Recommend and discuss Jow Forums-related books.
(Not to be confused with the /wfg/ writefag general thread.)
Has anyone read these? Are they actually decent? Or is it cringey dystopian wish-fulfillment or Atlas Shrugged-lite?
no one?
The bracken books are supposed to be pretty good, Lind is an old weirdo whose ideology is a jumbled autistic mess.
Even though Stephen King is a fungrabbing turd, the Dark Tower is pretty Jow Forumsino.
Best books about the Rhodesian Bush War?
Also I'm reading Shattered Sword right now and I love it, suggestions for other botekino would be appreciated
Having not read them, I would have assumed the same. The premise of Lind's seems autistic in the way that Rand seems autistic.
>throw away entire Marine career because of one retarded woman and MUH INTEGRITY
my man
I asked this question in a previous thread and got some good answers but I forgot to write them down.
Does anyone have any good book recs about SOCOM forces operating anywhere in the middle east from 2001-Present. Preferably POV as they conduct operations and such. Doesn't have to be SOCOM but I would prefer more than your average grunt
bump for interest
Three Sips of Gin is good but a bit pricey.
Sounds pretty fucking great, thanks
Grunts tend to be better I think as most socom dudes have ghostwriters. Takes away the grit
Fireforce, the untouchables
The first and second acts of The Stand are cool too honestly.
They are alright. In reading the second one right now.
Victoria is an amazing clusterfuck. It's the best bad military fiction ever. Tom Kratman and Joh Ringo have nothing on this. Do you want T-34s from the Tsar, lesbians that can't beat the cock, light motherfucking rail, Imperial Japanese dive bombers, and a Swastika-shaped building so large it can be seen from space? Combine that with fanfic-tier writing and wingut politics so blunt you could use it to beat a man to death, and you have a wonderful marinade.
If the answer isn't "Fuck yes, I want to read this!" you don't have a sense of humor.
I have humor. I don't have 20+ hours and $20+ to spare.
I’ve always wanted one of those discrete gun books, how does one hollow out a book like that?
for whom the bell tolls
i'm on book 4 of the dark tower a month and a half in. i'm devouring thi/k/ino shit. highly recommend
I'm gay for Roland