You've been doing your dry fire practice right user?
Dry Fire
bad 4 (my) gun
Get snap caps then you derf ass nibba
You don't need snap caps. Dry-firing center fire guns doesn't hurt them.
That'll break your firing pin and turn it into a lethal projectile. That makes your gun legally capable of shooting armor piercing bullets which means you committed a felony. Don't dry fire, it'll ruin your gun and your life.
Reminder that dryfiring is something basedboys who are bothered by the recoil of 9mm and poorfags who can't afford ammo do to pretend they're practicing. Live ammo or nothing.
>he needs to ride like 50 miles to train a skill he can develop sitting on his couch
LMAO @ you
Yes, because my 1911 has the wierdest fucking trigger and I’m determined to still do okay with it until I get a trigger job
You might be retarded. It's not up to center fire or rimfire, some guns will break firing pins if you dry fire them, most moderns one dont do that, but if you dry fire say a 1911a1 you stand a good chance over time to shatter the firing pin
>people who are more skilled and determined than me actually practice to get better
Get out of here baitfag