Stories of people being retarded with guns

Stories of people being retarded with guns

>Be me
>21 hunting with friends
>Friend, whom we will call "Bob", brung his 16 year old brother
>Cool guy, fairly funny (By 2012 standards)
>we here crunching around 20 yards infant of us
>we all look over
>raise arm and close fist (Means "Shut the hell up")
>start walking to my .22.
>16 year old runs over and grabs it
>cocks lever action (Already cocked, live round flies out)
>he begins going fucking Rambo and shooting like its CoD
>hear thud
>fucker got the damn thing

Wasn't edible though, pumped full of lead and the intestines and stomach and some other organs were shot, leaked all over the insides. Smelled like death.

Good shot though, I guess.

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>be me
>be 24
>shooting on state land, middle of nowhere with girlfriend
>wants to include her little brother, just turned 18, has a glock, shield 9mm, remington 870 pistol grip
>drink some beer
>shoot some 9mm together, nice little time
>whips out PGO 870
>cant hit cans at point blank range with buckshot
>tries two full tubes of rounds to hit anything
>misses everything
>shoot my family heirloom beretta 21, hit 7/8 shots on the cans we're shooting
>doing poorly with my own shield
>get out my keltec p32
>get out my cz75 p07
>let him shoot it
>muzzles me when i hand it to him, hammer back no less
> both do pretty okay with cz
>let little bro guy shoot my keltec pocket pistol
>shoots a few rounds, hits one can
>turns around and shoots behind his head a few times
>turns back around and shoots the rest of the mag under his leg
>as we're leaving he shoots the stop sign on the county road we're on
>mfw I actively avoid this guy now
kid is gonna be a school shooter i swear. he dropped out of college, talks mad shit about everyone, super ultra alt-right type guy, is racist and rude and entitled mamas boy and doesnt afraid of anything

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>be into shooting
>friends want to shoot
>go over basic firearm safety
>help grills hold guns and lean into recoil
>nothing bad happens because I dont surround myself with fucking retards who cant follow basic safety rules

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This, I dread my sister's kids coming over one time, and wanting to learn how to shoot. half of them I don't expect to take things seriously unless I yell at them.


good news is that he can't fucking hit anything lol

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>be you
>post a thread
>story not that kek
>get no lulz
>saged itself
>could have been great if someone had a story worth posting
>no one had a story worth posting
>wasnt great
>too bad m8
>this the shit that i h8
>guess its just f8

epic fail

Nice meme brother

does anyone say that anymore? that seems so 2011

t. fag

> be me
> shoot self in foot with Desert Eagle
> limp to this day

>be 18 years old, me and best friends want to go shoot, we finally have cars and $ to get ammo, our dad's said they'd let us borrow funz
>I bring my 22lr rifle and my dad's hunting rifle
>friend bring his dad's 22lr and 12GA
>other friend has never ever shot beford
>start him on 22lr, "nice I love this I want one"
>Mmkay now the shotgun
>Declines, is scared, wants to shoot my dad's. 270
>I shoot one round first. He was mind fucked by the noise and blast and recoil he saw
>His turn..... My dad's stupid old POS Tasco has like a 1" eye relief...

He got popped in the eye, he operates the bolt back and looks at us with blood gushing down his face. And damnit he still has a very faint scare above his eyebrow.

Rifle is a very lightweight hunting rifle, and the 270 was a pretty hot and heavy load. The thing has the worst kick of anything I've shot including a 300 win mag and 3 1/2" magnum shells.

>shooting at the quarry with friends
>one's younger brother brings his autist friend who has a ruger 9mm
>brags about his buddy who makes his own ammo
>"you mean reloads his own?"
>NO BRO he MAKES it!!
>shows us ridiculous solid lead bullets GLUED INTO THE SHELLS
>take 5 steps back as he tries to shoot one off
>loads another
>laugh at red-faced autist
>butthurt, loads some storebought ammo
>takes a few shots at gallon jug 15 feet away
>misses all of them
>dragonfly suddenly whizzes by him
>he proceeds to mag dump 10+ rounds at the fucking thing
>almost spins the full 180° towards us
>best friend rushes him
>grabs dipshit's gun and HURLS it into the woods down an embankment
>continue plinking with M92FS and walther p22
>autist spends 45 minutes looking for his gun
>we can hear him crying between reloads

pic of scars?
was it the 44 or the 50AE?

Nigga why the fuck are you hunting deer with a .22? Stop being an asshole and buy a real rifle.

>new gun, showing friend
>gun is still in trunk
>friend immediately puts safety down and pulls trigger
>AS the gun is still lying in the trunk

Luckily, it was not loaded.

dumb frogposter

this seems to happen a lot.

