Why isn't this pistol more popular? It fucking rocks

Why isn't this pistol more popular? It fucking rocks.

Attached: krH5JHZ.jpg (4032x3024, 2.75M)

What Glock is that?

poorfags think they can't afford Sig so they spout off dumb memes about exetershit and nu sig (despite the only Sig guns with problems being polymer framed striker fired pistols)

Because sig shit the bed in regards to quality. It was about 13years ago when they were at the ass end of acceptable.

Worst hansgun ive ever owned

I really like it. I think it's because Sig doesn't really advertise it. Sig hate aside, people who know of it in passing think it's a poor man's sig hammer gun, and skip it.

>buts it's only 2018

Prettymuch this. I'll stick with my g brand g.

I handled one, and didn't care much for the trigger. Still, they were amazing values when they were priced around $350. Now that they're often north of $500, not so much.

Probably because if you drop it, its either going to blow your brains out, hit a ball, or blast a toe off

>sig is a shit tier developer who has no fisregard to saftey or holds true to their word

That's not a P320 you dingus.