Jow Forumsampus Thread

Jow Forumsampus Thread
Miners 2.0 Edition
MO subedition

Last one was fairly productive.

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First for NW Missouri discord needs to exist.
[spoiler]I'm stupid though, so I don't know how [/spoiler]

SLUfag here, the dindus are extra rampant lately

That's rough. Hope you make it through

How is s&t is it as bad as msu? UCM here

GMU is big enough that there has to be someone else here

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Gtfo mizzou

S&T is fun if you don't care about the tiny ass town. I don't hate it yet

Hi fellow SLUt, enjoying another year at our extremely oversensitive and depressing campus? I would but im in Spain this semester so i get a whole different kind of Missouri hehe

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Any Jow Forumsommandos know of any good gun stores or places to shoot around here?

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