Polish satellites show Russians massing near the border. Intelligence shows that they are going to push up to Kaliningrad. How fast can NATO mobilise before they get there?
Polish satellites show Russians massing near the border...
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about 30 minutes.
Evidence was proven to be correct when photos of Russians mobilizing their anti satellite laser were spotted. This means they are trying to shoot down the Polish satellite confirming their hands.
Theres already a QRF in the area.
The US would mobilize within 48 hours. C-5s and C-17s would be dropping troops and equipment in Germany at an insane rate. Russia would not stand a chance against our retarded ability to mobilize world wide on short notice.
Fake news. Poland doesn't have satellites, because Poland cannot into space.
>pic unrelated
reported for sexual depictions of a minor
>Polish satellites
>being this new
>russia would not stand a chance against our retarded ability to mobilize world wide on short notice.
this is the one thing most people seem to forget when they talk about "Muh Habbeding WW3 oh fug!"
How does anime somehow make braphogs look unattractive?
That is why Russia got Crimea so easily without shedding blood, because America has great mobilization.
They have openly stated several times that they are doing a super large exercise. Why is this even being discussed?
for (You)s ya damn simp
but they do!
that thing isnt in space, you can clearly see it sitting on a table
That's kinda like Germany getting the NW corner of Poland.
It had it in most incarnations under Prussia and they tend to vote more like Germans (pro-EU).
Kinda hard to say "no" to.
Obviously some jew in America thought it was important or they wouldn't have gone through the trouble of stirring up conflict in Ukraine.
imagine being this much of a brainlet
nice how fast Jow Forumstards reveal themselves these days
I mean, it was more than one, but yes.
No one's mobilizing a proper army for something like that.
Its in Polish so you wouldn't undersrand.
>Polish satellites
Nice one
MFW user says some really stupid shit.jpg
Those are some nice vehicle columns, shame if something happened to them
The US can dispatch a MEU anywhere on the planet within 48 hours. One MEU rivals most military forces on earth.
>polish satellites
not a single armored vehicle in that pic, most of them are civilian.
the highway of death was a result of 80's tech CBU use, which are next to useless against tanks and APCs.
unless Boris and Ivan are invading with UAZs and tractors, post something better.
and a MEU is also prone to nuclear annahilation, do you really think we are glassing the planet over the Baltics?
Why would Russia risk a war with NATO over Poland? If they were going to do that they'd strike Germany first while it's military has its head in the sand.
also forgot pic, cut me some slack it is late.
34 minutes
bby make that 10
Poland along with many other countries without space capable rocket technology do have satellites, but they are launched by other nations for a big fee. Elon Musk has launched dozens of satellites for nations like those. China launched one of Polands satellites in 2014. But they do not have observational satellites in orbit, they only have two really shitty science sats up there now, both supposed to be pointed away from Earth observing stars.
Yeee shooting at a russian column may incur a harsher penalty than strafing a highway of civilian traffic, would not reccommend.
>you see comrade when pointing spy sat away from earth nobody can catch you spying on hot ayy lmao ladies changing their panties on other planets
Forgot, hippies and vatniks hate that part
are you saying that bringing up a well documented case (documented by our own military) of bombing civilians makes me a vatnik?
nice brainwashing you got on there.
had the pilots done proper IFF and followed RoE it would have been avoided.
or are you trying to say that the tanks in your second pic were part of it?
in which case it is not the same road, are you even looking at the pics you are posting.
He is literally posting results that pop up when you google "Iraq column", don't try to educate an edgy boy who wasn't even born during OIF, let alone Desert Storm.
>OIF was 15 years ago
>Desert Storm was 27 years ago
Jesus Christ I feel old now.
6 days is the fastest time to get people on the ground.
Lol you don't agree with me, that's what makes you a vatnik.
>well documented case (documented by our own military) of bombing civilians
Uh, link?
We already have people on the ground in Europe.
>yes goyim kill your white brothers, tyrone will keep your gf company at home
lel i hope the majority of the population wouldn't stupid enough to go for another world war
the leftist mating call for cock
>r/liberalgunowners is probably a better place for you
.5 Rubles were deposited into your account!
>hippies because we don't want to die for no reason while killing other whites so zog can replace us faster with brown factory workers
Find it yourself faggot.
Do you know how the Americans first came into being? They were Whites once, bred by the dark powers. Blanda upped and sharted, a ruined and multicultural form of life. And now, perfected: my fighting Amerimutt.
And whom do you serve?
Jesus fucking christ give it a rest already, does it really matter that much to you if someone says someting that hurts your fee fees on the internet?
.5 Rubles have been deposited in your account!
Can you feel the BOOM BOOM BOOM?
>Polish satellites
>mongol rape babies
>fellow white
okay, guy
Why would anyone lie over Internet :^)
wow so original
>i bet it took hours to come up with that
hope you got a license to post that meme bud
>he doesn't know basic genealogy,
i guarantee you Russians have less Asian dna than Americans due to americans fucking any native woman they could find
>he doesn't plow natives like farmers plow the corn they picked.
