Jow Forumsampus Thread
Miners 2.0 Edition
MO subedition
Last one was fairly productive.
Jow Forumsampus Thread
Miners 2.0 Edition
MO subedition
Last one was fairly productive.
First for NW Missouri discord needs to exist.
[spoiler]I'm stupid though, so I don't know how [/spoiler]
SLUfag here, the dindus are extra rampant lately
That's rough. Hope you make it through
How is s&t is it as bad as msu? UCM here
GMU is big enough that there has to be someone else here
Gtfo mizzou
S&T is fun if you don't care about the tiny ass town. I don't hate it yet
Hi fellow SLUt, enjoying another year at our extremely oversensitive and depressing campus? I would but im in Spain this semester so i get a whole different kind of Missouri hehe
Any Jow Forumsommandos know of any good gun stores or places to shoot around here?