What are your thoughts on the US southern border be literally invaded by fighting age men with assault rifles and...

What are your thoughts on the US southern border be literally invaded by fighting age men with assault rifles and camouflage?


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If they're brown, gun 'em down.

but that isn't happening
we are being invaded by a foreign force without putting up any resistance

Right, I'm saying that's what we should be doing.

well then go do it
our leadership is too impotent to protect our national sovereignty

>we are being invaded by a foreign force without putting up any resistance

Attached: FirstAmericans.jpg (620x388, 106K)

Looks like a Drug convoy. The guys with packs are carrying in drugs (that is how some illegals come in without having to pay a smuggler) and the guys with the rifles are drug cartel escorts (coyotes).

It’s basically drug cartels taking advantage of people who want to cross into the US

usa needs to anex mexico and then clean the place out then give it back

and yet why are they able to do this unopposed?

Coyote is a term that refers to people smugglers not cartel caravan guards. Calling them that is just as erroneous as calling them sicarios, wise guys or вop в зaкóнe

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>then give it back
was with you up to here

What happened to those armed volunteers who defend the border?

thrown in jail for racism probably

I visit the desert frequently in Southern California. It would be a shame if some .308 bullets fly over the berm and accidentally one or two in BLM land.

>usa needs to anex mexico and then genocide the natives

Colonized by Vikings
Shows Spaniards on island in Atlantic

>with packs are carrying in drugs
Or explosives

Cause they'll vote Democrat

The Spaniards had it wrong

They were false flagged into submission

the Dems don't currently control any branch of government, there is no excuse for Republican impotence

Cheap labor for big business and farms

Alright, say you're a Jow Forumsommando living somewhere along the border. What's stopping you from ambushing some drug convoy? As long as you kill everybody and dont take anything they cant really catch you, right?

Protip: The R's and the D's are on the same side, and it's not ours.

id stick to just dropping 1 at a time and evading. a massacre will draw attention. 1 is irrelevant.

You think these crossings just started happening?