>get raped for half a millennium by mongols
>spend the rest of the time literally trying to copy europe
>this will somehow make you white
>Polish satellites
i'm American you fag, i just don't think we should be exporting the modern liberal cancer that has taken over here the last 50+ years to every corner of the globe.
>how the fuck does it benefit us to pay for and coddle all of NATO
>how does dying over countries that are already committing suicide benefit us in any way?
>then these same countries shit on us economically and then beg us to defend them.
>why should we be the world's police, how does it benefit the average American ?
>self hating american
>reddit spacing
okay guy, make like a Russian heroin dealer and fuck off.
Did you even atleast try looking for it, kid?
.5 grams of heroin has been deposited into your bloodstream
>posts Jewish science
Oy vey
>fuck off
you probably knows lots about that, or does Tyrone make you go to the shed when he plows your wife ?
>livid non white
let me guess your last name, Rodriguez ?
I wouldn't know, my country entrusts me the right to own guns. Maybe you should ask daddy putin for some self-determination
>shitting on russians makes you anti-white
alright, guy. How about you fly over here in your su-57 oh wait russia spent all of its budget on heroin
Da. Borris is always saying this. But Borris also reported me to supervisor Ivan Ivanovitch for saying Mercedes is more reliable than Lada. Two days I have in lada re-education class watching lada promotional video about lada the peoples car from Russia and its varieties of excellence in fuel economy before they let me go back to cubicle. Fuck you Borris. That is what I am saying. Anyway today my name is Dave and I am from, eh, Alabama. I am supposed to write about Americans having another civil war with also some race war and how much fun that would be with the dressing up as Rambo and the shooting the mother in law. But fuck that. If they will not fix toilet blocked since Sergey had that mackerel salad then I will not be bothering. Nonetheless Russia stronk and Putin is most grandmaster of chess pieces.
Whatabout Vietnam? The military aggression from Estonia is very great. NATO wants our swamps badly.
My sister Natasha is prostitute in London. This in truth depresses me.
there has been accident
>more old 2000's memes
>more boomer projecting his own countries faults on another
>oh btw russia has better gun laws than california, new york, new jersy and i assume anywhere liberals like you are in charge , but you are too much of a 90 i.q brown person to look into it.
look for yourself, or do you think it's more spooooopy putin propaganda.
>also they have no nfa laws
>oh and the part about ten round mags is old and no longer in circulation
simultaneous landing of three battalions of paratroopers and 60 armored vehicles
still waiting for proofs but You sooner run out of goalposts it seems
Is he ok?
more like 24-48hr for Army RDFs
Everything else in this thread is literally cancer.
Crimea has 1000x times the strategic value of the entire Baltic region and the entire world just let Putin have it.
As long as the core NATO regions are left alone nobody will go to war.
Germans only have a 50% approval rate of the EU tho and the new Article 13 made it even worse.
Why would they attack Germany?
I think we would glass Russia over them fucking nuking an MEU
German here, your bullshit statistic is
54% of Germans currently view the EU as "generally favorable"
23% view it as "balanced"
and 20% view it as "generally unfavorable"
with the rest unsure.
Fuck off Ivan.
We would not send a MEU in the first place.
Have you not listened to a single word the people of the current administration have been saying since 2016?
Isolationism is the new black.
>if a member of the EU/NATO is invaded the US won't do anything
>We Germans are proud to be cucks and worship the EU
Pathetic, the death of your race is deserved.
"You know, we're dealing with NATO from the days of the Soviet Union, which no longer exists. We need to either transition into terror or we need something else."
"Germany owes vast sums of money to NATO, and the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany."
"I said a long time ago that NATO had problems: Number one, it was obsolete, because it was designed many, many years ago."
"We are spending a fortune on military in order to lose $800 billion (in trade losses). That doesn't sound very smart to me"
"They want (us) to protect against Russia, and yet they pay billions of dollars to Russia, and we're the schmucks paying for the whole thing."
"In an interview with Fox News, Trump was asked why the US should jump the defense of NATO ally Montenegro in the event of an attack. The president said he'd asked himself the same question, appearing undermine the military alliance's collective defense clause. Trump went on to describe Montenegrins as a "very strong" and "very aggressive," and that that aggression risked starting World War III."
Go lick Putin's balls.
>Everyone I don't like is Russian
Lappen, how can you defend the EU?
>Trump was asked why the US should jump the defense of NATO ally Montenegro in the event of an attack. The president said he'd asked himself the same question, appearing undermine the military alliance's collective defense clause.
nato fagots btfo
t. murica
>Defends the EU
>LOL why do you hate us
Let in more refugees, Nahles.
This is all art of the deal shit my nigga. Trump says these things to scare people into doing what he wants. We'd still help out Poland if they got invaded, it's one of the few Euro countries he actually likes.
Cause we, Germoney and France, rule Europe through it.
(So long Britain, you had your chance.)
We managed to accomplish what almost 2000 years of European struggle for hegemony did not reach.
Not the US, not the Russians, we, the fucking Europeans, are rulers of this continent.
And if you rather have Trump or Putin be your overlord, GO TO THEIR SHITHOLE COUNTRIES YOU DEGENERATE FUCK.
Proof you are German