537DB705.png (720x1280, 2.43M)

poorfag here

Attached: actualk.png (1360x1015, 396K)

leave buildings to me

Attached: 1472991877442.png (879x980, 610K)

who is that?

sweet kit, user

Attached: E7paUoC.jpg (590x648, 73K)

The fuck is that grenade?

Attached: loadout.png (647x673, 273K)

ziemlich geil

>Things you actually own edition

Good taste, I love me some woodsman loadouts

Stay dry

Attached: 123508.png (880x980, 517K)

>the flying carpet

Attached: 1489963128018.jpg (228x221, 14K)

>inb4 asbestos

Attached: 20180913_200552.png (878x980, 414K)

I just had a guy give me an unused set of Nam rip-stops

Make it bigger, 1080x1920 at least.

Attached: gear2.jpg (1000x1343, 248K)

Attached: loadout.png (1200x1280, 650K)

What is that pistol?

Attached: outload.png (1300x2253, 1.71M)

Attached: 20180831_205829.jpg (4160x3120, 3.92M)

I don't think those track pants will be sufficient to hold your holster and mag pouch.

Attached: tfw not actually well prepared.png (1296x1940, 1.64M)

Here it is in original size.

Attached: Loadout Template.jpg (2338x1652, 232K)

Nice, I'm gonna make a loadout using this template. Thanks.

Attached: Adobe_20180901_191150.png (1300x1496, 918K)


Really ugly AR.

I improved my template. Added space for weapon attachments and other minor changes.

Attached: Loadout Template.jpg (2338x1652, 278K)

Really nice, thanks.

I'm not finished it yet, but I'm too tired to finish it right now. Here's what I've got so far.

Attached: k loadout unfinished.png (2338x1652, 2.01M)

Attached: 1536908372876.jpg (2338x1652, 1.03M)

Attached: clean_your_room.jpg (624x1452, 137K)


Attached: Alien_Snack_Loadout.png (800x926, 553K)

There must be some kind of all-white urban futuristic Tokyo in that desert.

Hello, fellow yurofag

Attached: cretan2.png (1460x2253, 1.15M)


Attached: 1688AE68-BCB1-4414-9738-BCA819479CE4.jpg (1300x2253, 542K)

>futuristic Tokyo
Made me want to make a pseudo-cyber loadout. In this case for some kind of techie/netrunner, rather than a street samurai.

Attached: NeoTokyo Loadout.png (1264x894, 702K)

The drawstring will hold it but I plan on using a micro chest rig for it all anyway.

Did you try to wear the holster and mag pouch, loaded and on the tracksuit?

By the way, nice handgat!

Yes but it feels flimsy obviously. No pic unfortunately. Gonna grab a haley strategic micro d3 as soon as I can. And thanks.

Attached: 20180316_203318.jpg (2560x1440, 1.3M)

>m17 and chemical gloves
>no nbc suit

goof world

>All this Slavness

>Non Orthodox cross

Attached: 1528177894236.png (453x398, 283K)



where to get a nice heavy flannel like that?

Underappreciated post

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excuse my poorfaggotry, fellows

Attached: Loadout.png (800x600, 511K)

part 2

Attached: Loadoutp2.png (1000x1000, 942K)

Muh wishlist
The speaker plays confederate songs at ear shattering volumes, at all times

Attached: Wishlist.png (2000x2000, 1.8M)

no m72?

if only...

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-14 at 23.37.01.png (502x498, 199K)

more or less my innawoods loadout

Attached: loadout p1.png (2338x1652, 3.65M)