This was made in 2013

>this was made in 2013
what the shit?

I have a tape recorder from 1987 that looks more advanced and sleeker than this shit

what the fuck went through the head of the guys who designed this?

Attached: 2-courtesy-usfirearms.com_.jpg (1200x734, 183K)

USFA is an autistic company and they should have stuck with making SAA repros.

im honestly surprised how retarded the designer was
>no feed ramps
>no extractor
>polymer low mass bolt in a blowback gun
you know you fucked up when the old ring of fire companies made better .22s

They should, they were glamorous.

I've always been very upset that pic related died for the Zip22.

Attached: medium800.jpg (800x600, 85K)

Is there anyone else today who make even close to as nice Single-Action Army clones as USFA used to?

I know Cimmaron and a few other Italians make some, but how do they compare?

People are shitting on the ZiP for it's design, which is deserved, but the concept is brilliant. The ZiP 22 was the most cyberpunk gun ever made and is actually a genius idea.
It was supposed to be the Raspberry Pi of firearms.
>Cheap - It was designed to be mass produced and incredibly cheap. If it had been successful, it could have been sold new for $35-50, new.
>Modular - It meant to be utilized in a variety of functions, and attached to a variety of systems; much like a Raspberry Pi.
>Modern - It is a semiautomatic firearm, not an antiquated design. The ergonomics are experimental and meant to challenge conventions.
>Online - The accessories were sold through Amazon, while it was in production. The company realized that selling non-FFL items through a massive 3rd party platform was superior to other retailers. If the firearms themselves could actually be sold through Amazon, USFA would have done it.
The ZiP 22 is actually a fantastic idea, that was poorly executed.

I hope someone else picks up on the concept and we put them in Happy Meals in the future.

Attached: battle-zip-22.png (547x244, 52K)

Shut the fuck up, nerd.

the raspberry PI actually works and isn't a raging POS

Third zip thread of the day.
Ian has more influence than i thought.

design != concept