I read that during the north Hollywood shootout the LAPDs shotguns we're ineffective against the bank robbers
Why? We're they shooting from too far a range or what?
I read that during the north Hollywood shootout the LAPDs shotguns we're ineffective against the bank robbers
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head to toe homemade body armor. they covered themselves in kevlar taken from vests.
prob pumped on so many roids thewy dint feel anything but light bee stings.
that or they were too busy being happy with the money they stole.
that or they were working with LAPD and the cops were using blanks
That, and their center of mass was covered in Level III armor(unbeknownst to them). There's a reason that officers that even the safest suburia communities have an AR in the car.
Police with shotguns and handguns going up against 2 fully armored robbers with a full auto M16 and ak
Only one of them had head to toe body armor, the other guy just had a vest.
Yet nobody died in that shootings. Even the perpetrators would have lived had it not been for one self-terminating and the other being denied treatment
I wish there were bodycams back then
>Lol 38
>Lol 9mm
>Lol 12 gauge
And then after that they changed to 45 like that would change anything
pretty much, plus the BGs were on drugs and had a shit load of ammo. The cops raided a gun shop for ARs and then used a Brinks truck to get closer.
If you watch the full vid you can see that the cops let the last perp bleed-out before arresting him
Given it's the LAPD they just missed a lot.
Unlike boomers want you to think, shooting somebody wearing body armor with a shotgun, even soft armor, won't liquefy their insides or "knock em right down". It is definitely worth considering what kind of ammo/distances were involved though, shotguns(particularly buckshot) lose velocity and energy pretty quickly over distance, and IIRC LAPD used to use #4 for a while back in the day although im not sure when they switched off of it. Getting hit with a spread out load of #4 from 50yrds would probably feel a lot different than a slug or load of 00 at 5.
Dogs were so loaded with barbiturates and adrenaline that one of them was fighting with double-digit gunshot wounds.
Also this was in the middle of a neighborhood. They tried to stop them at first, but after a while, continuing to try and shoot at those distances would be the equivalent of suppressive fire. Really not good in this setting, nor necessary. They needed range and penetration.
yeah if it drops a deer or elk it's going to drop a person.
They just missed because they weren't trained to fire while taking fire.
>needed range and penetration.
What in the fuck kind of deer or elk are you shooting that wear body armor ?
Sounds fucking extreme bro, do they get to shoot back too ?
Because no one snuck their shit and tried to get a headshot, instead they tried running up and playing dodge -a- bullet.
I can guarantee if that was in a flyover state all the vets in the neighborhoods would probably have taken pot shots at them.
I want to shoot you wearing body armor.
This is the actual armor worn by Larry Phillips, the other guy only had a vest. One cop who did land a hit with a 12 gauge from something like 50 or 60 yards away, but only one of the pellets hit Phillips where he had no armor, right in his asscheek.
Sure thing, right after you let me shoot you in the head with a .22. Those things will drop a world prize grizzly like "That!".
do I get to stand a hundred yards away while on drugs as you lob 9mm at me ?
do I get to shoot back with a rifle ?
why cant i find good footage of this?
Only place you can get hd quality stuff is from the studios who had helicopters above it, pretty much, but I imagine they won't just give it away.
northhollywoodshootout.com has some good clips and is an interesting read either way.
They weren't on drugs. That was mistakenly reported because drugs were found in their apartment.
>implying you wouldn't want to take a shot at a shooter from your front porch
Because shotguns are shit against armor and it took rifles borrowed from a gun store to put them down.
>tfw the most notorious gunfight in California history was stopped by civilian ownership and they still don't see the value in it.
>why were shotguns ineffective?
Because the robbers weren't birds
>What in the fuck kind of deer or elk are you shooting that wear body armor ?
Ever since we’ve been able to keep and arm bears. Evolution, bro.
>Hollywood shootout the LAPD
the wikipedia does not tell the whole
>two robbers rob bank
>shoot out insures
>male robber shots self
>female robbers dies from wounds
wtf is there any details of the shootout ?