>at camp
>all age 14-15
>shooting single tube break open 20 gauge and 12 gauge alternating
>total faggot squirrels out, doesnt shoot the skeet when it goes by
>someone in our group calls him a ninny for not shooting it
>spins around live shotgun in hand to yell back
>everyone ducks
>round goes off
>everyone is okay
>kid doesnt get to shoot anymore guns that week

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dumb frogposter

pepe is okay, but hes fuckin everywhere now. it used to just be the one OG Feelsgoodman.jpg
then it turned to feelsbadman and feelssadman i dont even know really. pepe really took off. ive been away for some years, but idk what happened

I think you're just intimidated.

This would be a cool post if it wasn't posted in a different thread yesterday, fucking patter thief

>be me
>bought my pump action shotgun to the range along with my friend
>"I've shoot pump action shotgun before user"
>tries to pull the pump action shotgun
>this retard dosent know how to pump the shotgun
>tries to force the pump the gun with out pushing the lever

My friend is a retard

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>last summer
>invite two of my friends who've never shot before to go shooting
>one of them is pretty buff, spends most of his time working out but is a pretty "fragile" person in that he doesn't go outdoors a lot and doesn't have a lot of practical skills.
>other is a normal guy, plays a ton of World of Warcraft and is a slight weeb. Tells me he's gone shooting before.
> buff friend is afraid of most of my guns, even shit like the .22 rifles. I have to constantly reassure him that the recoil isn't scary, especially when he's a big guy
>friend who told me he's gone shooting before holds my rifles in the weirdest, most uncomfortable-looking way
>end up shooting like 5% of the ammo I had brought.
>will probably never take them out again
I've had better luck with other friends but shooting just isn't for everybody.

>hoping to read a gud stori
>get cited wen red crunching of 20 meters of infant
>jus dere sty're
>much want
>not of git

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Dumb fagposter

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t. hit a nerve

dumb frogposter

the virgin plinker vs the chad spray n pray

Gay ass faggot bait

Frogs should be freeee

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Haha totally me too I've shot plenty of pump action shotguns. Remember how we pull the lever? Can you remind me again?

Plenty of pump shotguns have a lever/switch/whatever you want to call it that doesn't let you cycle the action on an empty chamber. Noguns

yeah, handle one for 1 minute if you know anything about guns and you can figure it out even if you didnt know before

>be me
>work in lgs fresh out of high school for extra wagecuck bux while in college
>it's a mid size store, we actually have some neat import guns and mil surp
>one day this morbidly obese man waddles in
>followed by this old dude that had more wrinkles than stars in the sky
> a customer just bought a arsenal 5.56 slr-106fr ak
>as the customer is filling out the paperwork, fatty wobbles over
>" th.... those guns suck, they can't hit a barn"
>me and the customer ignore him and he waddles off
>customer finishes filling paper work and my manager submits it via online
>fatty waddles back towards the counter
>"why does this place sell cummie gunz, dats unamerican, i was in iraq war"
>at this point i'm getting annoyed and say "thats nice sir"
>customer asks what bulk .223 ammo we have
>show him 500 rounds of wolf .223
>he wants it too
>at this point fatty and mr wrinkles over hear and have to add their .02
>"dat wulf ammo will ruin yer gunz"
>mr wrinkles speaks up "yeah muh son should know he wa in da armie!"
>owner is now at the counter
>asks mr wrinkles if they are going to actually fucking buy something or just harass customers
>mr wrinkles gets pissed and drags mr landwhale out of the store

i have lots more at this store involving Mexicans and blacks too

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bait, but that story makes me think you take nigger cock anyways

>i have lots more at this store involving Mexicans and blacks too
So why did you start with that weak ass story?

because it set the tone for what kind of tards live nearby, the store also had a pawnshop that was the other half

>another evening shift from 12 pm to 8 pm
>it's around 6:30 so almost over
>hear shitty spanish music playing outside
>door opens and this scrawny skelington of a mexican saunters in
>has tats on neck and hands
>i ask him "can i help you"
>"sho thing ese, i got dis gun i'm looking to sell"
>okay let me get the manager
>manager comes up to the counter
>ask him where the gun is
>"oh got it here"
>dude pulls out a fucking horrific Jimenez 9mm abortion
>it's got fucking grease pouring out of the magwell and slide, like whoever tried to clean it had no fucking clue what they were doing
>"um okay, is it loaded?"i ask
>"nah man it aint loaded"
>i rack the slide and sure enough a fucking round files out
>"oh shit mayne i'm sorry"
>manager makes sure the gun isn't fucking stolen or anything
>offers him 50$ for it
>"damn yall be fuckin me but i need money so i'll take it"

thats just one of the million oh shit it's loaded stories i have, mexicans seem to be the worst at this

Your stories are shit. You must have the wrong thread. This isn't the normal shit that happens everyday at every gunshop thread. Don't bother continuing.

geez user sorry i couldn't placate your autism

this was underwhelming as shit.

