1) Your favorite gun

1) Your favorite gun
2) Age you lost your virginity
1) Glock 19 Gen 2
2) Never

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>USP .45

M1 Garand (looking into service grade)
21 (two weeks ago)

Attached: when you see the still birth pic.png (1068x722, 818K)

1) Fugggg, I can't pick one, they're all so good.
2) Hahahahahaha, I have too much autisms for that.

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1. 1940s Marlin 39A I got when I was 10
2. 16

2) 15


>20" ARs
>can we mention times we could've but decided not to? 14, 15, 16, 19
I just didn't feel like it

Attached: Lightweight20AR1.jpg (800x600, 47K)


Sporterized Swede Mauser (I didn't do it, I got it as a cheap hunting rifle and fell in love)

>Rhodie R1
This year

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1. glock 19
2. cock 19


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M1 Garand

Uh, were you raped? If so, I'm sorry.

>M1 Garand

1) mini-14

Vz. 58


>G19 Gen2 (good choice)

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Browning Hi Power

1) dont really know


1) Unironically my C9.
2) 12

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Browning Hi Power

>either marlin 1895 (pre fuck ups) 45-70 or FN FAL including clones


>1) Your favorite gun
AK pattern rifles
>2) Age you lost your virginity

>CZ 85

>favorite gun
>age my vcard got swiped

1. Sar-1
2 13 years old

Still with her 3 three years later about to graduate

Confirmed ak guys grt to fuck in thier teens, ar guys fucking never.
Get fucked AR dudes......litterly just go pay for it.

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Faggot you think your dick likes you? Well it doesn't your mean to it and should let it out to play

>7 if fucking your cousin counts
Otherwise, 15

Normally when someone mixes up your and you're it's not a big deal, but your sentence is just a mess.

>CZ P-01
>17, could've sorted it at 15 with my best friend's sister but he was one of the popular kids and my entree into that world.

>g3 (PTR)

Attached: a man of culture.jpg (680x383, 29K)

>AKfags lost it in their teens
>ARfags are permavirgins

Not either of these but that's pretty fucking funny

19 if BJs count

My brother.

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Jericho 941

>2 AR posters are virgins
>haha guys all AR posters are virgins
niggers all of you
How much and grade? I am seriously considering putting one down for my first C&R acquisition.

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>Mp5 (PTR 9ct)

>probably my vepr-12. possibly my G26

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Cell phone auto-correct is a hell of a drug

>all these normies
the reddit invasion is real.

AR fags can't even pull other AR fags, the fedora look isn't appealing even to their own


Fucking chicks (or passable traps) isn't just for normies.

46 virgin

I don't know :(
>how much
$1200. I probably overpaid but she shoots well and she is all original. A Springfield from 1943, with some US re-arsenal fixes, such as some stock repairs with brass pins and a Winchester barrel added after the war (maybe it went to Korea as well?). I know the military added the Winchester barrel and it's not a civilian one because it is parkerized and not blued, and the font on the Winchester logo dates it to the super old barrels that they were selling to the military.

Also, I too am disappointed in my fellow ar fags.


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False flag from /akg/

>favorite gun
>That i own
Roland special glock
>That i want
VSS Vintorez
24. It wasn't fun but i got it over with. Didn't even finish.


1) HK 416
2) 15

Attached: 416 PDW.jpg (800x429, 207K)

>going to be a wizard in 5.5 years
Help me Jow Forums

>no grade
I think so my poor friend.
you're pretty good


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Go to a massage parlor run by chinks

Winchester Model 70

Starting strength/Stronglifts, Calorie intake of BMR minus 300-500, Protein intake of 1.4g per kg of bodyweight, find a hobby that involves meeting other people. You'll get laid within two years

>he doesn't want magical powers
working on archmage status

>HKchads all lost virginity in early to mid teens
>ARfags are all forever alones
Not surprised tbqhwyf

My Glock 19
age 15

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the joke got stale about 20 replies ago bud

Fuck, I was found. I am from /brg/ though.

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Colt 1911

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scar 17s

How does one have a favorite gun? My "favorite" is the one I most recently bought/ spent the most money upgrading...
>21 and it was kinda sad.... But we practiced a lot afterwards.

>3 three years later about to graduate
You both re-did High School?

>M1 Garand

>it was kinda sad
You cant just say that and not tell us why

>19 if BJs count
Not if it's your mom

ivan sks

>Didn't even finish.
next time hire a better whore

>Smith and Wesson 686-6 plus for sidearm, 1913 dated Remington 11 12ga for longarm

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> you wanna do it? My roommate has a condom in his first aid kit and won't be back from class for 20 minutes
Condoms are the devil learn to pull out in time....

>Condoms are the devil learn to pull out in time....
kek we all say that until we stick our dick in the wrong pussy

> didn't go to college : the post

Ditto on the rubbers, but they also help you last longer

so you got laid at 19 but it took till 22YO to graduate?

Only managed three before I got married so meh.png

1) Colt Python
2) 12

>Lee Enfield No. 4

I didn't graduate college until I was 22... +-1 is pretty common I believe... I went in with a lot of pre-AP and dual credit classes from high school though...

Feels good man, you guys are fucking spergs

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AK and varients
I never lose

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>my M14 Scout Squad

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College is almost universally 4 years in North America. Many degrees like engineering have average graduation times of 4.5 to 5 years. Even if he was a bong and did a 3 year, 3+19 is still 22 and depending on when you are born and school schedules it's not uncommon to get out of High School at 19 even if you pass all your classes.

So uhhh, basically you're a fucking retard.


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Fuck you if I want to masturbate 3 times a day I'll do it.

If I have a pawg laying in my bed sleeping, I'd rather jack the shit outta of it to futa porn. IDC if she was pretending to sleep and asked me to come to bed.

I prefer my chastity

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>savage axis 2

which relative was it?

Cute. Never penetrated a relative.

1) Martini Henry
2) Never. And never will.

ruger SP101

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