Why are boomers the worst?

>be me
>in non-shit state
>go onto Armslist for shits and giggle
>see neat .357 at a decent price at a pawn shop
>decide to check it out on Saturday
>bretty good and decide to buy it
>they make me wait three days for some reason
>I think "whatever, I can be a good boy and wait"
>delayed response from NICS
>have to wait until Thursday (today)
>eagerly go to store expecting a new wheelgat
>has been 4 business days
>boomers won't transfer because they don't have a "proceed" response
>leave and stew
>buy different wheelgat online
>will get it next week at a real LGS

Seriously, why should boomers even be involved with firearms at all? Most of them are fudds or barely care about making money off a transaction. Even more confusing is how a pawn shop isn't scrambling to take my money when they prey on niggers, spics, and poor wh*tes. I've learned my lesson and will only buying guns through private sales or a good LGS. About damn time I get my CCW anyway.

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Because you didn't clear your NICS check?

It's a "We can, but we won't" situation:

>28 Code of Federal Regulation Part 25—The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)

>Section 25.6(c)(1)(iv)(B)—Delayed response provided to FFL:

>(B) “Delayed” response, if the NICS search finds a record that requires more research to determine whether the prospective transferee is disqualified from possessing a firearm by federal or state law. A “Delayed” response to the FFL indicates that the firearm transfer should not proceed pending receipt of a follow-up “Proceed” response from the NICS or the expiration of three business days (exclusive of the day on which the query is made), whichever occurs first.

Looky there you just solved your own problem.
>NICS said delayed but I like the look of this kid
>I'm going to sell him his gun anyway because hes a nice guy
>$250k and 10 years in prison later it was all worth it selling to that kid
The logic is flawless. Go in tomorrow and ask if they've received word. If not call again and if you get a second delay then you need to figure out what may be giving you the trouble on your record.

Congratulations, you have enough reading comprehension to be a professional boomer.

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Do you expect this person to have clairvoyance? If they have not received the "Go" from the NICS then they do nothing.

OP here. I wouldn't have any fucking clue since I cleared a NICS check literally the next day after the delayed one. I'm already mad that they made me wait three days on top of not giving a run down on the NICS process and what the estimate could be after 3 business days. If you know but aren't willing to tell your customers, then why even bother being in the business? Isn't business all about setting expectations? Another strike against the boomers.

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All depends on the pencil pusher who's on the other end of the phone and the way you submit your 4473. Many people with the same name get flagged because the initial lookup has multiple hits and depending on how lazy the desk jokey is they'll either look into it or say no. Same can happen with your SSN because a clean number gets recycled after 30 years which could lead to multiple hits on the same number. You're victimizing yourself unabashedly and blaming someone who is not responsible for your strife because it fits the status quo.

>it's a weeb bitches about NCIS checks after being committed to a psych ward or being a druggie sack of shit episode
surprise, surprise.

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>the way you submit your 4473
I assume you just mean whether you give SSN or not, because your FFL isn't giving a copy of that to the FBI when he does the BG check on you.

Yes, whether list your name or name and social.

NICS is the one responsible and by law is supposed to either say proceed or deny, no matter what. The reason the law is written to allow transfer after three days is to keep NICS honest and not screw someone on a monthlong wait because they can get away with it. If it's Friday and we got a delay on Monday, guess what, rando gets his gun. You're specifically instructed BY NICS to no try and run the check a second time if it's taking too long.

I have never sold a gun, been told "delay," then after three days been told "denied." 90% of the time they're just hung up on something stupid and don't ever get around to fixing it. Every time someone was denied, we'd get the call the next day because NICS doesn't want someone chimping out in the gun store--they call a delay in, wait a day, then tell us "denied" and all we have to do is call dorkus to let him know that he's been denied.

Suck a Boomer dik, you S-oy Gamer!

I actually deal with this lame shit at work. NICS faxes our police department a request for a record and I have to go and literally read whatever you dip shits did in the case and if I have a disposition from the court tell them what it was. 99.9% of the shit that I get is from 20+ years ago and is from that time you stole gum from the quick trip.

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Nobody owes you a goddamned thing. It's his pistol and he'll sell it to someone that isn't a creepy faggot.

>they make me wait three days for some reason
That should have been a huge red flag to you. Telling you to wait three days for no reason is tantamount to refusing the sale entirely. You should have given the merchant a now or never ultimatum.

He was probably just able to tell you're an animeposter faggot. [spoiler] jk 02 is my waifu [/spoiler]

Did you not read the post you're replying to? The criteria for transfer is either a "proceed" response or the EXPIRATION OF 3 BUSINESS DAYS. OP said he waited 4. Are you literally fucking retarded?

Back to leftypol

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>Back to leftypol

>that pic
if real, meme war is real and they better be ready to lose hard to shitposting memelords

I think this guy's meming but it's fucking hilarious

Attached: Screenshot_20180914-080754.png (720x1280, 165K)

Same dude

Attached: Screenshot_20180914-081711.png (720x1280, 446K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180914-081729.png (720x1280, 215K)

... You should probably unironically report that dude as a domestic terrorist.

>Why are boomers the worst?
> npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/09/12/646423762/more-older-americans-are-turning-to-marijuana


Attached: Boomers_Smoking_More_Pot_Than_Ever.jpg (916x500, 92K)

exactly. I guarantee you OP gives off some creepy ass vibes. If i were a gun shop owner I wouldn’t sell to dylan roof either.

Boot licker

Did you even read the phoneposting images that user posted?
>fuck safety
>imma teach you combat
>'wall breach' which we can all safely assume is just some drunkard running through some sheetrock
user. Come the fuck on.

I'd report him for

>we have combat weapons like mossberg shotguns and Springfield xd's!

To be honest id love to watch his class though. From behind something bullet proof obviously.

Exactly. The dudes a joke and by his posts I'm sure he isn't fit to 'instruct' let alone handle firearms. I'm all for SHALL but some people should do it alone or with their obviously drunk friends; far and clear from anyone they could accidentally harm in their inept stupor.
The WASP and 'combat' things are probably just enough to get three letter agencies attention.

you got delayed you fucking moron

Who, big don? His 'through the wall' spectacle will be a deciding factor on that

>creepy faggot
>creepy ass vibes
Wear a hat, shoes, shirt or pants a boomer does not like? "You're creepy son I'm not going to sell it to ya and if if you complain about it I'll call the Cops right now and say you tried to rob me. Go ahead weirdo try me".
>t. armslist boomer
I stand with Israel.
Molon Labia.
88M 95-98'.
Sheepdogs not Sheep.
Buy a water filter, SPAM an IMI.
Come and take'em Obummer.
God bless our Troops, especially our Snippers.
I stand with Israel and you'll burn in hell if you don't two.

Imagine being this schizophrenic.
Sidenote; a privately owned business does have the right to ask you to leave and if you don't it's trespassing. They wont have to make up a robbery to have you arrested.

Oddly enough I have had the opposite experiences. I once did a private sale outside of a police station with an older guy who seemed more than happy to sell to me. Just showed me the manual + basic function, I gave him my buegerbux and went home to clean my new chink 1911

>Imagine being this schizophrenic.
That post was a satirical scenario about Boomers on Armslist, posted as a Boomer from Barfcom.

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No user I got that. But the >implying and >t. posting wasn't. The idea that someone would actually tell you you're creepy and that if you complain they'll call the cops; wasn't.

I get what you are saying.

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Wouldn't be an issue if you put down your social security on the background check.

I done it with all mine and had my papers cleared and guj picked up in less than 15 minutes every time.