can we have a levergat thread? how do we feel about leather accessories?
Can we have a levergat thread? how do we feel about leather accessories?
levergat's are the true patrician's gat and .30-30 is the true patrician reloader's round
fite me
id like to get a marlin 1894 in 357 because it has all the features i want, mainly a 16" threaded barrel (its 16.5" but close enough). the problem is i loathe the idea of buying a new production marlin. do i just roll the dice and hope i get a good one? chances are i will but its just the idea of new production marlin/remington/whatever thats throwing me off.
my other option is to buy an older gun and have it sent off to be chopped and threaded.
My dad had an octogon 30-30 but idk what happened to it. I toyed with the idea of getting one, or maybe a 45-70 and he got pissy and said go 22lr or maybe 17hmr...
Discuss? I think it has to do with my priorities and $
Why on God's green earth do you want a threaded muzzle of a lever gat? Are you gay or something?
YES, YES!!!!!
What make and model is this or is it a custom job?