It was like 30 years ago unless you were filming a movie, you just didn't get good footage. You just got footage. I look back at the skate videos I used to watch as a kid like 'how the fuck did I know what was happening'
>Female robber
Is this revisionist history? I've seen like 4 documentaries about this and never heard of one of the robbers being a woman.
its retarded as fuck. first responders probably thought they were dealing with nog with a knife and swat swoops in to kill robbers. nothing heres screams abnormal just muh hollywood
is emily unisex? pretty sure its female
I've met guys named Kelly and Maurice, so who the fuck knows.
Holy shit... This is bait.
The dude was fucking Romanian, and it's "Emil" not "Emily". 2 male robbers. No women in sight.
Soft armor will stop pretty much all shotgun payloads. That's not to say it's not gonna hurt like a son of a bitch or even kill you anyway a la severe blunt force trauma. But buckshot at fuckin 50 yards into a good Kevlar vest probably isn't gonna stop someone.
my wifes son is named ashley so very possible.
youre right wiki says emil thought it was emily
>mfw i first learned that "Riley" is a female name in the US
>But buckshot at fuckin 50 yards into a good Kevlar vest probably isn't gonna stop someone.
Why would you attempt using a shotgun at this range if it's not a durr or a birb?
50 yards isnt all that far. ive taken several hogs from around that distance using buckshot
its unisex like alex or stacey or shannon not female like jennifer or bethany
youre pursuing an armed robber with shotgun in hand. do you pursue robber or rationalize your weapon of choice and ask your deputies for another firearm?
>Why would you attempt using a shotgun at this range if it's not a durr or a birb?
That would be a great question to ask the 10+ officers that tried to do exactly that
I've only heard of men named Riley. Except that one girl(you know who)
firing from the hip while dancing around, neat
first officer to arrive on the scene shot one in the lower back with a 12 gauge loaded with buckshot, it was stopped by the soft body armor and a firefight ensued.
Rifles would have put this shit down pretty quick.
what does it feel like to be shot with body armor on?
how would I know, watch a damn documentary if you have questions about the event
Couldn't they have used slugs?
Cops with 50AE when
I would unironically start shooting at cops at the slightest inconvenience. There's no fucking way a cop is hitting anything with any .50 handgun.
Idea: we convince the public in California that 9mm is far too destructive for law enforcement
cops cant do much in a shoot out using .22 and the whole of California kills each other.
You'd save alot of time and money and collateral damage by just giving California to the Mexicans.
>Except that one girl
Was she a ranger by chance?
>Imagine being so gay you don't get the reference
No, slugs won't penetrate higher rated kevlar
John Wayne's real name was Marion.
Mmm dark skinned thots
At least I hope you mean Raven Riley
It's a female name in the US ?
You take that back.
They already own it
Everything south of the bay sure.
>I look back at the skate videos I used to watch as a kid like 'how the fuck did I know what was happening'
fucking same man, I don't know why but my friends and I just absolutely couldn't film for shit. Now I'm rock solid with a camera but no one skates anymore.
Its ok user. I still skate.
>that pic
>numerous police and civilian casualties
>scene still not secure
>suspect only had wounds to his lower extremities
They made the right call not getting him treatment until the actual victims got treatment and the scene was secure.
Slugs are just balls of lead, user. They're pretty much worthless for piercing body armor.
Now. sabot slugs...
My 590A1 patterns well enough that at 40 yards all except 1 pellet out of 18 (2 shots of 9 pellets) hit the man-sized target. The majority were in the torso and chest. I was pretty damned impressed.
So yeah, I would. But I'd be considering collateral damage much more at that point.
Or just do one of my tacticool oper8or moves and get a slug off the side saddle into the chamber.
Sorry I was thinking against an unarmored target. Against an armored one I'd try to use only slugs after dumping as much buckshot as I could as fast as I could at them.
A pellet in the unarmored face is a problem. A slug likely won't penetrate, but neither would Babe Ruth swinging a 10 pound sledgehammer into your chest if you were wearing Kevlar.
this is actually false.
Officers went to get guns but by the time they returned with them it was over.