Boot knives

Tell me about your boot knives. What kind? How do you fit it comfortably? I need a way to carry my backup backup weapon

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This is my zombie boot knife. If I need to be a sheepdog, I can penetrate a car hood and have my nutfancy lips prolapse and put on my oakleys

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what is this comic trying to say

Either MUH LOBERTS ARE ACTUALLY NAZEES or how corporatists are pandering to lefties hard right now.

Liberty and Order VS Communists and The Rich
Basically communists and rich dickheads with too much power and influence are a bad thing for society.

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Communists and capitalists both support the NWO while libertarians and fascists both oppose it.

Never understood this point of using a boot knife for SD, any other reason to use a knife it’s more practical to mount it conventionally.
No offence but if you can’t end the threat with a primary and a back up, the odds that you’re going to come out on top with a third weapon particularly one inside your boot.... practically speaking is 0

Marxists and multinational rootless capitalists (aka google, Nike, Coca Cola, Facebook) are working together to subvert western civilization. The monopoly man realizes that the best consumer is an identity-less deracinated person with no strong religious or ethnic ties. In this case any identity along ethnic national or religious lines is replaced with consumerism. Global capitalism works best in a borderless nation. Flooding America with third worlders creates a massive labor surplus while accomplishing the erosion of identity. The fascist already knows this and is this trying to save his nation and people in the tug of war metaphor. The libertarian is also fighting against cultural Marxism. Seeing the monopoly man on the other end of the rope is just as confusing for him as seeing the fascist fight for the same cause (saving western civilization from globo-homo)

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Get the fuck out of here and go back to fucking Jow Forums. We really should have let the russians just kill all the fucking germans after the war was over and I still question on why the fuck after everything the allies did in world war 2 we ended up being a bunch of whiteknight moralfags and decided to save the stupid fucking nazi germans and the civilian germans. We should have just left them to starve to death and destroyed germany and made their language and culture ceased to exist but noooooooo we had to help the little pathetic germans because the russians were doing the ounishing first and we can't have that oh no muh poor little fucking pathetic krauts!

Letting the german race and the nation itself live was a fucking mistake.

Go back to Jow Forums

Exactly. Sad to see "liberty" minded people not seeing the corporation jew right in front of their faces. Turn off the TV consumerist twats!

It is the former.

Someone please tell me that this is copypasta.

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No it isn’t


Imagine you're sitting down in your car with the seat belt on. How confident are you that you can grab a knife from your belt or pocket?

It isn't... i checked

Go back to Jow Forums

>leave my safespace IMMEDIATELY
grow a pair and learn how to hide threads

I don't need a knife; I have minions for that sort of thing.

there's an old saying about capitalism assimilating all threats to itself

every time the rich start hearing guillotines in the distance
they go to work dividing and subverting the public into attacking the wrong targets instead.

usually it's racial. This time around it's a combination of that and tricking progressive kids into defending the status quo, suppressing free speech (which you kinda need to have political discourse and identify actual problems) and marginalising and emasculating anyone with fighting spirit

Attached: itsthejews.png (662x927, 621K)

>When the capitalists elites suppress freedom of speech and oppresses you so you turn to an ideology that also suppresses freedom of speech and oppresses you but you think it looks cool while doing it

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Hey as long as the only triggering I have to worry about is the party that's pro my ethnic background Im happy. Better than getting fucked by special interest groups over minor shit that changes with whatever the jewivision says this week.

Even if that means stripping rights for “security” of your race?

This faggot right here would give up his rights so long as it's other white people taking them away.

All of the day

Hitler actually loosened gun restrictions when he came to power.

That does make me think, where would the best place be to store a rescue knife ina car. Forget what it’s called, has a nut for breaking car windows and a blade for cutting off the seatbelt

>muh horseshoe theory

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Horseshoe theory makes sense if the center is nationalism and the extremes are capitalism and communism.


But what you just said doesn't make sense

Fascists side with Libertarians against Communists, who are being helped by Big Companies, even though that makes no sense. It's really annoying for me, since I don't like Fascists, Commies, or the Rich.
Really the only people who came out worse were the jews, but they made their own bed after the 1918 communist uprising.

this comic is such BS
just because you call Democrats "commies" doesn't actually make them communists

It's poetical, in a way.

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>Horseshoe theory makes sense if the center is nationalism and the extremes are capitalism and communism.
That doesn't make any sense at all if you look at what is traditionally "left" and "right." The problem with horseshoe theory is that it is very narrow in what it looks at in terms of what is "left" and what is "right" because more often than not there are some points intermingled. It's just as stupid as saying only people on the left care about the environment because they drive hybrid cars and are open advocates for climate change. You could only think this if you ignore the conservationists on the right that protect public lands and strongly advocate for hunters.

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spare me

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Nobody said Democrats. The fact that you saw the Communist flag and immediately associated it with the Democrats is more interesting, honestly.

there are literal violent masked Bolsheviks marching in our streets

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Big business and communists vs fascists and libertarians. Basically, both sides teammates make no sense.

Sidebar. I hate Communism more than anything in the world but it doesn't come out of a vacuum. Boomers sucked all the prosperity out of this country, either via manipulation of the real estate market or by shipping jobs overseas by the boatload, and this is how their kids respond. If you convince an entire generation that they don't even have a fighting chance, this is what you get.

As long as China owns half of our real estate, India half of our upper middle class jobs, and elderly boomers 90% of our economic value, it'll get worse and worse.

that's not how you spell Jews


This the correct pic. I use a scuba knife made in Japan from the 90’s

the thing about horseshoe theory is that even the "left" in most if the Anglosphere is waaaay over on the right.

How so exactly?
Anyone not fully on the Revolutionary Socialism train is right wing?

I just wanted boot knife conversation

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>socialized medicine
>gun bans
>social welfare
>"waaaay over on the right"

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it's ok as long as it's your side doing the oppressing

Shouldn't have used a blatant Jow Forums bait image
A lot of this isn't really inherent to the left, or at least what the left really is. What you're talking about is just neoliberalism, which everyone hates excepts neolibs themselves.

Horseshoe theory is an entirely ridiculous concept rooted in the false dichotomy of "One similarity makes an entire likeness."
It's the argument that you have no freedom if you can't fuck a baby in the ass as it descends the birth canal. You may as well just say that Hitler and Stalin are exactly alike because they both drink water, or more particularly absurd, that a pro liberty and constitutional rights candidate like Ron Paul is the same as a globo homo candidate like Hillary because at some point in their life, they've both advocated for breathing air. It's essentially an excuse for people who don't want to pick a side to ride the fence, but still have the pretense of being a big brain nigga and comment on political subjects, suspiciously, only directing criticism toward the RIGHT, but not really towards neoliberalism or neoconservativism, or any majorly left wing ideology other than a broad, vague, and shallow distancing remark.
Furthermore, the whole principle in and of itself is flawed in that it relies of the correct answer to a given question ACTUALLY BEING closest toward the middle of the extremes, under the assumption that not only does it invariably lie there, but that the extremes presented by the one party that frames the question are truly the actual extremes.
It is as though my car is too loud, but the muffler's in the back, and the timing belt is pretty far to the front, therefore the problem lies in the driver seat headrest or the center console.
The broken at the end are much further to the rear than to the center.

It's mostly a commentary on lolberts finally beginning to see by corporatists pandering hard to communists, or rather communists taking to the streets with their company's HR policy as their belief system, that both Communists and monopoly man lie at the end of the rope, pulling them to their detriment.

2/10 for making me respond