Is an M1 Garand worth purchasing? I'm really just looking to be convinced. Whenever I ask someone this I usually just get told "uh yeah it's a garand man". The ammo isn't too expensive and isn't going away any time soon. It is a fair amount of money for a range toy whether you are buying from cmp or getting jewed in the secondary market. Just convince me Jow Forums.
M1 garand worth it?
Yes. Get it.
They were worth it when they were $500. Once garden-variety Garands started creeping up to $1000 they no longer were. Just wait for the Boomers to start dying and the market will be flooded. It'll be in almost the same condition as when they bought it because Boomers don't shoot "collectors' items".
The boomers will try to sell them for at least 2k before they die, and the ones that don't sell before they die, their lefty children will have turned in for a 50 dollar gift card at a local police station
I mean you can get them from cmp for 650
Just buy a field grade from the CMP for $650. Literally one of the best surplus deals you could possibly find.
I bought a field grade and a service grade and it was worth every penny from the CMP. My field grade has zero issues hitting gongs at 500 & 600 yards with M2 ball ammo made by S&B. Honestly just buy one and if you really dont like it, I can guarantee you can sell it for what you paid and more with no issues. Ammo isnt cheap but it really isnt that bad as long as you arent mag dumping like a retard. I killed an hour at the range yesterday with 5 clips and slow strings of fire and various distances.
I want to buy one for my first firearm. is there anything special about going through the cmp?
Its kind of a cumbersome rifle. That being said, i still really want one. Its just a cool rifle with lots of history. Eventually, they will go away. Anyway, get one or dont get one. Its inconsequential to me what you decide. Its just a cool gun imo.
uh yeah it's a garand man
in all seriousness, while it's not "worth" the $1k asking price they go for, they're fucking sweet rifles. cmp is your best bet nowadays