>nigger with his pants around his knees walk up to the gun counter of my local Cabela's with a 40 round glock mag of some type
>"yo man this stendo clip fit muh hipoint?"
>dude at the counter just looked away and ignored him.
>nigger checks out with his 'stendo clip'

>nog stories
i hear you

>same lgs i'm working at
>early in the morning
>pack of nogs come in hooting and yelling
>stop at pistol case
>lots of "shit dat be da glock 9mm" and "damn dat gat be fucking bad nigga"
>lead nog comes up to me
>"hey mayne, how much for da glock 9mm in the case"
>it's a used glock 19 that is clearly marked 400$
>tell him it's 400$
>"shieet how bout i gib you 250$ fo it"
>i say no sir i can't sell lower then whats marked
>nogs leave the store quoating rap lyrics and jiving
>few hours past and the same nogs are back at the counter
>"shiett i gots da money, i'll take it fo 400$ now"
>"okay, first i'll need your i.d sir"
>he hands me his idea, no joke his name is daquan
>manager starts on his paperwork
>surprise surprise nics denies him
>"shieet yall just be rasis crakcas who won't sell to blacks "
>he and his 5 jolly good nogs leave
>few hours later a fat negress is at the counter
>i ask her what she needs
>she clearly reads of her phone "yeah i'll be buyin dat glock 19 fo 400$"
>ask for her i.d, holy shit she has the same last name as the nog before
>tell her denied sale due to attempted straw purchase and she simply leaves without fight
>no shit, this happens every 2 hours or so with a different nog obviously reading off their phones and pointing at the same fucking gun
>manager and owner now know the situation
>my shift is almost up when a fat mudshark that looks like a denizen of tumblr complete with the septum pirecing purple hair and comes walking in, dragging her little niglet behind, while he's screaming unintelligible nigger babble
>i ask her what she needs, and once fucking again she reads from her phone
>"i need this one as she points too it"
>owner tells her she is obviously not buying the gun for her self
>holy fucking shit, she starts screaming loudly
>systematic racism this and micro aggression that
>she pushes over a rack containing holsters and proceeds to try to stomp on them while having a spastic fit


I was believing it until she pushed over the rack of holsters

pt 2

>by this time the police have been called
>her little niglet begins screaming uncontrollably while her chimpout continues
>the police arrives
>she tries to tell them that we refuse to serve blacks and are selling assault weapons (lel) while she points to several ar's ak's and milsurp rifles on the wall
>police tells her she is under arrested for destruction of private property and loitering
>begins throwing a barrage of triggered talk at the officer
>mfw he ends up tasering her and put her in cuffs because she tried to run out of the store
>a 80 year or older nigress arrived after to pick up the niglet the roastie that runs the pawn side had to watch (lel) while i went home

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are you even human.

no shit she did, they were shit uncle mike and unnamed Chinese shit holsters on a hat style wire rack, not a commercial shelve like you were probably thinking

>uncle leaves me alone with gun
>was 8
>play with it
>point at his car
>many small holes in his hood and windshield is fucked
>he doesnt scold me when he gets back
>hunt ducks with him to this day

>One day get drunk with uncle
>Inexplicably, he just punches you in the fucking head
>Sorry. I just remembered that time you shot my car. I couldn't punch you in the head, because you were 8 years old.

Should punch himself in the head for leaving a gun to be found by an 8 year old.

>he's a big guy

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>80 year or older nigress arrived after to pick up the niglet
I thought she was gonna try to buy the gun too

Still better than M&M's new album.

No actually am hasguns just literally retarded. I was gonna buy a pump at the pawn shop near me but went full retard and couldn't actually pump it because I had never held a shotgun before. I still dont own it because I sperged too hard and thought I was being too awkward and quickly left after I had all the store fudds staring at me when I couldn't rack it.

>explain the rules once
>give them a gun
>let darwin do his thing

Someone make it

At 8 I already knew all of the tenants of gun safety and had my own BB gun to practice with and realize that it’s ok to pull the trigger of a BB gun as a joke but to never ever pull a trigger of a real gun. 8 is old enough to know about not pointing REAL guns at stuff.

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>stayed over with my grandparents a lot as a kid
>my dumb ass did not take gun safety seriously at all
>would remove squirrel for them every day with my grandpa's 12 gauge because they were obliterating their garden
>walking around on squirrel patrol one day, gun pointed at the ground, finger on trigger
>trip over a gopher hole or something and ND into the ground
>smoking crater inches from my foot
That was the day I began religiously practicing safe gun habits